
Hi everyone

Happy New Year to you all.

We are very sorry that Bruce has stepped down from leading this group and is retiring - he has done a brilliant job over the years in keeping the topic moving and also supporting SNOMED in other endeavours. We will miss him.

So what next for this group?

There clearly needs to be new leadership and discussion about the direction of the CRG, particularly as the allergy implementation guide is progressing.

We would appreciate views of the group on direction and leadership, so be great to hear thoughts of members here for discussion. And we would propose a call at your regular time in February i.e. 18.30 UTC on 10 February

Look forward to hearing your thoughts and discussing on the 10th and your continued support.

Best wishes

Ian and Jane

A reminder that the Clinical Engagement team are holding Wednesday, 29th, January 2020 at 20:00 UTC.  The meeting will last for two hours, and provide an overview of current clinical workgroup activity. Details of meeting are posted here - 2020-01-29 - Clinical Community Conference Call.

We look forward to speaking to you then

Clinical Community Webinar

The Clinical Engagement team would like to welcome all clinicians who are involved or interested in SNOMED CT, to attend the first in an ongoing series of meetings. The meetings will be held quarterly, with two meetings as webinars, and two meetings face to face in the scheduled SNOMED International Business meetings. The first webinar will be held on Wednesday, 29th, January 2020 at 20:00 UTC.  The meeting will last for two hours, and provide an overview of current clinical workgroup activity. Details of the agenda will be set shortly, and available here - 2020-01-29 - Clinical Community Conference Call.

We hope you will be able to join us

Message from Dr Lambot

I take this opportunity to share with you - and through you I hope with the SNOMED CT allergy interest group - this preview of the work that I have done. Not so much the work on matching the international concepts to our french local expressions, which answers but to a local need, but the work I have done "extracting" the substances from the "allergy to" definitions to have a correspondance between what will be captured with the allergy-to concept IDs and what will be indexed with the CBB model. And also where I added concepts when I felt some families of "allergy to" concepts were incomplete with regards to the existing substance concepts that can be of clinical relevance in an EHR. I have left my "problems" column even if it's in French, so one could know there are for me unresolved issues with those concepts (usually unresolved regarding the Clinical Building Blocks model of capture or their clinical relevance for our dictionnary).

I hope you and the membres of the allergy group will find it interesting. I can't send this work yet through Confluence, having not yet gained access.
It is of course only 500 concepts we have gone through on the more then 1000 available for allergies and our work will continue.

(I have posted the spreadsheet under "documentation", to allow access)

Ian Green