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Documentation on creating an ADMIN user.

Application ADMIN

In the IHTSDO deployment of the tool, which uses "IMS" security, an ADMIN user role is conferred by being a participant in the "refset-administrators" group in the IHTSDO production crowd server.

This user role is capable of cleaning up after other users who have either abandoned the tool or are having accidentally deleted themselves from a project or other such situations.  

A "normal" user of the tool should be given the "refset-users" group only and will be able to access normal application functions.  Such a user can have the role of a project ADMIN.

Project ADMIN

In the IHTSDO deployment of the tool, which uses "IMS" security, a user assigned the "refset-users" group in the IHTSDO production crowd server may have privileges to create a project.  In deployments where this is the case, a user will be automatically assigned an ADMIN role on that project and then will be able to edit user privileges on that project.

Take care to avoid removing yourself as an ADMIN from your own project.  If you are the only ADMIN, no other user will be able to give you back the ADMIN role except the Application ADMIN.

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