Term | description type | Language/acceptability | Language/acceptability | Case significance |
At [qualifier] risk of [event or finding] (finding) | FSN | us:P | gb:P | ci |
At [qualifier] risk of [event or finding] | SYN | us:P | gb:P | ci |
Concept model:
Attribute Group Cardinality | Attribute Cardinality | Attribute in Group Cardinality | Attribute | Value |
0..0 | 1..1 | |||
0..1 | 1..1 | 1..1 | ||
0..1 | 1..1 | 1..1 | [finding or event] < 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR < 272379006 |Event (event)| | |
1..1 | 1..1 | 1..1 | ||
1..1 | 1..1 | [qualifier] < 272520006 |Degree findings (qualifier value)| | ||
0..1 | 0..1 | 1..1 | ||
0..1 | 1..1 |
Definition status:
900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|
Applies to:
<< 281694009 |Finding of at risk (finding)|
Template Language
[[~0..1]] {[[~1..1]] 42752001 |Due to (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| )]]},
[[~0..1]] {[[~1..1]] 719722006 |Has realization (attribute)| = [[+id (< 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR < 272379006 |Event (event)| )]]},
[[~1..1]] {
[[~1..1]] 363714003 |Interprets (attribute)| = [[+id ( 1255619009 |Risk level (observable entity)| )]],
[[~1..1]] 363713009 |Has interpretation (attribute)| = [[+id (<< 272520006 |Degree findings (qualifier value)| )]]}
[[~0..1]] {
[[~0..1]] 246454002 |Occurrence (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 282032007 |Periods of life (qualifier value)| )]],
[[~0..1]] 246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)| = [[+id (< 105590001 |Substance (substance)| )]]}
Link to the misaligned concept report
Rules for generating descriptions:
Rules for description generation:
- For the FSN, align terming and case sensitivity with the FSN for the concept that is selected as the attribute value, excluding the semantic tag.
- For the PT, align terming and case sensitivity with the US and GB PT for the concept that is selected as the attribute value.
- In cases where neither the US or GB PT matches the FSN, excluding the semantic tag, a synonym corresponding to the FSN is required unless explicitly identified as an exception.