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July 2022 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to August 2022 Production (Version 2 POST VERSIONING) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files0

0 records added/updated as expected

Concept files710

590 records added/updated, plus

120 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

Description files1649

1529 records added/updated, plus

120 records inactivated (ALMOST matches - 1255 in the report - raised....

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

Relationship files10240

6662 records added/updated, plus

3578 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

Relationship Concrete Values files211

205 records added/updated, plus

6 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

OwlExpression files2014

1867 records added/updated, plus

147 records inactivated

XXXXXXX 145 in initial Summary Stats report....same in the new final Summary report...

Peter confirmed in INFRA-9492 that the issue here is with the content team updating already-inactive components.  This shouldn't be allowed (as agreed with the content team) and so the report doesn't account for this kind of ill-advised (but not technically illegal) change.  However, we've raised RP-617 to keep an eye on how many of these type of changes occur each cycle, and make a call from there as to whether or not we need the AP to completely block these changes, or if they're actually useful valid changes?

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

Stated Relationship files0

0 records updated, plus

0 records inactivated, plus

0 records added

As expected due to full migration to OWLExpression file in the July 2019 International Edition

TextDefinition files18

17 records added/updated, plus

1 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

SimpleMap files468

468 records added/updated, plus

0 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches with:

  • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 468 (as per the number of 900000000000497000 records in the SimpleMap diff files, + it's exactly the same number as new concepts this cycle - see Summary Component Stats report above) PLUS
  • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 0 new + 0 inactivation, which match with those in the SimpleMap diff report sent by Rick via email on 15/07/22 at 00:54

Which matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 13:48 on  

  • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     0            +
    • Total New mapped entries this release     0
  • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
    • Total Retired mapped entries this release     0
ExtendedMap files353

321 records added/updated, plus

32 records inactivated

Which matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 14:17 on  :

  • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     1            +
    • Total New mapped entries this release     320
  • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     1        +
    • Total Retired mapped entries this release     31
Simple Refset files52

51 records added/updated, plus

1 records inactivated

ModuleDependency files


3 records updated, as expected for August 2022 effectiveTimes

Readme file

August 2022 dates updated + Beta "x" prefixes removed, as expected

MRCM AttributeDomain files0

0 records added/updated as expected

MRCM AttributeRange files0

0 records added/updated as expected

MRCM Domain files0

0 records added/updated as expected

Association Reference files333

261 records added/updated, plus

72 records inactivated expected as the totals ALMOST match exactly with Summary Component Stats report, but this report was run BEFORE we manually added in the 15 new records as part of the fixes in ISRS-1271 (spot checked these manually and they are present in new Association Snapshot + Full files as planned), so this brings us much closer to the figures in Comparison Diff files.

In order to get an accurate comparison, we have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals from the RF2 files (manually tallied from the new Association Snapshot files) and add them to the "Hist Assoc" tab in the Summary Component Report:

SEP (from RF2 diff files) = 48 changes:

This then, adds to the "Association" totals in the final refsets tab, in the Summary report stats:

  • 71 inactivations +
  • 234 new/updated records

Makes a total of:

  • 72 inactivations +
  • 261 new/updated records  

Which matches exactly with the counts I got above from the RF2 files!!  

Attribute Value files635

634 records added/updated, plus 

XXXXXXX 633 in initial Summary Stats report....same in the new final Summary report...

MANUAL validation in the DIFF files confirms:

  • 567 records added brand new +
  • 68 records updated/inactivated:
    • 1 inactivated
    • 67 updated:
      • 44 updated existing active records
      • 23 re-activated from previous inactive records

Peter confirmed that this is a reporting issue only - fixed in - so if you check out the new report here you'll see it now matches 624 added/updated + 1 inactivated:

1 records inactivated expected as the totals ALMOST match exactly with Summary Component Stats report

Language refset files3288

3053 records added/updated, plus

235 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

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