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The meeting time for the December 14th call is 20:00 UTC not 21:00 UTC.

Contributors (2)


  1. Dear Bruce,
    Unfortunately I am not available at this time so please accept my apologies.
    I think the list of allergen groups is a good starting point and as I mentioned at the last meeting it is a close match to what we have developed for our decision support systems. I would be happy to work on this and share more in the New Year.  The hierarchy also looks fine in principle. However just to bear in mind that for creating a decision support knowledge base it is the potential for cross reactivity or common adverse reaction that is important rather than the underlying mechanism (i.e. allergy vs pseudoallergy) but this could be clear in the implementation guide.
    I hope you have a good meeting and am very pleased to contribute to the important work that you and the group are doing. Well done to all so far!
    My best wishes to you and all the group.
    David Woods

  2. Thanks David. The files I posted for the next meeting come from the substance redesign project and a rapid decision is required as to which groupers can be retired. If you have a chance, please take a look and provide any input.

