Production (January 2018 DRUGS Alpha) VERSION 1 vs Production (January 2018 DRUGS Alpha) VERSION 2 traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of records impacted | Rationale | |
OWL | AxiomOntology Refset filesOWL Ontology Refset files | 7 | All 7 records updated to Component Model ModuleID, as planned |
MRCM Refset files | 7 | 6 new AttributeDomain and AttributeRange records, plus 7 new Domain records, as expected for new MRCM content since Jan 2018 release | |
Inferred Relationship files | Fixed property chains, as expected (though this is obviously obscured by the new inferred relationship data in Main since yesterday!) |
Production (January 2018 International Release) vs Production (January 2018 DRUGS Alpha) VERSION 1 traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of records impacted | Rationale |
OWL Axiom Refset files | All 11 records present as expected - however the termServer has exported them with the Component Model ModuleID instead of the Core ModuleID, so have emailed Yong to ask for confirmation if this will impact the Alpha release, or can be fixed in time for the Production release. | |
OWL Ontology Refset files | All 7 records present and correct, as expected. | |
All other Full/Snapshot files | Larger than Int Edition as expected, as additional content added to MAIN since Jan 2018 release cut off. | |
All other Delta files | Smaller than Int Edition as expected, as only 3 months editing vs normal 6 months! |