
Versions Compared


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Modeling new content requests

Requests for new imaging-related content must clearly specify an imaging action; for example, computed tomography, plain X-ray, fluoroscopy, etc.
Radiographic imaging is a broad term that encompasses several types of imaging studies that use ionizing radiation for visualization of internal parts of the body using X-ray techniques (for example, computed tomography) and is therefore a grouping concept.  New content requests using the phrase Radiographic imaging of and/or submissions requesting a Method (attribute) of 278110001 |Radiographic imaging - action (qualifier value)| are not acceptable for the international edition of SNOMED CT.

Approved naming pattern

FSN:  Plain X-ray of <body structure> (procedure)
PT:     Plain X-ray of <body structure>

The X is capitalized, and the description case sensitivity is Only initial character case insensitive.

The following are acceptable synonyms:

  • Plain film of X
  • Plain radiography of X

These synonyms are only added on request or have been retained as active synonyms where they are already published. They are not routinely included as synonyms for the international edition.

Unacceptable descriptions

The following patterns are no longer permitted for any new descriptions, neither FSN nor synonyms:

titleUnder revision

There is inconsistency with naming Radiology of X vs X-ray of X and modeling of X-ray concepts. Preliminary analysis has been completed and a new approach recommended. Remodeling is pending. 

Approach 1: Radiography of X

  • FSN: Radiography of X (procedure)
  • t49345004 |
  • PT: Radiography of X
    • For example, 
      • Concept
          • Radiography of hand (procedure)
      • |


      • X-ray of X
          • For example, 
            • X-ray of
            • both feet (procedure)
          PT: X-ray of X
        • Diagnostic radiography
          • For example, 
              • Concept
                t426581005 |X-ray of both feet (procedure)|
                • Diagnostic radiography for foreign body detection and localization (procedure)

            Existing content with this type of description is currently under review and will be inactivated or updated to align with the new editorial guidance.



            363680008 |Radiographic imaging procedure (procedure)|
             is at the top-level of the hierarchy of imaging procedures utilizing X-rays.  The phrase diagnostic radiography is allowed as an FSN of subtypes of radiographic imaging procedure.

            For example,

              • Concept
                t66596009 |Diagnostic radiography for foreign body detection and localization (procedure)|
            titleInactivated concept

            Diagnostic radiologic examination (procedure) had a synonym of X-ray. It may have been interpreted more narrowly, because of the potential for a narrower interpretation of radiologic vs. radiographic and diagnostic.


            titleModeling: New content requests


            This concept is currently under review for inactivation in response to feedback from the community of practice.

            Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry 

            FSN: Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of X (procedure) 

            PT: Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of X

            SYN: DXA of X

            SYN: DEXA of X

            For example,

              • Concept


              • 428313006 |


              • Dual energy X-ray


            t278110001 |Radiographic imaging - action (qualifier value)|


              • absorptiometry of mandible (procedure)|
                • FSN: Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of mandible (procedure)
                • PT:  Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of mandible
                • SYN: DXA of mandible
                • SYN: DEXA of mandible