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  • Microorganism taxonomic names may change from time to time. One of the primary reasons for these changes is advances in science e.g. application of molecular techniques to compare the nucleic acid similarities among organisms, which may result in:


    • An organism previously assigned to a particular taxon (e.g. Genus) is found to be significantly unrelated to other members of the taxon on a molecular basis 


    • Reassessing the taxonomic groupings originally established based on phenotypic characteristics 


    • Proposal to reassign the organism to a different taxon--either a new taxon or an existing one 


    • Requirement for a name change


DateRequested ActionRequester(s)
Action required by:Comments
12 July 16Feedback on proposed changes
by CMAG members
TBA (will be early August)

Please post you final responses in the Country response table below. Discussion comments can be made as comments.


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2016-04-18 - CMAG Meeting (Face to face)

2016-07-12 - CMAG Meeting


Country response 

 Canada 2016-07-14

 I agree with option#3 as long as the current FSN description is inactivated and a new description is created to represent the new name.

>>> IHTSDO content team response: Yes, that is the recommended plan.

US2016-08-24option #3

option 3, as long as the current FSN description is inactivated and the current preferred synonym is marked as acceptable (the prefered synonym will be the new name)

>>> IHTSDO content team response: Yes, that is the recommended plan. The Old description will be an acceptable synonym.


 Option 3, feedback is that the type of change needs to be very clear e.g.

The original FSN term and its description ID will be made inactive   (OLD description FSN)

And a new FSN and description ID will be created and made Active  (New description FSN)

And a new Synonym and description ID will be created and made Active  (Old description)

All attached to a Concept ID that will remain Active

>>> IHTSDO content team response: Thanks for explaining it in details. the answer is yes, that is the recommended plan.


Option #3, and description of the principles behind this option so that they may be consistently applied in similar situations.

>>> IHTSDO content team response: Thanks for the feedback. The IHTSD ediitorial guidelines will be updated accordingly to reflect this decision.

DK2016-08-25Option #3
Member countries without a CMAG rep  


CMAG response

DateCMAG ResponseNext steps


Option 3 response preferred.

Suzanne Santamaria and Farzaneh Ashrafi will be progressing the changes in line with the feedback.



Final outcome: