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A concept created in an extension must conform to the logical design of SNOMED CT concepts. An overview of the logical model is provided in 

Caption reference
. This means that every concept created in an extension must have:


Additional defining relationships may include

t116680003 Is a
 relationships and attribute relationships. When specifying attribute relations for an extension concept it is important to ensure compliance with the SNOMED CT concept model. The concept model specifies the attributes that can be applied to particular types of concepts and it specifies the permitted values for each of these attributes. There are also additional rules on the cardinality and grouping of particular types of relationships. Please see the  SNOMED CT Editorial Guide and the  SNOMED CT Machine Readable Concept Model for details on the concept model rules. 

Caption label
Logical Model Overview

Retaining Referential Integrity


The following 3 examples illustrate the impact of adding extension concepts as leaf concepts or intermediate concepts or intermediate concepts (after classification). The impact is considered in terms of how each addition effects subsumption testing  testing using an example international concept 'G'.  

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Example 1 - Primitive Extension Concept as a Leaf Concept


Impact on hierarchyA primitive extension concept, which is created as a leaf concept, must always be a subtype of an international edition concept, and will not be classified as a supertype of an international concept.
Impact on subsumption

The addition of this type of content does not impact subsumption testing of concepts in the international edition, because it will remain distal in the hierarchy to all International content after classification. 
In this case, the transitive closure of the International Edition will stay the same, except for the addition of the new inferred

t116680003 |is a|
relationship associated with the concept from the extension.

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Example 2 - Extension Concept as an Intermediate Concept (No impact on subsumption)


Impact on hierarchy

The definition of a concept in an extension module may result in it being classified as an intermediate concept in the SNOMED CT polyhierarchy, as illustrated in the diagram above.

This scenario results in the creation of two new inferred

t116680003 |is a|
relationships in the extension, i.e. the relationships G | is a | X and X | is a | E. The inferred relationship G | is a | E (green dotted line), which is present in the international edition, becomes redundant when classified together with the extension (therefore marked grey in the diagram).

Impact on subsumption

This type of intermediate extension concept does not change the results of subsumption testing between international concepts. It does, however, have an impact on which relationships from the international edition are non-redundant in the extension edition. In this example, the inferred relationship G |is a| E becomes redundant when combined with the inferred relationships from the extension.

Extension producers can handle this redundancy by:

Caption label
Example 3 - Extension Concept as an Intermediate Concept (Impact on subsumption)


Impact on hierarchy

The definition of a concept in an extension module may result in it being classified as an intermediate concept in the SNOMED CT polyhierarchy, as illustrated in the diagram above.

This scenario results in the creation of three new inferred

t116680003 |is a|
relationships in the extension, i.e. the relationships G | is a | X and X | is a | D and X | is a | E. The inferred relationshipG | is a | E (green dotted line), which is present in the international edition, becomes redundant when combined with the inferred relationships from the extension. Furthermore, the definition of the extension concept X results in a modification of the definition of the international concept G, as G is now a subtype of the international concept D.

Impact on subsumption

This type of intermediate extension concept may change the results of subsumption testing for particular international concepts, when used within the local edition. Extension producers should therefore exercise extreme caution when introducing this type of concept addition.

When using the International Edition on its own, the concept G will not be treated as a subtype of the concept D. However, users of this example extension edition will see the international concept G as a subtype of the international concept D. This means that queries over international concepts stored in clinical data will lead to different results, depending on which edition is used. Therefore, intermediate concepts of this type may have serious consequences on the comparability and interoperability across SNOEMD CT Editions.


Concepts added to an extension are represented in a concept file.  These These concepts are part of a module which includes the namespace identifier assigned to the extension producer by SNOMED International. Each concept also requires additional components and reference set members to be defined. At a minimum, the following components and derivatives should be created:


The table below provides a summary of the process to follow when adding a new concept to an extension.

Pdf font sizer

Stated RelationshipLanguage Refset
File TypeProcess

A new concept identifier is allocated within the extension namespace.

The attributes of the new concept are set as follows:

  • id is set to the new concept identifier allocated within the extension namespace
  • effectiveTime is set to the date the extension will be published
  • active is set to 1 to indicate that the new concept will be active at the time of publication
  • moduleId is set to the conceptId of a module that is managed by the extension producer
  • definitionStatusId is set to state whether the concept is primitive or fully defined
Stated Axiom

Authoring the concept definition involves specifying the defining properties of the concept, i.e. stating the axioms that represent necessary conditions for the meaning of the concept. For more information, see SNOMED CT Logic Profile Specification and SNOMED CT OWL Guide.

To prepare for publication, a new row representing the concept definition is added to the OWL axiom reference set.

The attributes of the reference set member representing the stated axiom are set as follows:

  • id is set to the new relationship identifier allocated within the extension namespace.
  • effectiveTime is set to the date the extension will be published
  • active is set to '1' to indicate that the new relationship will be active at the time of publication
  • moduleId is set to identify a module concept from the extension
  • referencedComponentId  is set to the identifier generated for the new concept 
  • owlExpression is set to the text of the OWL expression representing the defining properties of the new concept

A description of type of

t900000000000003001 |Fully specified name|
 and at least one description of type of
t900000000000013009 |Synonym|
 is added.

For more information on creating descriptions, please refer to Add Description in an Extension

At least one

t116680003 |Is a|
 relationship to a parent concept is added. Note that concepts may have more than one
t116680003 |Is a|
 relationship as SNOMED CT is polyhierarchical.

Optionally, one (or more) attribute relationship is added. The principles for adding these relationships are similar to that of adding the required subtype relationship.

Please refer to Add Relationship in an Extension for more information about adding relationships.

Language reference set

The new descriptions of the concept are referenced in at least one language refset to indicate language preferences.