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How to preview the changes that will be made to a concept by task classification before saving the classification results. Prequisites: Classification has been run on the task but not yet saved.


Press View Classification (completed <date-time stamp>) in the LH button bar Classification sub-menu.

The Classification Report is loaded, showing a tabulated list of concepts affected by task classification.

Press the Preview button to the right of a classification result.

A "retrieving concept before/after information..." notification panel is presented in the page header whilst the information is being loaded.

The preview pane then opens below the classification results, showing a before/after Inferred model diagram view of the concept.

The "before" model diagram in the Inferred view shows an incomplete model since classification results are not yet saved.

The model diagram can be toggled between Inferred and Stated views.

The "before" model diagram in the Stated view shows the concept model defined in the task. For simple new lead-node concepts defined as children of a high-level SNOMED CT concept , the before/after model diagrams may well be identical, but much depends on the concept ancestors and their inferred relationships. For concepts created "deeper" in SNOMED CT there are likely to be additional inferred relationships in the "after" modelling.

The left-hand side of the Preview Pane presents the Taxonomy View panel, showing the concept's location within the SNOMED CT taxonomy. This can also be toggled between Stated View and Inferred View, via the drop-down selector in the top left of the taxonomy view panel. In the Inferred view this has no location to show yet, since the classification results are not yet saved.

The Taxonomy View panel can also be toggled between showing the FSN (in en-US) or the Preferred Term (in en-US), via the drop-down selector in the top right of the taxonomy view panel.