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Call to order and role call

Attendees are listed at 2016-06-27 Editorial Advisory Group Conference Call

Approval of prior minutes

The AG approved the minutes from the meetings of 4 April 2016 and 19 April 2016.

Continuation of Laterality Proposal

JCA said after meeting in April and subsequent discussions, particularly with YGA on new anatomy model, he concluded that the most expedient way to get the project moving was to go ahead and start adding lateralized anatomy as opposed to changing to the model itself. He requested a concurrence or objections from the AG members.

GRE asked for some more specifics on how it would be done and how many concepts would be added. JCA said the team already had a substantial number of content requests that required laterality to fully model the content. Because of the naming conventions, he was not sure how laterality could be added in an automated fashion. JCA then said that the initial proposal had been to add content as requests come in rather than doing a carte blanche addition. The ongoing maintenance, once the anatomy was added, would be minimal, he said. GRE agreed but added that it would not just involve adding a new concept. Instead they had to be sure the whole hierarchy would be consistent. He said it was not a show-stopper, but it more more than just adding a concept - it was about adding all the required relationships. 

JCA agreed there might be a "trickle up" affect, going up the hierarchy. He said there was precedent in the terminology where it had not been done and he had not heard any complaints about a lack of completeness. He said they could address the need if they get feedback that the content was incomplete, and that could be a separate project. 

GRE made some comments on post-coordinated expressions. GRE also said that if there would be many other patterns previously considered excessively pre-coordinated then perhaps the team should revisit those items and perhaps reenable them. They might need to reduce the requirements for pre-coordinated content. JCA agreed and said it could open the flood gates, but they would "have to eat the elephant one bite at a time" based on requests from Member countries for that kind of content.

JCA summarized GRE's points by writing that this was more of a selection of a modeling pattern rather than an expression of superiority of one approach over another.

JCA asked the AG members if it was accurate to say that they had general consensus that it was an acceptable approach. The AG members agreed. JCA said he would write it up and alert the Member Forum.

  • JCA to alert the Member Forum that lateralized content would be added.

Allergy to X

BGO gave a presentation. He said it had been pointed out that the modeling of Allergy to X was resulting in some cases in more than one causative agent role being inherited. A lot of the modeling was done prior to proximate primitive modeling. JCA, BGO explained, had come up with an alternative way of modeling it, and BGO had looked at that. He worked through the model. 

There was discussion after the presentation. GRE suggested identifying the patterns of regrouping. JCA said he really liked the remodeling because there were a fair number of concepts in the terminology that were not specific. Some were not modeled appropriately to the actual causative agent. For example, there is "allergy to cat hair" rather than "allergy to the cats saliva on the hair" or from a protein that results from saliva on cat chair....

PAM raised an issue about aspirin. JCA replied that a lot of roles at the substance level would go away once the new model was created.

JCA asked if BGO could take some of those concepts modeled under option two and follow them up to find out if they were still logically equivalent once he corrected the parent. BGO agreed, noting that he had intended to do that.

Requirement for a description that matches the FSN in MRCM

JCA said there was a need for guidance on taking the non-user friendly terms they were creating, making a more friendly display term, and assigning it in the different language refsets. He said they had been assuming that semantic tags added value in disambiguating some of the concepts, but the current FSN naming convention, especially some of those coming out the ECE, did not always provide user-friendly descriptions. So, JCA asked, what should be the mechanism for identifying what should be a user friendly term, especially when the original request did not have the same semantic meaning as the FSN?

GRE indicated that the issue of how to create user-friendly descriptions went back to 2006-2011. Users were enabled to change an ambiguous preferred term to something more complete. GRE said JCA was referring to the International Edition, where users could create preferred terms as they wished. It was an old policy is to ensure that people could create a more complete description if necessary. 

JCA said the one area that might break down was an actual FSN when the only term was the non-semantic tag of the FSN with no other variants. He asked if IHTSDO should take on a project to create more user-friendly terms in a language refset representation. GRE said he assumed IHTSDO was doing that all the time. 

Because the ECE project was creating some relatively convoluted FSNs, JCA asked BGO if the ECE could make some recommendations on representations of terms that would be more user friendly.

BGO agreed and wondered if the ECE could leverage the KP donation. JCA agreed that any source material that would inform a recommendation would be great. He suggested also asking some Member countries for input about what is in their extensions or clinical systems. 

PAM asked about translations. JCA said there were two ways to go about translation: start with English and translate, or start with the term in the other language and then search for the closest term in the International Edition. He said that it might be an interesting discussion with the Translation group because it might have some impact on them.


JCA asked for agenda topics for the Wellington, NZ meeting.

Next meeting

JCA said he would be traveling in much of July and August and asked the group members to post their preferences for when the next one or two meetings should be.



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