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Older people - source documentation

Older People Use Case Requirements

Older People (data requirements)

National Screening and Assessment Form (NSAF) User Guide - Australian Resource

Content Gaps

Content Gaps - in development
Activities of Daily Living - Basic
Activities of Daily Living - InstrumentalInstrumental Activities of Daily Living
Tracking systems - Dementia patients
Food pantries/banks
Social networks
Transportation insecurity

Social Care Procedures:

  • assessments
  • coordination of resources
  • referrals
  • counseling
  • provision
  • reablement/restorative care
  • education
Social Care Procedures

  • No labels


  1. For this demographic there may be some acute events that drive them to needing to 1. need to seek and receive care and 2. decompensate.  cataloguing and understanding the nature of these acute shocks can help to understand the environmental, social and commercial determinants of health that may be leading these individuals to decompensate and need care.  for example, looking at environmental determinants - severe heat, drought, floods, extreme cold, snow.  social determinants - impacted transport infrastructure (the strikes we experienced and are experiencing), changing bus lines, road works (these can impact people's ability to get around); housing (fire, building works); financial (increasing interest rates, inflation/cost of living crisis); nutrition (could be living in a food desert or a nearby supermarket could have shut down).  

    An important area that is not really covered here is the very important role that informal care plays for this demographic:

    Finally, linked to ADL and IADL, a broad and important category of intervention is reablement

  2. one other thought is sufficient staffing - this is certainly in the UK where there is a big staffing crisis in social care that leads to delayed care