Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

May 2023 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to June 2023 PRODUCTION (Version


1 POST VERSIONING) traceability




Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


RefsetDescriptor files0

0 records added/updated as expected

Association Reference files

288 records added/updated, plus


118 records inactivated expected as the totals ALMOST match exactly with Summary Component Stats report, but you also need to incorporate SEP changes:

In order to get an accurate comparison, we have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals from the RF2 files (manually tallied from the new Association Snapshot files) and add them to the "Hist Assoc" tab in the Summary Component Report:

SEP (from RF2 diff files) =


10 changes:

  • 0 inactivations (
  • 734139008) + 0 inactivations (734139008)
  • 8 new/updated records (734138000) +
  • 2 new records (
  • 734138000)
  • Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page) - see report above

    • Report shows

    • 10 changes -

    • 8 new records +

    • 2 inactivations + 0 updates

This then, adds to the "Association" totals in the final refsets tab, in the Summary report stats:

  • 280 new/updated records +
  • 116 inactivations 

Makes a total of:

  • 288 new/updated records +
  • 118 inactivations 

Which matches ALMOST exactly with the counts I got above from the RF2 files!!  

Attribute Value files

1423 records added/updated, plus


68 inactivated expected as the totals match exactly with Summary Component Stats report

Language refset files

8783 records added/updated, plus


856 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

ExtendedMap files

873 records added/updated, plus


103 records inactivated

Which matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at




29 on

12 May


  • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release   
    •  0            +
    • Total New mapped entries this release   
    •  873
    • Total Changed mapped entries (modified) this release    0
  • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
    • Total Retired mapped entries this release   
    •  103
Simple Refset files

15 records added/updated, plus


4 records inactivated

  • Confirmed as matches exactly with Lateralizable refset (723264001) data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page) - see report above

SimpleMap files

1254 records added/updated, plus


0 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches with:

  • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is
  • 1252 (as per the number of 900000000000497000 records in the SimpleMap diff files, + it's exactly the same number as new concepts this cycle - see "Concepts" tab in the Summary Component Stats report above) PLUS
  • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 3 new + 1 inactivations, in the SimpleMap diff file, which also matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at
  • 12:
  • 00 on
12 May
    • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release   
      •  0            +
      • Total New mapped entries this release     2
    • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
      • Total Retired mapped entries this release   
      •  0
ModuleDependency files


3 records updated, as expected for


June 2023 effectiveTimes

Readme file

June 2023 dates updated + Beta "x" prefixes added, as expected

Concept files

1312 records added/updated, plus


222 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

Description files

4218 records added/updated, plus


428 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

Relationship files

8580 records added/updated, plus


3267 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

Relationship Concrete Values files

127 records added/updated, plus


3 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

OwlExpression (Axiom) files

1952 records added/updated, plus


222 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

Stated Relationship files


Stated Relationship files0

0 records updated, plus

0 records inactivated

As expected due to full migration to OWLExpression file in the July 2019 International Edition

TextDefinition files

220 records added/updated, plus


2 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

DOESN'T QUITE MATCH - DUE TO MY UPDATED VERSION OF MAC OS with a broken COMPARISON APP (you can tell when this is happened as the "c" file in the Comparison script output does NOT end with a carriage return, but just in the middle of a row) - ACTUAL FIGURES ARE:

131 records updated, plus

6 records inactivated


MRCM AttributeDomain files0

0 records added/updated as expected

MRCM AttributeRange files6


MRCM AttributeDomain files00

records added/updated as expected

MRCM AttributeRange files0

0 records added/updated as expected

MRCM Domain files0

0 records added/updated as expected

MRCM ModuleScope files0

0 records added/updated as expected

June 2023 PRODUCTION (Version 2 PRE VERSIONING) to June 2023 PRODUCTION (Version 2 POST VERSIONING) traceability

, as match exactly with the MRCM report:



Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)



  • < 2003ae77-7a97-46a7-a6c9-f070672a3231    20170731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408730004    << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 408730004 |Procedure context| = << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
    > 2003ae77-7a97-46a7-a6c9-f070672a3231    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408730004    << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 408730004 |Procedure context| = << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
  • < 3c7fb8c8-2e1e-407a-8c71-1ce330441c3d    20170731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408729009    << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 408729009 |Finding context| = << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
    > 3c7fb8c8-2e1e-407a-8c71-1ce330441c3d    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408729009    << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 408729009 |Finding context| = << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
  • < 6b6e3ed0-383e-4950-b7e8-ae11277663b9    20170731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    363589002    << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| }    723597001    723594008
    > 6b6e3ed0-383e-4950-b7e8-ae11277663b9    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    363589002    << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| }    723597001    723594008
  • < 8163e3c0-b0c4-4c92-82e7-e93a23770b17    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 416698001 |Link assertion (link assertion)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Ob---
    > 8163e3c0-b0c4-4c92-82e7-e93a23770b17    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 416698001 |Link assertion (link assertion)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR <<99c99
  • < ae16bb19-1389-403c-888d-ea81c9c13d4f    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    363589002    << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = (<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) }    723597001    723595009
    > ae16bb19-1389-403c-888d-ea81c9c13d4f    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    363589002    << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = (<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) }    723597001    723595009
  • < ecab61a9-4af1-43fc-acfd-1cefbab47b89    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|) }    723597001    723594008
    > ecab61a9-4af1-43fc-acfd-1cefbab47b89    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|) }    723597001    723594008

Sent to Maria + Yong for cross checking as these are critical changes that can have a wide ranging impact... Maria + Yong signed off via email at 09:48 on 13/6/2023

Yong confirmed that the discrepancy between this and the MRCM Report (which only reported 4 changes) is purely a Reporting issue, as the 6 content changes in the RF2 files are correct - ticket

raised to fix the MRCM report (as Maria confirmed this is a new issue)

MRCM Domain files2

2 records added/updated as expected, as match exactly with the MRCM report:

  • < 07225f48-d874-403f-a051-d0fa9d2895e2    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723560006    129125009    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *    243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    << 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *    [[1..*]] 408730004 |Procedure context| = [[+id(<< 288532009 |Context values for act---
    > 07225f48-d874-403f-a051-d0fa9d2895e2    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723560006    129125009    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|    243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    << 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    [[1..*]] 363589002 |Associated procedure (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|)]]    [[+id(<< 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|)]]: [[1..*]] { [[1..1]] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = [[+id(<< 71388002 |Proce3c3
  • < 0b0b9db5-3be5-44e5-86e8-1389756ec245    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723560006    413350009    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *    243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    << 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *    [[1..*]] 408729009 |Finding context| = [[+id(<< 410514004 |Finding context va---
    > 0b0b9db5-3be5-44e5-86e8-1389756ec245    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723560006    413350009    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|    243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    << 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    [[1..*]] 246090004 |Associated finding (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|)]]    [[+id(<< 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|)]]: [[1..*]] { [[1..1]] 246090004 |Associated fin

Sent to Maria + Yong for cross checking as these are critical changes that can have a wide ranging impact... Maria + Yong signed off via email at 09:48 on 13/6/2023

MRCM ModuleScope files0

0 records added/updated as expected

June 2023 PRODUCTION (Version 2 PRE VERSIONING) to June 2023 PRODUCTION (Version 1 POST VERSIONING) traceability



Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


Readme file

Beta "x" prefixes removed + Prod naming conventions applied, as expected

SimpleMap files1252

1252 new records had their UUID's refreshed, as expected

May 2023 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to June 2023 PREPRODUCTION (Version 2 PRE VERSIONING) traceability



Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


RefsetDescriptor files0

0 records added/updated as expected

Association Reference files406

288 records added/updated, plus

118 records inactivated expected as the totals ALMOST match exactly with Summary Component Stats report, but you also need to incorporate SEP changes:

In order to get an accurate comparison, we have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals from the RF2 files (manually tallied from the new Association Snapshot files) and add them to the "Hist Assoc" tab in the Summary Component Report:

SEP (from RF2 diff files) = 10 changes:

  • 0 inactivations (734139008) + 0 inactivations (734139008)
  • 8 new/updated records (734138000) + 2 new records (734138000)
  • Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page) - see report above

    • Report shows 10 changes - 8 new records + 2 inactivations + 0 updates

This then, adds to the "Association" totals in the final refsets tab, in the Summary report stats:

  • 280 new/updated records +
  • 116 inactivations 

Makes a total of:

  • 288 new/updated records +
  • 118 inactivations 

Which matches ALMOST exactly with the counts I got above from the RF2 files!!  

Attribute Value files1491

1423 records added/updated, plus

68 inactivated expected as the totals match exactly with Summary Component Stats report

Language refset files9639

8783 records added/updated, plus

856 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

ExtendedMap files976

873 records added/updated, plus

103 records inactivated

Which matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 12:29 on :

  • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     0            +
    • Total New mapped entries this release     873
    • Total Changed mapped entries (modified) this release    0
  • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
    • Total Retired mapped entries this release     103
Simple Refset files19

15 records added/updated, plus

4 records inactivated

  • Confirmed as matches exactly with Lateralizable refset (723264001) data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page) - see report above

SimpleMap files1254

1254 records added/updated, plus

0 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches with:

  • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 1252 (as per the number of 900000000000497000 records in the SimpleMap diff files, + it's exactly the same number as new concepts this cycle - see "Concepts" tab in the Summary Component Stats report above) PLUS
  • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 3 new + 1 inactivations, in the SimpleMap diff file, which also matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 12:00 on
    • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     0            +
      • Total New mapped entries this release     2
    • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
      • Total Retired mapped entries this release     0
ModuleDependency files


3 records updated, as expected for June 2023 effectiveTimes

Readme file

June 2023 dates updated + Beta "x" prefixes added, as expected

Concept files1535

1312 records added/updated, plus

222 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

Description files4646

4218 records added/updated, plus

428 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

Relationship files12108

8580 records added/updated, plus

3267 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

Relationship Concrete Values files130

127 records added/updated, plus

3 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

OwlExpression (Axiom) files2173

1951 records added/updated, plus

222 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

SMALL DISCREPANCY - 1952 CHANGES EXPECTED IN SCS Report, BUT ONLY 1951 CAME THROUGH... checking with Maria - Maria confirmed she was unconcerned with this minor discrepancy, so we can continue as planned.

Stated Relationship files0

0 records updated, plus

0 records inactivated

As expected due to full migration to OWLExpression file in the July 2019 International Edition

TextDefinition files222

216 records added/updated, plus

2 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

DOESN'T QUITE MATCH - DUE TO MY UPDATED VERSION OF MAC OS with a broken COMPARISON APP (you can tell when this is happened as the "c" file in the Comparison script output does NOT end with a carriage return, but just in the middle of a row) - ACTUAL FIGURES ARE:

220 records updated, plus

2 records inactivated

MRCM AttributeDomain files0

0 records added/updated as expected

MRCM AttributeRange files6

6 records added/updated as expected, as match exactly with the MRCM report:

  • < 2003ae77-7a97-46a7-a6c9-f070672a3231    20170731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408730004    << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 408730004 |Procedure context| = << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
    > 2003ae77-7a97-46a7-a6c9-f070672a3231    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408730004    << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 408730004 |Procedure context| = << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
  • < 3c7fb8c8-2e1e-407a-8c71-1ce330441c3d    20170731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408729009    << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 408729009 |Finding context| = << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
    > 3c7fb8c8-2e1e-407a-8c71-1ce330441c3d    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408729009    << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 408729009 |Finding context| = << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
  • < 6b6e3ed0-383e-4950-b7e8-ae11277663b9    20170731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    363589002    << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| }    723597001    723594008
    > 6b6e3ed0-383e-4950-b7e8-ae11277663b9    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    363589002    << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| }    723597001    723594008
  • < 8163e3c0-b0c4-4c92-82e7-e93a23770b17    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 416698001 |Link assertion (link assertion)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Ob---
    > 8163e3c0-b0c4-4c92-82e7-e93a23770b17    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 416698001 |Link assertion (link assertion)|    << 413350009 |Finding
Readme file

Beta "x" prefixes removed + Prod naming conventions applied, as expected

SimpleMap files551

551 new records had their UUID's refreshed, as expected

May 2023 PRODUCTION (PUBLISHED) to June 2023 PREPRODUCTION (Version 2 PRE VERSIONING) traceability



Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impacted

Related JIRA ticket(s)


RefsetDescriptor files0

0 records added/updated as expected

Association Reference files406

288 records added/updated, plus

118 records inactivated expected as the totals ALMOST match exactly with Summary Component Stats report, but you also need to incorporate SEP changes:

In order to get an accurate comparison, we have to ALSO INCLUDE the SEP refset (734138000 + 734139008) totals from the RF2 files (manually tallied from the new Association Snapshot files) and add them to the "Hist Assoc" tab in the Summary Component Report:

SEP (from RF2 diff files) = 36 changes:

  • 0 inactivations (734138000) + 0 inactivations (734139008)
  • 17 new/updated records (734138000) + 0 new records (734139008)
  • Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page) - see report above

    • Report shows 27 changes - 17 new records + 10 inactivations + 0 updates

This then, adds to the "Association" totals in the final refsets tab, in the Summary report stats:

  • 834 new/updated records +
  • 383 inactivations 

Makes a total of:

  • 851 new/updated records +
  • 393 inactivations 

Which matches ALMOST exactly with the counts I got above from the RF2 files!!  

Attribute Value files1491

1423 records added/updated, plus

68 inactivated expected as the totals match exactly with Summary Component Stats report

Language refset files9639

8783 records added/updated, plus

856 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

ExtendedMap files976

873 records added/updated, plus

103 records inactivated

Which matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 14:00 on :

  • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     3            +
    • Total New mapped entries this release     174
    • Total Changed mapped entries (modified) this release    0
  • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
    • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
    • Total Retired mapped entries this release     186
Simple Refset files19

15 records added/updated, plus

4 records inactivated

  • Confirmed as matches exactly with Lateralizable refset (723264001) data in Lateralizable Report sent to me by Maria (in Section 1 of Content Handover page) - see report above

SimpleMap files1254

1254 records added/updated, plus

0 records inactivated

Confirmed as matches with:

  • firstly the number of CTV3 records (900000000000497000) - which in this release is 551 (as per the number of 900000000000497000 records in the SimpleMap diff files, + it's exactly the same number as new concepts this cycle - see "Concepts" tab in the Summary Component Stats report above) PLUS
  • the manual counts of ICD-0 records (446608001) - here 3 new + 1 inactivations, in the SimpleMap diff file, which also matches exactly with the new detailed Map Reports WCI sent off the back of Maria's Map tasks, sent in an email from entitled "Upload Successful", at 13:31 on
    • "added/updated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (new) this release     1            +
      • Total New mapped entries this release     2
    • "inactivated" counts from diff report matches to total of WCI report lines:
      • Total Changed mapped entries (retired) this release     0        +
      • Total Retired mapped entries this release     1
    ModuleDependency files


    3 records updated, as expected for May 2023 effectiveTimes

    Readme file

    May 2023 dates updated + Beta "x" prefixes added, as expected

    Concept files1010

    685 records added/updated, plus

    325 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

    Description files2863

    2261 records added/updated, plus

    602 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

    NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

    Relationship files5957

    3647 records added/updated, plus

    2310 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

    Relationship Concrete Values files101

    101 records added/updated, plus

    0 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)  

    OwlExpression (Axiom) files1547

    1218 records added/updated, plus

    329 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report)

    Stated Relationship files0

    0 records updated, plus

    0 records inactivated

    As expected due to full migration to OWLExpression file in the July 2019 International Edition

    TextDefinition files64

    59 records added/updated, plus

    5 records inactivated

    Confirmed as matches exactly with data in Summary Component Stats report - see Report linked above - ("added/updated" counts above match against total of "New" + "Changed DefnStatus" + "Reactivated" columns in report) 

    NOTE:  Updated total DOES NOT ALWAYS MATCH EXACTLY (like the others) - the report states 1255 inactivations instead of 1256.  This is explained by the inclusion of the "<" character (which I use to search the Diff files to separate out the different change types) in many actual Terms.  So searching for "< " instead (including the tab after <) finds instead 334 records updated, which is much closer.

    DOESN'T QUITE MATCH - DUE TO MY UPDATED VERSION OF MAC OS with a broken COMPARISON APP (you can tell when this is happened as the "c" file in the Comparison script output does NOT end with a carriage return, but just in the middle of a row) - ACTUAL FIGURES ARE:

    131 records updated, plus

    6 records inactivated

    MRCM AttributeDomain files0

    0 records added/updated as expected

    MRCM AttributeRange files0

    6 records added/updated as expected:

    < 2003ae77-7a97-46a7-a6c9-f070672a3231    20170731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    408730004    << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)|    << 129125009 |Procedure
    • with explicit context (situation)|: [0..
    0] 408729009 |Finding context| =
    • *
    , [0..0
    • ]
    246090004 |Associated finding| = *, [0..*]
    • { [0..1]
    • 246090004 |
    Procedure context
    • Associated finding| =
    << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)| }    723597001    723596005
    > 2003ae77-7a97-46a7-a6c9-f070672a3231    20230630
    • (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR <<99c99
    • < ae16bb19-1389-403c-888d-ea81c9c13d4f    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723562003  
    •  363589002    <<
    288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value
    • 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *, [0..*] { [0..1]
    • 363589002 |
    Procedure context
    • Associated procedure| =
    << 288532009 |Context values for actions (qualifier value)|
    • (<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) }    723597001  
    •  723595009
    < 3c7fb8c8
    • > ae16bb19-
    • 1389-
    • 403c-
    • 888d-
    • ea81c9c13d4f  
    •  20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003  
    •  363589002    <<
    410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value
    • 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    <<
    • 129125009 |
    • Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..
    0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *,
    • *] { [0..
    • 1] 363589002 |Associated procedure| =
    *, [0..*] { [0..1] 408729009 |Finding context| = << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|
    • (<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) }    723597001  
    •  723595009
    > 3c7fb8c8
    • < ecab61a9-
    • 4af1-
    • 43fc-
    • acfd-
    • 1cefbab47b89  
    •  20200731    1    900000000000012004    723562003  
    •  246090004    <<
    410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value
    • 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *, [0..*] { [0..1]
    408729009 |Finding context| = << 410514004 |Finding context value (qualifier value)|
    • 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|) }    723597001  
    •  723594008
    < 6b6e3ed0
    • > ecab61a9-
    • 4af1-
    • 43fc-
    • acfd-
    • 1cefbab47b89  
    •  20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003  
    •  246090004    <<
    71388002 |Procedure (procedure
    • 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|    <<
    • 413350009 |
    • Finding with explicit context (situation)
    |: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *,
    • |: [0..*] { [0..1]
    • 246090004 |Associated
    • finding| =
    << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|
    • (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|) }    723597001    723594008
    > 6b6e3ed0-383e-4950-b7e8-ae11277663b9    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    363589002    << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..*] { [0..1] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| }    723597001    723594008< 8163e3c0-b0c4-4c92-82e7-e93a23770b17    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)

    Sent to Maria + Yong for cross checking as these are critical changes that can have a wide ranging impact... Maria + Yong signed off via email at 09:48 on 13/6/2023

    Yong confirmed that the discrepancy between this and the MRCM Report (which only reported 4 changes) is purely a Reporting issue, as the 6 content changes in the RF2 files are correct - ticket

    serverIHTSDO JIRA
    raised to fix the MRCM report (as Maria confirmed this is a new issue)

    MRCM Domain files2

    2 records added/updated as expected, as match exactly with the MRCM report:

    • < 07225f48-d874-403f-a051-d0fa9d2895e2    20200731    1    900000000000012004    723560006    129125009    << 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *    243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    << 243796009 |Situation
    | OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 416698001 |Link assertion (link assertion)|    << 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Ob---
    > 8163e3c0-b0c4-4c92-82e7-e93a23770b17    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    << 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR << 416698001 |Link assertion (link assertion)|    << 413350009 |Finding
    • with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..
    *] { [
    • 0
    • ] 246090004 |Associated finding| =
    (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)| OR <<99c99< ae16bb19-1389-403c-888d-ea81c9c13d4f    20200731
    • *    [[1..*]] 408730004 |Procedure context| = [[+id(<< 288532009 |Context values for act---
      > 07225f48-d874-403f-a051-d0fa9d2895e2    20230630    1    900000000000012004  
    •  723560006  
    •  129125009    <<
    363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure
    • 129125009 |Procedure with explicit context (situation)|    243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    <<
    • 243796009 |
    • Situation with explicit context (situation)|
    •    [[
    • 1..
    • *]]
    408729009 |Finding context| = *, [0..0] 246090004 |Associated finding| = *, [0
    • 363589002 |Associated procedure (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|)]]    [[+id(<< 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|)]]: [[1..*]] { [
    • [1..1]] 363589002 |Associated procedure| =
    (<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) }    723597001    723595009
    > ae16bb19-1389-403c-888d-ea81c9c13d4f    20230630
    • [[+id(<< 71388002 |Proce3c3
    • < 0b0b9db5-3be5-44e5-86e8-1389756ec245    20200731    1    900000000000012004  
    •  723560006  
    •  413350009    <<
    363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure
    • 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|: [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *    243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    <<
    • 243796009 |
    • Situation with explicit context (situation)|: [0..
    *] {
    • 0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..
    • 0] 363589002 |Associated
    procedure| = (<< 363787002 |Observable entity (observable entity)| OR << 71388002 |Procedure (procedure)|) }    723597001    723595009< ecab61a9-4af1-43fc-acfd-1cefbab47b89    20200731
    • procedure| = *    [[1..*]] 408729009 |Finding context| = [[+id(<< 410514004 |Finding context va---
      > 0b0b9db5-3be5-44e5-86e8-1389756ec245    20230630    1    900000000000012004  
    •  723560006  
    •  413350009    <<
    272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding
    • 413350009 |Finding with explicit context (situation)|    243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation)|    <<
    • 243796009 |
    • Situation with explicit context (situation)|
    : [0..0] 408730004 |Procedure context| = *, [0..0] 363589002 |Associated procedure| = *, [0..*] { [0..1] 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|) }    723597001    723594008
    > ecab61a9-4af1-43fc-acfd-1cefbab47b89    20230630    1    900000000000012004    723562003    246090004    <<
    •    [[1..*]] 246090004 |Associated finding (attribute)| = [[+id(<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|
       << 413350009 |Finding
    • )]]    [[+id(<< 243796009 |Situation with explicit context (situation
    )|: [0..*] { [0..1] 246090004 |Associated finding| = (<< 272379006 |Event (event)| OR << 404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|) }    723597001    723594008
    • )|)]]: [[1..*]] { [[1..1]] 246090004 |Associated fin

    Sent to Maria + Yong for cross checking as these are critical changes that can have a wide ranging impact... Maria + Yong signed off via email at 09:48 on 13/6/2023

    MRCM Domain files00 records added/updated as expected

    MRCM ModuleScope files0

    0 records added/updated as expected