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How to login, get to my tasks, and start authoring content in the International Authoring Platform.

Log in to the International Authoring Platform


Go to the International AP in your web browser.

The International AP uses the SNOMED International IMS to authenticate and authorise access via a registered account. If you're already registered with an existing SNOMED International Jira/Confluence account which has been granted AP access then you can use those credentials.

If you are not logged in to the AP, your web browser will be redirected to IMS for account authentication and access authorisation. You will see the IMS login screen in your web browser. Enter your account name and password.

If you check the Automatic log in box before pressing Log In, your credentials will be cached, so that your account name and password are automatically entered in the form when you next need to log in.

With your credentials entered, press Log In.

If your credentials cannot be authenticated or your account is not authorised for access to the AP, then IMS will reload the login screen so you can try again with updated credentials.

Once authenticated and authorised, your web browser will then be redirected back to the AP URL which triggered the authorisation and authentication process. At this point you will have an authorised account session cookie in your web browser which means you will no longer be prompted for account credentials until either you have explicitly logged off or closed your web browser.

If the main URL above was used to open the International AP, you will then see the Dashboard - My Tasks view, and a blue notification box will show in the page header stating "All tasks loaded" (the header notification will automatically close after a brief interval, or you can press the X button in its upper right corner to close it manually).

If this is the first time you have used the AP (or all your existing tasks have been either promoted or deleted) then you will see an empty Dashboard listing view. This is where your tasks will be listed once created.

At this point you're in the International AP and ready to author content in your own tasks or review content created in other tasks by other authors.

Not the International AP?

If you have access permissions to more than one Authoring Platform, it's possible to inadvertently log into one of the others (perhaps via a bookmarked address) when the International AP was your intention, and they can appear almost identical in style and layout apart from the task names of any previously created tasks. Please verify the domain name in your browser's address bar if you're not sure, and if it's not what you intended, simply logout and start over with the International AP URL (

See my tasks


Go to the AP domain name web address. The default AP page is the Dashboard My Tasks view.

Go to the AP home page web address. This opens the Dashboard My Tasks view.

OR (from anywhere in the application)
Open the page header drop down menu and press My Tasks in the overlaid menu options list.

OR (from any Dashboard view)
Press My Tasks in the Dashboard view left sidebar menu.

The Dashboard My Tasks view is presented.

Create a new task

Open one of my tasks (open task as an Author)

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