Open the Terminal Application
Type the command lines shown below into the terminal window.
Change Directories to the SnomedRfsMySql Folder
cd "$HOME/SnomedRfsMySql" |
Make the Scripts in the bash Subfolder Executable
chmod u+x bash/* |
If this command does reports an error, please try the following modified command, which may prompt for your password to confirm the action:
sudo chmod u+x bash/*
Run snomed_config_mysql Script to Configure MySQL
This script requires you to have administrator rights to access your computer and may prompt you to enter your login password. If you do not have administrator rights to access your computer, you will need to ask someone who does have those rights to run this part of the process.
sudo bash/snomed_config_mysql |
Close the Terminal Application Window
- You have now completed the configuration process.
Start or Restart the MySQL Server
The MySQL Server must be started (or stopped and restarted) to apply the required configuration settings.
Open the Mac OS Settings Application
In System Preferences Search for MySQL
Click to Open the MySQL Dialog
Stop MySQL Server (if it is running)
If MySQL is running the dots are green (as shown above).
Click Stop MySQL Server and wait for the dots to turn red (as shown below).
- You will be prompted for your Mac password to confirm this action.
Start MySQL Server
When the dots are red (as above) MySQL is not running
Click Start MySQL Server and wait for the dots to turn green.
You will be prompted for your Mac password to confirm this action.