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Date of Preliminary Handover meeting: 

Date of Initial Handover meeting: 18 November 2020


Date of Final Handover meeting: 25 November 2020



Handover Status



Items to be discussed



Prerelease Content Management Activities:

  1. Verify that all namespace concepts (in the namespace registry) have been added
  2. Inactivate the root concept synonym referencing previous release, and add synonym to reference current release.
  3. Update copyright date on synonym (January releases only; N/A to July 2014)
  4. Send updated laterality indicator spreadsheet to technical team to support qualifier generation.
  5. Get SE and SP refset files from Yong

  6. Content Team to deliver 4x MRCM refset files to Release Manager (just needs to confirm they're completed, downloaded + tested, AAT will then pull them out of the termServer during release builds via the termServer Export)



Discussion of existing Known Issues from the previous Release

ISRS-806 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ISRS-809 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ISRS-688 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ISRS-807 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Content Validation Activities in the Current Release cycle:

  1. Concepts that have changed its high level hierarchy ancestor since last release
  2. Concepts with FSNs with changed semantic tags
  3. Active concepts with changed FSNs (check for shifts in meaning)
  4. Concepts *in*-activated since the last release
  5. Concepts *re*-activated since the last release
  6. Concepts that changed from fully defined to primitive
  7. Concepts that changed from primitive to fully defined
  8. New FSNs: Check for adherence to naming conventions, no acronyms, etc.
  9. Spell checking for new descriptions and/or manual inspection
  10. Review all new and changed text definitions
  11. Additions/removals of members of VMP refset (Inactive concepts still in the VMP refsets are removed during release extraction)
  12. Additions/removals of members of VTM refset (Inactive concepts still in the VTM refsets are removed during release extraction)
  13. Verify that there have been no changes to the Non-human refset in the Workbench.
  14. Additions/removals of members of ICD-O simple map refset (Inactive concept still in the ICDO map are removed during release extraction)
  15. Active concepts having active historical associations and reasons for inactivation


Content Team Support availability - Confirm which members of the content team will remain on stand-by until clean database milestone is achieved after release build file QA and post-release assertions are validated.



Early visibility of Release Notes

Andrew Atkinson has created the template to update on Confluence: SNOMED CT January 2021 International Edition - SNOMED International Member Release notes - content team to update with relevant figures for January 20201 content.....

ACTION: Maria Braithwaite and Donna Morgan will kindly aim to get them to Andrew Atkinson by 25 November 2020.

ACTION: Monica Harry and Paul Amos to review and approve once complete


6Brief run through of the known issues already identified by the content team during the QA batch process, to ensure that technical team are aware of them, and can either resolve them in time for the release, or confirm as known issues.

7Versioning and Change Freeze

8Stats Report


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