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Versions Compared


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Please note that a versioned edition is a logical composition of modules, and does not necessarily correspond to a single release package. For more infomration information on release packages, please refer to 4.5 Release Packages and Packaging and File Naming.


If a situation arises in which an extension has two equally dependent modules, then a new focus module may need to be created, with dependencies defined to all other modules in the edition. In this case, the focus module may contain only the components and reference set members used to define the module concept itself and its dependencies as defined in the module dependency reference set.  below illustrates a situation in which two (equally dependent) sibling modules exist - national module A and national module B - which are both dependent  on the 

t900000000000207008 |SNOMED CT core module|
 and the
t900000000000012004 |SNOMED CT model component module|
, and are not dependent on each other. To form a national edition, which contains both national module A and national module B, a new focus module must be created that is dependent on all other modules in the edition. The concept id of the new focus module is then used in the URI of the national edition that contains both national module A and national module B.
