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Useful references and documents

(link to previous documents and discussions)

  File Modified
PDF File GSSO action plan -final report jan07-2021v6.pdf 2021-Feb-19 by Francis Lau
PDF File GSSO action plan - infographic_v0.5.pdf 2021-Feb-19 by Francis Lau
PDF File GSSO action plan -summary.pdf 2021-Feb-19 by Francis Lau
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet GSSO concepts analysis feb18-2021v0.3.xlsx 2021-Feb-19 by Francis Lau
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet SexGenderCRG_ConceptsForReview_20210209.xlsx 2021-Feb-19 by John Snyder

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  1. Folks, I just uploaded these Gender, Sex and Sexual Orientation (GSSO) documents:

    1. GSSO action plan full report
    2. GSSO action plan summary report
    3. GSSO action plan infographic
    4. concepts analysis of SCT concepts

    These are co-created work products from last year by our CIHR planning project team, Infoway Sex and Gender Working Group and participants from organisations and communities. Please note they are all work-in-progress and will be updated over time

    Thanks -francis

  2. Greetings,

    I added the SexGenderCRG_ConceptsForReview_20200219.xlsx file to aid in the review of content already in SNOMED CT. The file is based on the March 2021 US Edition and contains concepts from both the US Extension and International edition of SNOMED CT.

    The content is constrained to only concepts found under 118199002 |Finding relating to sexuality and sexual activity (finding)|, however, the list still represents 529 concepts. To help mitigate the number of concepts for review, any concepts that are subtypes of the following two concepts have been flagged in column H as a "Concept of Interest":

    • 365956009 |Finding of sexual orientation (finding)|

    • 285116001 |Gender identity finding (finding)|

    The "Concept of Interest" flag reduces the number of concepts to 28.

    If there are concepts in other hierarchies that should be added to this file, please let me know and I will update the file.

    Thanks - John

    P.S. For the SNOMED team, the file was generated using transitive closure processing in SQL Server and not ECL so that the source module identifier could be included. If the file needs to be enhanced with additional content for review, please send me the SuperType parent concept(s) to be added.

  3. FYI, for anyone interested in attending.

    Host: Sex & Gender Minority Research Office

    Webinar #4: Intersections of Discrimination and the Prospective Mental Health of LGB Youth and Adults

    Speaker: Allen Mallory, PhD, Presidential Postdoctoral Scholar, The Ohio State University

    March 31, 2021 – 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern – Via Webex (Registration Required(link is external))


    Abstract: Discrimination is a persistent risk factor for compromised mental health among sexual minority people. However, few studies examine the long-term implications of experiencing discrimination tied to multiple identities (e.g., race, gender, and sexual orientation) for the mental health of sexual minority youth and adults. In this talk, I will discuss the importance of intersectionality for thinking about minority stressors in diverse groups of sexual minority people, and present studies examining how discrimination tied to multiple identities was associated with the prospective mental health of sexual minority youth and adults. Three intersectional hypotheses regarding how multiple forms of discrimination intersect to impact the mental health of sexual minority people over time were tested and will be discussed: the additive, inuring, and multiplicative hypotheses. The implications of the research include thinking more deeply about how adolescence and young adulthood may be critical developmental periods when discrimination may have a stronger impact on mental well-being for sexual minority people, and future directions for research on intersectional minority stress and the health and well-being of sexual minority people.