
Hello FHIR Working Group and interested observers.   As you'll hopefully have seen from our Business Meeting Calendar, we're again holding a SNOMED on FHIR working group meeting on the Sunday morning.

For those of you able to join us on site, we'll be in the Belém II  room starting at 09:00 local time, which (for those of you elsewhere in the world) is 08:00 UTC.

We'll follow the usual "round table" discussion of our monthly Asia-Pacific timezones friendly call and there will be an open door policy.

2022-09-25 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (TS & TB - Hybrid Meeting)

Because of this Sunday meeting, we will not also hold the previously scheduled Wednesday call.   So hopefully you'll have received a calendar cancellation for that slot.

Any questions or suggestions please do get back to me, or comment here below.

Best Wishes,  Peter

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