March 2022 Production (FINAL Version1 (AFTER VERSIONING FIXED + PROMOTED) vs March 2022 Production (FINAL Version2 (Final Map fixes))
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale | |
ExtendedMap files | 5 | 1 record removed, as expected due to up-propagation of recent fixes (see Rick's email at 04:03 on 23/02/2022): < 0be75981-a467-52df-ae37-34bce3071f05 20220301 1 5991000124107 6011000124106 293127000 1 1 TRUE ALWAYS T50.B95? | CONSIDER ADDITIONAL CODE TO IDENTIFY SPECIFIC CONDITION OR DISEASE | EPISODE OF CARE INFORMATION NEEDED T50.B95? 447561005 447637006 But also 4 records re-activated, which wasn't expected: < 3971518d-d900-5e43-91fa-4c15f17bee2f 20220301 0 5991000124107 6011000124106 293127000 1 2 OTHERWISE TRUE ALWAYS T50.B95? | CONSIDER ADDITIONAL CODE TO IDENTIFY SPECIFIC CONDITION OR DISEASE | EPISODE OF CARE INFORMATION NEEDED T50.B95? 447561005 447637006 < 45ef3aac-a312-5cf6-ab6f-bfbbc6166e9e 20220301 0 5991000124107 6011000124106 293127000 2 2 OTHERWISE TRUE MAP SOURCE CONCEPT CANNOT BE CLASSIFIED WITH AVAILABLE DATA 447561005 447638001 < 74ddc013-48b0-5403-b2b9-bd49aecb8521 20220301 0 5991000124107 6011000124106 293127000 2 1 IFA 433621000124101 | Anaphylaxis due to Hemophilus influenzae type b vaccine | IF ANAPHYLAXIS DUE TO HEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE TYPE B VACCINE CHOOSE T50.B95? | CONSIDER ADDITIONAL CODE TO IDENTIFY SPECIFIC CONDITION OR DISEASE | EPISODE OF CARE INFORMATION NEEDED | MAP OF SOURCE CONCEPT IS CONTEXT DEPENDENT T50.B95? 447561005 447639009 < 9eca2c30-0b67-51fe-9f86-10427f4747ed 20220301 0 5991000124107 6011000124106 293127000 1 1 IFA 433621000124101 | Anaphylaxis due to Hemophilus influenzae type b vaccine | IF ANAPHYLAXIS DUE TO HEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE TYPE B VACCINE CHOOSE T80.52X? | CONSIDER ADDITIONAL CODE TO IDENTIFY SPECIFIC CONDITION OR DISEASE | EPISODE OF CARE INFORMATION NEEDED | MAP OF SOURCE CONCEPT IS CONTEXT DEPENDENT | POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR AN EXTERNAL CAUSE CODE T80.52X? 447561005 447639009 Emailed Rick to | confirm...find out why - he confirmed (via slack at 16:40 on 25/2/22) that this was expected because:
March 2022 Production (TESTPACKAGE Version2 - to test moduleDependency fix...)
vs March 2022 Production (FINAL Version1 (AFTER VERSIONING FIXED + PROMOTED))
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
March 2022 Pre-Production (Version6) vs March 2022 Production (FINAL Version1 (AFTER VERSIONING FIXED + PROMOTED))
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
ModuleDependency files | 1 | ISRS-1215 | 1 record updated with the correct effectiveTime: < 53773521-fd81-5dde-9a2d-8b87e8803251 20220301 1 5991000124107 900000000000534007 731000124108 20220301 20220131 Interestingly, whilst this is the correct fix, it caused an additional RVF failure! See ISRS-1215 for details. Fortunately, this was proven to be valid but not requiring action yet, until the TRAG have completed their investigation and conclusion... |
RefsetDescriptor files | 17 | 17 records updated - as expected?? Seem like all are UUID changes only?? Good news, proved that version6 was based on the old INT Member Release content, whereas the new Production versions are based on the new INT PROD Release content (from 20220131) which replaced the UUID's in the 9 new refsetDescriptor records - the new UUID's in these 9 records in the US Edition now match the UUID's in the refsetDescriptor file in the final INT Production release as expected. This goes for all 17 new refsetDescriptor records from the Jan 22 INT Edition (see here for confirmation International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022)): < 1b0f3059-fe0b-4174-8d84-af015389d7b2 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 1193546000 900000000000461009 3 < 5aaea794-b8a3-4d57-912c-28222d40171c 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193542003 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 < 0e0ff97c-4a91-4d62-8601-8106e7f8cbcc 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000500006 900000000000461009 0 < 4b1ae18f-c2c1-49d9-8a52-3e5f6f694e86 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 < 55d49025-cb4a-43b0-8d20-d6515bbb21d3 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1187636009 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < 8ff477e9-da58-4731-8a4c-9dab28763fa9 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < 3bfaee84-647e-4469-a673-aaed52de0314 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705109006 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < 3bff8547-fe17-48c3-8f77-cecb12f59c34 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < 9052b31b-bce5-4487-ab96-9a13b4010f5e 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 < 97758694-c0b3-4c75-8b7c-8699b3643a1d 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705109006 1193546000 900000000000461009 4 < 56f1edbd-b700-4a9d-af7e-50a219bcc1fb 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193542003 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 < e6efc563-025f-4050-abc2-0606e5f5b030 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 900000000000496009 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 < 7b5ae70c-7d06-4aa6-9c5b-4550e7ac6f41 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 < f66f05d5-44db-4872-b09a-57412405a493 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < c8792e0e-2d08-4473-9dec-7119b091bc58 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1187636009 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < dd6a92b3-a9fd-4faf-9bbe-02494c59a703 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 | |
AttributeValue files | 1 | 1 record updated with new reason code (Erroneous instead of Duplicate) as per John's fixes in ISRS-1182: < 8c3d1c4b-cc94-4c98-97c8-a783d87518bb 20220301 1 731000124108 900000000000490003 837001000124116 900000000000482003 | |
Language files | 2 | ISRS-1180 | Plus 2 records had their effectiveTimes reverted to Sept 2021 DUE TO FIXES IN ISRS-1180 < 0cea0998-e026-5d83-87c8-83e3d9d52cb6 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000509007 747261000124112 900000000000548007 < 256da23b-7e2d-568b-900b-737e0a2b0ee2 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000509007 747251000124110 900000000000548007 |
Simple Map files | 568 | 568 records had their UUID's refreshed, which matches exactly the number of new SimpleMap records from the Jan 22 INT Edition (see here for confirmation International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022)) - so again this is just because of the move from version6 of the US Edition being based on the Member release, to this latest version being based on the final Prod INT Edition... | |
Readme file | All x prefixes removed, and Production naming conventions implemented, as expected | ||
Description files | 1 | 1 record updated to fix non-printable unicode character in ISRS-1210 - also moved to US module as planned to implement fix this cycle: < 4652417010 20211031 1 900000000000207008 721302006 en 900000000000013009 MDS/MPN-RS-T - myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis 900000000000017005 | |
Relationship files | 4 records inactivated: < 1890371000124128 20210901 1 731000124108 470141000124106 266096002 1 363702006 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 < 1890401000124125 20210901 1 731000124108 470131000124101 129428001 1 363703001 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 < 1890771000124129 20210901 1 731000124108 470191000124102 268548003 1 363702006 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 < 441451000124120 20190901 1 731000124108 4901000124101 103735009 1 363702006 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 Plus one record reactivated: < 514341000124129 20220301 0 731000124108 433621000124101 293127000 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 Plus 7 records removed: < 2113021000124128 20220301 1 731000124108 428291000124105 385315009 1 263502005 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 Plus 9 records added: > 2293211000124125 20220301 1 731000124108 541301000124108 30531000087108 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 CLASSIFICATION CHECKS IN ALL SRS CHECKPOINTS PASSED, SO THEREFORE MUST BE NO ISSUES | ||
OWL files | 8 | JOHN CONFIRMED THESE CHANGES WERE PLANNED AND EXPECTED<, as in ISRS-1214 8 records updated: < 521c9ff2-a7c2-4eb5-adb2-4b12ce9f8934 20210901 1 731000124108 733073007 470191000124102 SubClassOf(:470191000124102 ObjectIntersectionOf(:225297008 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129271007) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363702006 :268548003))))) < 627fcdf3-6b9d-4e29-9d6e-5ecd3e84c9b6 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 428291000124105 EquivalentClasses(:428291000124105 ObjectIntersectionOf(:39579001 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:246075003 :462321000124107) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:263502005 :385315009) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370135005 :769260004))))) < 7f1b65de-3ce4-461d-a74c-0b50f57d9d01 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 4901000124101 EquivalentClasses(:4901000124101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:71388002 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :425689005) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363702006 :103735009))))) < 8344e4f8-9bb4-4ee5-b407-9d029e2772cd 20210901 1 731000124108 733073007 470141000124106 EquivalentClasses(:470141000124106 ObjectIntersectionOf(:71388002 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :425689005) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363702006 :266096002))))) < 91b5bbed-dd3b-42d9-a8da-af1fcb4d7885 20210901 1 731000124108 733073007 470131000124101 SubClassOf(:470131000124101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:40174006 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363702006 :40733004) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363703001 :129428001))))) < 98592f00-2edd-42d0-87bc-1f12e35507e4 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 428321000124101 EquivalentClasses(:428321000124101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:293110008 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:246075003 :836374004) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:263502005 :385315009) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370135005 :769260004))))) < 9fc4ff3c-635a-4fed-aa37-a1104ed4b374 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 433621000124101 SubClassOf(:433621000124101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:39579001 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:246075003 :871764007) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:263502005 :385315009) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370135005 :769260004))))) < f6a2f40e-2405-401f-a9f2-c6734664fe17 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 541301000124108 SubClassOf(:541301000124108 :426013006) | |
tls_Icd10cmHumanReadableMap_ US1000124_20170901.tsv | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapTechnicalSpecifications_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.pdf | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapTechnicalGuideExemplars_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.xlsx | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapReleaseNotes_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.pdf | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10MapTechnicalGuideExemplars_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.xlsx | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: |
March 2022 Pre-Production (TESTPACKAGE Version1 - to test versioning fix...) vs March 2022 Production (TESTPACKAGE Version2 - to test moduleDependency fix...)
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
ModuleDependency files | 4 | 4 records removed as expected, due to fixes (of the Versioning problems) in ISRS-1213
March 2022 Pre-Production (Version6) vs March 2022 Production (TESTPACKAGE Version1 - to test versioning fix...)
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
ModuleDependency files | 5 | 1 record updated to have correct US Edition dates instead of INT dates: < 53773521-fd81-5dde-9a2d-8b87e8803251 20220301 1 5991000124107 900000000000534007 731000124108 20220301 20220131 Plus 4 records added to have US dates again - IS THIS CORRECT?? > 01c3b3c1-fcd6-491d-a66d-d379dfd629b5 20220301 1 5991000124107 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20220301 20220131 NO, LOOKING AT THE FULL FILE THESE APPEAR TO BE ADDITIONAL, EXTRANEOUS RECORDS THAT NEED TO BE REMOVED:
INSTEAD, THERE SHOULD ONLY BE a) The new INT records + b) One new record each with the following UUID's:
Relationship files | CLASSIFY MANUALLY TO CROSS CHECK????? 4 records inactivated: < 1890371000124128 20210901 1 731000124108 470141000124106 266096002 1 363702006 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 < 1890401000124125 20210901 1 731000124108 470131000124101 129428001 1 363703001 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 < 1890771000124129 20210901 1 731000124108 470191000124102 268548003 1 363702006 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 < 441451000124120 20190901 1 731000124108 4901000124101 103735009 1 363702006 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 Plus one record reactivated: < 514341000124129 20220301 0 731000124108 433621000124101 293127000 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 Plus 7 records removed: < 2113021000124128 20220301 1 731000124108 428291000124105 385315009 1 263502005 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 Plus 9 records added: > 2293211000124125 20220301 1 731000124108 541301000124108 30531000087108 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 | ||
OWL files | 8 | NO EVIDENCE OF WHY THESE HAVE BEEN UPDATED???? CHECK BACK TO FIRST VERSION OF US THIS CYCLE??? 8 records updated: < 521c9ff2-a7c2-4eb5-adb2-4b12ce9f8934 20210901 1 731000124108 733073007 470191000124102 SubClassOf(:470191000124102 ObjectIntersectionOf(:225297008 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129271007) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363702006 :268548003))))) < 627fcdf3-6b9d-4e29-9d6e-5ecd3e84c9b6 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 428291000124105 EquivalentClasses(:428291000124105 ObjectIntersectionOf(:39579001 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:246075003 :462321000124107) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:263502005 :385315009) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370135005 :769260004))))) < 7f1b65de-3ce4-461d-a74c-0b50f57d9d01 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 4901000124101 EquivalentClasses(:4901000124101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:71388002 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :425689005) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363702006 :103735009))))) < 8344e4f8-9bb4-4ee5-b407-9d029e2772cd 20210901 1 731000124108 733073007 470141000124106 EquivalentClasses(:470141000124106 ObjectIntersectionOf(:71388002 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :425689005) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363702006 :266096002))))) < 91b5bbed-dd3b-42d9-a8da-af1fcb4d7885 20210901 1 731000124108 733073007 470131000124101 SubClassOf(:470131000124101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:40174006 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363702006 :40733004) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363703001 :129428001))))) < 98592f00-2edd-42d0-87bc-1f12e35507e4 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 428321000124101 EquivalentClasses(:428321000124101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:293110008 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:246075003 :836374004) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:263502005 :385315009) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370135005 :769260004))))) < 9fc4ff3c-635a-4fed-aa37-a1104ed4b374 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 433621000124101 SubClassOf(:433621000124101 ObjectIntersectionOf(:39579001 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:246075003 :871764007) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:263502005 :385315009) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:370135005 :769260004))))) < f6a2f40e-2405-401f-a9f2-c6734664fe17 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 541301000124108 SubClassOf(:541301000124108 :426013006) | |
RefsetDescriptor files | 17 | 17 records updated - as expected?? Seem like all are UUID changes only?? Good news, proved that version6 was based on the old INT Member Release content, whereas the new Production versions are based on the new INT PROD Release content (from 20220131) which replaced the UUID's in the 9 new refsetDescriptor records - the new UUID's in these 9 records in the US Edition now match the UUID's in the refsetDescriptor file in the final INT Production release as expected. This goes for all 17 new refsetDescriptor records from the Jan 22 INT Edition (see here for confirmation International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022)): < 1b0f3059-fe0b-4174-8d84-af015389d7b2 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 1193546000 900000000000461009 3 < 5aaea794-b8a3-4d57-912c-28222d40171c 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193542003 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 < 0e0ff97c-4a91-4d62-8601-8106e7f8cbcc 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000500006 900000000000461009 0 < 4b1ae18f-c2c1-49d9-8a52-3e5f6f694e86 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 < 55d49025-cb4a-43b0-8d20-d6515bbb21d3 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1187636009 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < 8ff477e9-da58-4731-8a4c-9dab28763fa9 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < 3bfaee84-647e-4469-a673-aaed52de0314 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705109006 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < 3bff8547-fe17-48c3-8f77-cecb12f59c34 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < 9052b31b-bce5-4487-ab96-9a13b4010f5e 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 < 97758694-c0b3-4c75-8b7c-8699b3643a1d 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705109006 1193546000 900000000000461009 4 < 56f1edbd-b700-4a9d-af7e-50a219bcc1fb 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193542003 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 < e6efc563-025f-4050-abc2-0606e5f5b030 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 900000000000496009 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 < 7b5ae70c-7d06-4aa6-9c5b-4550e7ac6f41 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 < f66f05d5-44db-4872-b09a-57412405a493 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < c8792e0e-2d08-4473-9dec-7119b091bc58 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1187636009 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < dd6a92b3-a9fd-4faf-9bbe-02494c59a703 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 | |
Description files | 1 | 1 record updated to fix non-printable unicode character in ISRS-1210 - also moved to US module as planned to implement fix this cycle: < 4652417010 20211031 1 900000000000207008 721302006 en 900000000000013009 MDS/MPN-RS-T - myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm with ring sideroblasts and thrombocytosis 900000000000017005 | |
AttributeValue files | 1 | 1 record updated with new reason code (Erroneous instead of Duplicate) as per John's fixes in ISRS-1182: < 8c3d1c4b-cc94-4c98-97c8-a783d87518bb 20220301 1 731000124108 900000000000490003 837001000124116 900000000000482003 | |
Language files | 2 | ISRS-1180 | Plus 2 records had their effectiveTimes reverted to Sept 2021 DUE TO FIXES IN ISRS-1180 < 0cea0998-e026-5d83-87c8-83e3d9d52cb6 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000509007 747261000124112 900000000000548007 < 256da23b-7e2d-568b-900b-737e0a2b0ee2 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000509007 747251000124110 900000000000548007 |
Simple Map files | 568 | 568 records had their UUID's refreshed, which matches exactly the number of new SimpleMap records from the Jan 22 INT Edition (see here for confirmation International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022)) - so again this is just because of the move from version6 of the US Edition being based on the Member release, to this latest version being based on the final Prod INT Edition... | |
Readme file | All x prefixes removed, and Production naming conventions applied | ||
tls_Icd10cmHumanReadableMap_ US1000124_20170901.tsv | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapTechnicalSpecifications_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.pdf | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapTechnicalGuideExemplars_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.xlsx | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapReleaseNotes_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.pdf | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10MapTechnicalGuideExemplars_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.xlsx | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
March 2022 Pre-Production (Version6) vs March 2022 Production (Version1) traceability (PROD VERSIONING BROKEN AS MISSING FIX TASKS!)
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale | ||||||||||||||||
RefsetDescriptor files | 17 | 17 records updated - AS EXPCETED??!!! Seem like all are UUID changes only?? BUT ONLY 9 new RECORDS ADDED THIS CYCLE??!!! < 1b0f3059-fe0b-4174-8d84-af015389d7b2 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 1193546000 900000000000461009 3 < 5aaea794-b8a3-4d57-912c-28222d40171c 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193542003 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 < 0e0ff97c-4a91-4d62-8601-8106e7f8cbcc 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000500006 900000000000461009 0 < 4b1ae18f-c2c1-49d9-8a52-3e5f6f694e86 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 < 55d49025-cb4a-43b0-8d20-d6515bbb21d3 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1187636009 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < 8ff477e9-da58-4731-8a4c-9dab28763fa9 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < 3bff8547-fe17-48c3-8f77-cecb12f59c34 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < 9052b31b-bce5-4487-ab96-9a13b4010f5e 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 > 4f1bc1b6-abf2-472d-95e5-eaf5b57d7e94 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705109006 1193546000 900000000000461009 4 > bb1c1394-9901-4fef-b051-5e12273e876e 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193542003 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 < e6efc563-025f-4050-abc2-0606e5f5b030 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 900000000000496009 900000000000505001 900000000000465000 1 < 3bfaee84-647e-4469-a673-aaed52de0314 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705109006 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < dd6a92b3-a9fd-4faf-9bbe-02494c59a703 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 705111002 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < c8792e0e-2d08-4473-9dec-7119b091bc58 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1187636009 900000000000500006 900000000000465000 1 < b6388756-32fc-44cc-a81d-7f90b3ca20ec 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193542003 900000000000500006 900000000000461009 0 < f66f05d5-44db-4872-b09a-57412405a493 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193543008 900000000000505001 900000000000461009 0 < 7b5ae70c-7d06-4aa6-9c5b-4550e7ac6f41 20220131 1 900000000000012004 900000000000456007 1193544002 1193546000 900000000000461009 2 | |||||||||||||||||
AttributeValue files | 1 | 1 record updated with new UUID AS EXPECTED?????: < 8c3d1c4b-cc94-4c98-97c8-a783d87518bb 20220301 1 731000124108 900000000000490003 837001000124116 900000000000482003 | |||||||||||||||||
Language files | 12 | ISRS-1180 | 10 records RE-ACTIVATED with 2018 dates??!! Doesn't seem right??? < 05ff7b8b-05b2-4421-8fb4-f1772c42d68f 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 787911000124114 900000000000549004 < 1d6ddf22-94f2-4dcf-b945-c870c8d10b15 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 799901000124118 900000000000549004 < 271c9f61-f969-4ad7-937d-717eb1eba498 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 806791000124115 900000000000549004 < 370f26ce-0117-4840-9813-53d767e77a34 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 787891000124112 900000000000549004 < 472a4ad9-7b1c-45b3-b86d-8722315d2cb0 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 790951000124110 900000000000549004 < 6e805725-3069-482d-bfcd-9ac0dac1cc82 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 790941000124113 900000000000549004 < a6bf6540-e56c-4c46-9093-5b223822ebc3 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 787871000124111 900000000000549004 < b8b9155f-183e-4ec2-bba5-1774efafae87 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 806781000124118 900000000000549004 < c9b2f075-77ea-42e9-bc78-def708c3d880 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 799951000124119 900000000000549004 < d06792de-9216-45fe-9a52-ac12bbc4116b 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 790991000124116 900000000000549004 Plus 2 records had their effectiveTimes reverted to Sept 2021???? DUE TO FIXES IN ISRS-1180?????? < 0cea0998-e026-5d83-87c8-83e3d9d52cb6 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000509007 747261000124112 900000000000548007 < 256da23b-7e2d-568b-900b-737e0a2b0ee2 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000509007 747251000124110 900000000000548007 | ||||||||||||||||
Simple refset files | 169 |
| US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records changed INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 123 records inactivated, plus 365 records added This is as expected from the Lateralizable Refset changes that Yong made in this cycle for the International Edition, with no additional US changes found See here for confirmation: International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022) Therefore this is the expected result, as we never expect to have US specific changes in this file BUT THERE ARE 344 RECORDS THAT THE NEW AUTOMATED LATERALIZABLE REFSET CODE HAS PUT INTO THE WRONG MODULE!
Discussed with John on Slack on 4/2/2022, and we agreed that this should ONLY be fixed in the September 2022 US Edition, as otherwise we would bring the US Edition OUT OF ALIGNMENT with it's dependent International Edition (here the Jan 2022 INT Edition). The INT content will only be fixed in the Feb 2022 Monthly Release (in | ||||||||||||||||
ExtendedMap files | 25561 | SEND TO JULIA and KIN WAH TO VERIFY ONCE HAVE FINAL VERSION Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... | |||||||||||||||||
tls_Icd10cmHumanReadableMap_ US1000124_20170901.tsv | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |||||||||||||||||
doc_Icd10cmMapTechnicalSpecifications_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.pdf | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |||||||||||||||||
doc_Icd10cmMapTechnicalGuideExemplars_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.xlsx | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |||||||||||||||||
doc_Icd10cmMapReleaseNotes_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.pdf | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |||||||||||||||||
Language files | MICHAEL NOW PROMOTED FIXES | ||||||||||||||||||
Relationship files | 99535 | WE STILL NEED TO CLASSIFY THIS SEPARATELY ON THE COMMAND LINE TO DOUBLE CHECK NO RESULTS... Tried classifying now most issues fixed - had to use BLANK DELTA package (as advised by MIchael) as we've now removed the Delta files from the US Edition package as well as the INT Edition, but came back with a lot of results: Michael confirmed that the problem is that the Sept 21 US Edition has Delta files, but the new US Edition doesn’t - so we can just ignore the results from the Swagger classification this cycle, and try them again in the next cycle when the previousPublishedPackage also has no Delta files... | |||||||||||||||||
doc_Icd10MapTechnicalGuideExemplars_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.xlsx | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: |
March 2022 Pre-Production (Version6) vs March 2022 Pre-Production (Version7) traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
Language files | 10 | 10 records reactivated, as expected due to fixes in ISRS-1184 NOT YET HAVING BEEN PROMOTED TO US MAIN!!!! < 05ff7b8b-05b2-4421-8fb4-f1772c42d68f 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 787911000124114 900000000000549004 < 1d6ddf22-94f2-4dcf-b945-c870c8d10b15 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 799901000124118 900000000000549004 < 271c9f61-f969-4ad7-937d-717eb1eba498 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 806791000124115 900000000000549004 < 370f26ce-0117-4840-9813-53d767e77a34 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 787891000124112 900000000000549004 < 472a4ad9-7b1c-45b3-b86d-8722315d2cb0 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 790951000124110 900000000000549004 < 6e805725-3069-482d-bfcd-9ac0dac1cc82 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 790941000124113 900000000000549004 < a6bf6540-e56c-4c46-9093-5b223822ebc3 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 787871000124111 900000000000549004 < b8b9155f-183e-4ec2-bba5-1774efafae87 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 806781000124118 900000000000549004 < c9b2f075-77ea-42e9-bc78-def708c3d880 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 799951000124119 900000000000549004 < d06792de-9216-45fe-9a52-ac12bbc4116b 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000508004 790991000124116 900000000000549004 | |
Language files | 2 | 2 redundant records replaces with old records, as expected due to fixes now promoted in ISRS-1180 < 0cea0998-e026-5d83-87c8-83e3d9d52cb6 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000509007 747261000124112 900000000000548007 < 256da23b-7e2d-568b-900b-737e0a2b0ee2 20220301 0 731000124108 900000000000509007 747251000124110 900000000000548007 | |
Attribute Value files | 1 | ISRS-1182 | 1 record updated AS EXPECTED AS fixes in ISRS-1182 NOT PROMOTED YET??????? < 8c3d1c4b-cc94-4c98-97c8-a783d87518bb 20220301 1 731000124108 900000000000490003 837001000124116 900000000000482003 > 0beb9398-0c79-4401-ae5f-23ba5dc019a6 20220301 1 731000124108 900000000000490003 837001000124116 900000000000485001 |
March 2022 Pre-Production (Version5) vs March 2022 Pre-Production (Version6) traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
Language files | 10 | 10 records inactivated, as expected due to fixes in ISRS-1184 (though only 5 expected? Confirmed as expected with Darryn via email at 12:10 on 7/2/22 + in ticket...) < 05ff7b8b-05b2-4421-8fb4-f1772c42d68f 20180901 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 787911000124114 900000000000549004 < 1d6ddf22-94f2-4dcf-b945-c870c8d10b15 20190301 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 799901000124118 900000000000549004 < 271c9f61-f969-4ad7-937d-717eb1eba498 20200901 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 806791000124115 900000000000549004 < 370f26ce-0117-4840-9813-53d767e77a34 20180901 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 787891000124112 900000000000549004 < 472a4ad9-7b1c-45b3-b86d-8722315d2cb0 20180901 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 790951000124110 900000000000549004 < 6e805725-3069-482d-bfcd-9ac0dac1cc82 20180901 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 790941000124113 900000000000549004 < a6bf6540-e56c-4c46-9093-5b223822ebc3 20180901 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 787871000124111 900000000000549004 < b8b9155f-183e-4ec2-bba5-1774efafae87 20200901 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 806781000124118 900000000000549004 < c9b2f075-77ea-42e9-bc78-def708c3d880 20190301 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 799951000124119 900000000000549004 < d06792de-9216-45fe-9a52-ac12bbc4116b 20180901 1 731000124108 900000000000508004 790991000124116 900000000000549004 |
March 2022 Pre-Production (Version4) vs March 2022 Pre-Production (Version5) traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
March 2022 Pre-Production (Version3) vs March 2022 Pre-Production (Version4) traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
Description files | 4 | 2 inactive records updated, as as expected due to fixes now promoted in ISRS-1180: < 747251000124110 20210901 0 731000124108 301551000119106 en 900000000000003001 Abscess of tendon sheath of left ankle AND/OR foot (disorder) 900000000000448009 < 747261000124112 20210901 0 731000124108 301551000119106 en 900000000000013009 Abscess of tendon sheath of left ankle AND/OR foot 900000000000448009 Plus 2 records inactivated, as per fixes in ISRS-1182: < 837001000124116 20210901 1 731000124108 425520001 en 900000000000013009 Bowdeniella nasicola 900000000000017005 < 837321000124112 20210901 1 731000124108 734241003 en 900000000000013009 Pedococcus aerophilus 900000000000448009 | |
OWL Expression files | 1 | 1 record updated, as per fixes in ISRS-1179: < 9d5129b7-4d3b-4a74-b24c-70800b8940db 20220301 1 731000124108 733073007 125161000119103 SubClassOf(:125161000119103 ObjectIntersectionOf(:248539004 :56098000 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:363714003 :423340009)) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:418775008 :84100007)) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:42752001 :1187601005)))) | |
Relationship files | 1 | ISRS-1179 | 1 record removed, as per fixes in ISRS-1179: < 2196901000124128 20220301 1 731000124108 125161000119103 1187601005 3 42752001 900000000000011006 900000000000451002 |
ExtendedMap files | 25561 | US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301 - for ICD-10-CM (5991000124107) map: 16782 records added/updated 8779 records inactivated ?Need to verify this with WCI + Kin Wah.... Kin Wah confirmed they don't keep logs!
So roughly the right amount given the previous number of changes SEND TO JULIA and KIN WAH TO VERIFY ONCE HAVE FINAL VERSION Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... | |
ModuleDependency files | ALL | n/a | 3 more US records updated with latest effectiveTimes, as expected: < 53773521-fd81-5dde-9a2d-8b87e8803251 20210901 1 5991000124107 900000000000534007 731000124108 20210901 20210731 < 70edb2ac-8a7a-5a94-b385-f8ad80db3858 20210901 1 731000124108 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20210901 20210731 > 71ae8ceb-7984-550c-b1f5-9a69681b383a 20220301 1 731000124108 900000000000534007 900000000000207008 20220301 20220131 |
Attribute Value files | 2 | ISRS-1182 | 2 records added, as per fixes in ISRS-1182 > 8c3d1c4b-cc94-4c98-97c8-a783d87518bb 20220301 1 731000124108 900000000000490003 837001000124116 900000000000482003 |
Language files | 2 | ISRS-1182 | 2 records inactivated, as per fixes in ISRS-1182 < 26733f5c-5662-4c24-9359-db01ee7a3c80 20210901 1 731000124108 900000000000509007 837321000124112 900000000000549004 < a36210e8-68ce-4b93-98e8-96671031ae6c 20210901 1 731000124108 900000000000509007 837001000124116 900000000000549004 |
September 2021 (PUBLISHED) vs March 2022 Pre-Production (Version3) traceability
Differences found in package Comparison | Number of RF2 records impacted | Related JIRA ticket(s) | Rationale |
Simple refset files | 488 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 123 records inactivated, plus 365 records added US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records changed This is as expected from the Lateralizable Refset changes that Yong made in this cycle for the International Edition, with no additional US changes found See here for confirmation: International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022) Therefore this is the expected result, as we never expect to have US specific changes in this file BUT THERE ARE 344 RECORDS THAT THE NEW AUTOMATED LATERALIZABLE REFSET CODE HAS PUT INTO THE WRONG MODULE!
| |
ExtendedMap files | 29796 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 533 records inactivated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 2141 records added (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records added 0 records inactivated ???????????????????Need to verify this with WCI + Kin Wah.... Kin Wah confirmed they don't keep logs!
So roughly the right amount given the previous number of changes SEND TO JULIA and KIN WAH TO VERIFY ONCE HAVE FINAL VERSION Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... NO US CONTENT YET!!! | |
ModuleDependency files | ALL | n/a | NO US CONTENT YET!!! 6 records updated with latest effectiveTimes, as expected: < 1244116f-fdb5-5645-afcc-5281288409da 20200731 1 900000000000207008 900000000000534007 900000000000012004 20200731 20200731 |
Association files | 4051 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 0 records updated, plus 863 records inactivated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 3097 records added (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 81 records added plus 10 inactivated ????????????US Edition specific changes are related to ...
As expected when compared to the Summary Component Stats Report: Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... | |
Attribute Value files | 37675 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 3186 records inactivated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 34091 records added/updated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 341 records added plus 183 inactivated This is only ???????? changes more than the International Edition - therefore the US specific changes are....
Roughly the expected figure then, when compared to previous cycles, plus confirmed by the Summary Component Stats Report: Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... | |
RefsetDescriptor files | 9 | US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records changed INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 9 new records added, as expected due to new expression refset records introduced in Jan 2022 International Edition - see here for full details: International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022)
Plus 6 inactivations:
Plus 1 updated (change of module):
Readme file | n/a | Updated to reflect new EffectiveTime as expected + x prefixes added for Pre-Production PLUS ALL DELTA FILES REMOVED, AS PLANNED! | |
SimpleMap files | 4592 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 65 records inactivated, plus 4527 records added US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records changed This matches the International Edition changes exactly, as 3559 added for CTV3 (as part of the normal authoring cycle updates, exported from the termServer - this is the exact expected amount as it matches exactly the number of new concepts created in the latest authoring cycle) + 2 new/updated records for ICD-0 as expected, matching the 2 records in the Delta from mapping tool. See here for confirmation: International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022) Therefore this is the expected result, as we never expect to have US specific changes in this file | |
Concept files | 9592 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 1171 records inactivated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 5552 records added/updated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 188 records added plus plus 91 updated plus 68 inactivated
Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... | |
Description files | 38237 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 8963 records inactivated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 27524 records added/updated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 1639 records added/updated plus 111 inactivated
| |
OwlExpression files | 17100 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 1164 records inactivated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 15255 records added/updated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 612 records added plus 69 inactivated
Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... | |
Stated Relationship files | 0 | 0 changes as expected! (same as International Edition as well) | |
Relationship files | 80751 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 28147 records inactivated (roughly same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 48736 records added/updated (roughly same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 1872 records added plus 1996 inactivated
Relationship Concrete Values files | 2150 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 1053 records updated, plus 1097 records inactivated ...exactly the same as with the International editing cycle. See here for confirmation: International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records changed Therefore there are no US specific changes this cycle
| |
TextDefinition files | 733 | n/a | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 45 records inactivated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 674 records added/updated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 4 records added plus 0 inactivated
Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... |
Language files | 74534 | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 17765 records inactivated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation), plus 55771 records added/updated (same as International Edition - see final Production International Delta file for confirmation) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 839 records added/updated plus 159 inactivated
Just need confirmation from the US in Pre-Prod validation stage... | |
MRCMAttributeDomain files | 1 | US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records updated INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 1 new records added, exactly the same as with the International editing cycle. See here for confirmation: International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022) > 7e29d963-b054-4454-9121-8de1cffceadd 20211031 1 900000000000012004 723561005 1003735000 363787002 1 0..* 0..1 723597001 723596005 | |
MRCMAttributeRange files | 1 | n/a | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 0records updated, plus 0 records inactivated, plus 1 records added, exactly the same as with the International editing cycle. See here for confirmation: International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records changed Therefore there are no US specific changes tis cycle |
MRCMDomain files | 1 | n/a | INTERNATIONAL EFFECTIVETIME 20220131: 1 records updated, exactly the same as with the International editing cycle. See here for confirmation: International Edition Traceability matrix (January 2022) US EDITION EFFECTIVETIME 20220301: 0 records changed Therefore there are no US specific changes this cycle ?????????? |
tls_Icd10cmHumanReadableMap_ US1000124_20170901.tsv | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapTechnicalSpecifications_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.pdf | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapTechnicalGuideExemplars_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.xlsx | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10cmMapReleaseNotes_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.pdf | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |
doc_Icd10MapTechnicalGuideExemplars_Current-en-US_US1000124_20170901.xlsx | 0 | MOVED TO ITS OWN ICD-10-CM RESOURCES PACKAGE - WILL RUN COMPARISONS ON PAGE: | |