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September 2020 PreProduction (version1) vs September 2020 Production (version1) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
All files0MSSP-678

0 changes as expected, as Camilla signed off Pre-Prod with zero issues in MSSP-678

September 2020 PreProduction (version1) vs September 2020 PreProduction (version2) traceability 

Invalid as discovered we'd run the PreProd Version2 as "Published" before the versioning was actually complete

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2

2 records updated for Sept 2020 release dates as expected

AttributeValue files


2464 new records +

2 inactivated records +

0 updated records

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-526 - Getting issue details... STATUS

AssociationReference files7

7 new records:

> 241b765a-ab1c-4047-852d-4e113b30ee78 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555061000005106 20586007
> 49fb3b0b-0628-4fda-ae5d-4cb2da898376 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 550641000005106 846608008
> 7aac7478-8930-47be-a8a3-fc2f255ace65 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555671000005107 361000220103
> 8c831fbe-b7d9-46dc-bb93-5b560057a00a 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 557671000005101 846612002
> a840117b-9b9e-40ab-84b9-402320eb4e34 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555721000005100 411000220105
> df3d4249-f995-4a31-810b-d9bbb4ff3eea 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555711000005106 830157000
> f4b99175-1c94-426e-b8cf-f3ecc29ca538 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555651000005104 341000220102

March 2020 (PUBLISHED) vs September 2020 PreProduction (version1) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2

2 records updated for Sept 2020 release dates as expected

AttributeValue files



2464 new records +

2 inactivated records +

0 updated records

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

AssociationReference files7


7 new records:

> 241b765a-ab1c-4047-852d-4e113b30ee78 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555061000005106 20586007
> 49fb3b0b-0628-4fda-ae5d-4cb2da898376 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 550641000005106 846608008
> 7aac7478-8930-47be-a8a3-fc2f255ace65 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555671000005107 361000220103
> 8c831fbe-b7d9-46dc-bb93-5b560057a00a 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 557671000005101 846612002
> a840117b-9b9e-40ab-84b9-402320eb4e34 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555721000005100 411000220105
> df3d4249-f995-4a31-810b-d9bbb4ff3eea 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555711000005106 830157000
> f4b99175-1c94-426e-b8cf-f3ecc29ca538 20200930 1 554471000005108 900000000000527005 555651000005104 341000220102

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

Language (DA) files692


358 new records +

266 inactivations +

68 updated records

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

Language (EN) files51


2 new records +

49 inactivations +

0 updated records

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

Concept files105


0 new records +

105 inactivations +

0 updated records

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

Description (DA) files659


380 new / updated records +

270 inactivations

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

Description (EN) files4


2 new records +

2 inactivations +

0 updated records

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

OWLExpression files106


0 new records +

106 inactivations +

0 updated records

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

Relationship files540


1 reactivated record +

< 2946612021 20161130 0 554471000005108 385229008 385287007 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2946612021 20200930 1 554471000005108 385229008 385287007 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

539 inactivated records

As expected as confirmed by Camilla in MSSP-678

Stated Relationship files0

Readme filen/a
Dates changed for September 2020 as expected
  • No labels