The Nutrition Clinical Reference Group has asked the Nursing Clinical Reference Group to provide input on SNOMED CT Procedure Hierarchy concepts regarding goal setting. We ask you to review the information below and provide input at our March meeting to assist the Nutrition CRG in clarifying the identified concepts.
Erica and I will add this topic to the agenda for discussion on our upcoming call on March 8.
Presently, 391892008 |Goal directed therapy (regime/therapy)|is a child of psychotherapy, but the SNOMED CT Editor determined the origin and confirmed it is incorrectly modeled as a subtype of psychotherapy. In fact, it was originally used by Anesthesia. Discussions with the Anesthesia group clarified that the concept is not useful to them.
This presents an opportunity to clarify this regime/therapy Goal directed therapy concept (and its child 386367000 |Mutual goal setting (regime/therapy)|) by remodeling them. Another child concept, 386429002 |Self-modification assistance (regime/therapy)|, requires further clarification. The Mental Health CRG and the Anesthesia CRG will be consulted as well to learn more about this concept. The Nursing Clinical Reference group is asked to provide input on this topic.
When working to define 441271000124102 |Counseling about nutrition using goal setting strategy (regime/therapy)| the Nutrition CRG came across 391892008 |Goal directed therapy (regime/therapy)|. Based on the concept model for Procedure, the SNOMED CT Editorial Guide permits use of an attribute, 363702006 |Has focus (attribute)| with a range of << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| for Procedure and Regime/Therapy concepts.
Erica and Christine