Page tree

One of the less interesting but quite important tasks for the group is to define Terms of Reference. This page has been created to start a discussion and get the group's views on what the Terms of Reference should be.

This should cover

  • Purpose/role of the group
  • Membership
  • Specific roles in the group (i.e. co-chairs etc)
  • Responsibilities/accountability of the group
  • Ways of working

Please add comments/suggestions to this page to contribute to creating an initial Terms of Reference.

  • No labels


  1. From my comment on 2017-11-07 - SNOMED on FHIR Meeting here are my thoughts.

    I think a wiki page under the group's page tree is a good place to have the Terms of Reference. We can create a page there and draft it marked as draft status until the group can complete and agree it.

    I think key elements are

    • stating links and relationship to other groups - HL7 Vocal, HTA, Member Forum, Advisory Groups...
    • that the group was created by the Member Forum from recognised need, but is by no means limited to or controlled by the Member Forum - membership should be very open and inclusive, ideally consisting of Member organisations, Affiliate organisations and interested members of the SNOMED CT and/or FHIR communities
    • the Members (particularly) and SNOMED International have a responsibility to contribute and facilitate the group, but should not attempt to strongly control or direct it - the aim is to facilitate collaboration of interested community members not control it
    • Members and SNOMED International have a responsibility to provide guidance/information on the priorities of their organisations which may influence the order and direction of the groups work
    • the group has no formal standing to endorse or ratify anything on behalf of SNOMED International or any of the Members, it can however make recommendations to SNOMED International (or even other bodies?) to endorse, ratify or take formal positions (for example the Using SNOMED CT with FHIR page)

    Those are my thoughts, I'd be interested to hear other's opinions...and see if we can get a volunteer to write the first draft!

  2. HI

    Please find attached a draft Terms of Reference for the group for discussion. The MF will be sent a copy ahead of their next meeting.Please either post comments, or send me them directly using track changes on the document. Note I have tried to incorporate the points raised by Dion
