Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

November 2022 Pre-

Production (Version 2) vs September

Production (Version2) vs November 2022 Production (Version3) traceability

Summary Component Stats Report:  

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme filen/a

X prefixes removed, plus Prod naming convention applied, as expected

Belgian GP Subset refset files2


UUID reconciliation in the refset tool fixed, resulting in replacement of record for 11659006 with correct UUID, as per fixes in ISRS-1378

< 15398cda-6096-496b-a0bb-4122e80a0fd8    20221115    1    11000172109    721000172106    11659006

< 4e275e76-e8e8-49c6-a01a-648d170cabef    20220315    0    11000172109    721000172106    11659006
> 4e275e76-e8e8-49c6-a01a-648d170cabef    20221115    1    11000172109    721000172106    11659006

March 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs November 2022 Pre-Production (

Version 5

Version2) traceability

Summary Component Stats Report:

POC FHIR no allergy Refset files

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Readme filen/aMSSP-1643

EffectiveTimes updated to November 2022, x prefixes added, plus

New Package naming convention has been applied as follows:

  • <
  • >

8 Files for 4 new refsets have been added

as expected for 4 new refsets as confirmed in MSSP-1643

  • 50831000172102 |Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50841000172109 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50851000172106 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50861000172108 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)|

> ./der2_Refset_





> ./der2_Refset_





> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForAllergyIntoleranceCausativeAgentDrugSimpleRefsetFull_BE1000172_



> ./der2_Refset_SubsetForAllergyIntoleranceCausativeAgentDrugSimpleRefsetSnapshot_BE1000172_



> ./der2_Refset_





> ./der2_Refset_





> ./der2_Refset_





> ./der2_Refset_





4 new refsets are:

  • 50831000172102 |Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50841000172109 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50851000172106 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50861000172108 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)|

Subset For Vaccination Simple Refset files51




51 new records added, as expected for brand new refset??   Need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...
Subset For Allergy Intolerance Causative Agent Drug Simple Refset6405MSSP-164316966405 new records added, as expected for brand new refset??   Need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...
Subset For Allergy Intolerance Causative Agent Non-Drug Simple Refset1196MSSP-164316961196 new records added, as expected for brand new refset??   Need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...
Subset For Allergy Intolerance Manifestation Simple Refset files67MSSP-1643169667 new records added, as expected for brand new refset??   Need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...
Belgian 7MSSP-1643

0 new/updated records +

7 inactivated

ALL 7 records inactivated, as expected in preparation for full deprecation in the next cycle, as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643

Belgian POC FHIR causative agent, no drug Refset files657MSSP-1643

0 new/updated records +

657 inactivated

ALL 657 records inactivated, as expected in preparation for full deprecation in the next cycle, as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643

Belgian POC FHIR manifestation Refset files37MSSP-1643

0 new/updated records +

37 inactivated

ALL 37 records inactivated, as expected in preparation for full deprecation in the next cycle, as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643

March 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs September 2022 Pre-Production (Version2) traceability

Summary Component Stats Report:

EffectiveTimes updated to September 2022, x prefixes added, plus

New Package naming convention has been applied

HOWEVER, 4 new files HAVE NOT BEEN ADDED as expected for 4 new refsets as confirmed in MSSP-1643

  • 50831000172102 |Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50841000172109 |Belgian AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50851000172106 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)|
  • 50861000172108 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)|

    Differences found in package Comparison

    Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
    Readme filen/a subset for Belgian subset for medical problems in patient health records refset files022

    0 new/updated records +

    0 22 inactivated

    as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

    Belgian GP Subset refset files71859

    0 1850 new/updated records +

    7 9 inactivated

    as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

    Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP-1643

    Belgian POC FHIR no allergy Refset files7

    0 new/updated records +

    7 inactivated

    AS EXPECTED - need to have all 7 records inactivated (in preparation for full deprecation in the next cycle), as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643

    Belgian POC FHIR causative agent, no drug Refset files657

    0 new/updated records +

    657 inactivated

    AS EXPECTED - need to have all 657 records inactivated (in preparation for full deprecation in the next cycle), as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643

    Belgian POC FHIR manifestation Refset files37

    0 new/updated records +

    37 inactivated

    AS EXPECTED - need to have

    all 37 records inactivated (in preparation for full deprecation in the next cycle), as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643

    Translated Animal Materials Simple Refset files1

    0 new/updated records +

    1 inactivated

    as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

    Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP-1643

    Translated Edible Substances Simple Refset files1

    0 new/updated records +

    1 inactivated

    as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

    Good news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP-1643

    Translated Plant Materials Simple Refset files

    0 new/updated records +

    0 inactivated

    as expected???  No way to tell from the Summary Component Stats report, so need manual confirmation from Mounir when hand over Pre-Prod release...

    BAD news so far is that it was down as a Refset "that needs to be updated this cycle" in the master release ticket  MSSP-1643 - however, Mounir then confirmed (on 1/9/22 in the same ticket) that this was just a mistake - the migration proved no changes required, and therefore 0 changes is correct - refset moved to the right "static" section in the ticket.

    Extended Map (BE ICD-10 map)0

    0 changes, as confirmed by Mounir on 1/9/22 in MSSP-1643

    Concept files4


    4 5 new records, As expected as matches exactly with the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above) EXCEPT for the new top record, which Peter explained in MSSP-1755is "reactivated" and not technically new (due to the timing of the underlying monthly INT releases), and so he will improve the report to capture this better next time.

    > 16386004    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008
    > 50831000172102    20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008
    > 50841000172109    20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008
    > 50851000172106    20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008
    > 50861000172108    20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000074008

    Plus 4 of them matches the 4 new Refsets expected to be added in this cycle:

    • 50831000172102 |Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)|
    • 50841000172109 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)|
    • 50851000172106 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)|
    • 50861000172108 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)|
    Description (EN) files8

    8 new records, as expected as all linked to the new Concepts added above, plus the total of ALL 3 Description files nearly matches the TOTAL figures in the "Descriptions" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    > 7891601000172114    20220915    1    11000172109    50831000172102    en    900000000000003001    Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)    900000000000020002
    > 7891611000172112    20220915    1    11000172109    50831000172102    en    900000000000013009    Belgian subset for Vaccination    900000000000020002
    > 7891641000172111    20220915    1    11000172109    50841000172109    en    900000000000013009    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug    900000000000020002
    > 7891651000172113    20220915    1    11000172109    50841000172109    en    900000000000003001    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)    900000000000020002
    > 7891691000172117    20220915    1    11000172109    50851000172106    en    900000000000013009    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug    900000000000020002
    > 7891701000172117    20220915    1    11000172109    50851000172106    en    900000000000003001    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)    900000000000020002
    > 7891721000172112    20220915    1    11000172109    50861000172108    en    900000000000003001    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)    900000000000020002
    > 7891741000172115    20220915    1    11000172109    50861000172108    en    900000000000013009    Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation    900000000000020002

    Description (FR) files1879730131

    18752 29803 new/updated records +

    45 323 inactivated 

    as expected, as the total of ALL 3 Description files nearly matches the TOTAL figures in the "Descriptions" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    Description (NL) files151205161830

    151159 161738 new records +

    46 85 inactivated 

    as expected, as the total of ALL 3 Description files nearly matches the TOTAL figures in the "Descriptions" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    OwlExpression files 47

    4 7 new/updated records, As as expected as all linked to the new Concepts added above, + matches exactly with matches the figures in the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)> 4592a7bc-45a6-47ae-a64f-2cf0a07240ca    20220915    1    11000172109    733073007    50831000172102    SubClassOf(:50831000172102 :446609009)> 7e9bc621-ea9d-445d-9f42-ac97e5d03839    20220915    1    11000172109    733073007    50861000172108    SubClassOf(:50861000172108 :446609009)
    > 914748e5-dec9-44fa-886e-a4b62a7f1696    20220915    1    11000172109    733073007    50841000172109    SubClassOf(:50841000172109 :446609009)
    > adc97e63-2028-439e-a99e-5480f435eebf    20220915    1    11000172109    733073007    50851000172106    SubClassOf(:50851000172106 :446609009)

    Relationship files1725

    8 13 new records + 

    9 12 inactivated records

    As expected as matches exactly with the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    Relationship Concrete Values files0

    0 new/updated records, as expected as matches the figures in the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    AttributeValue files29514389

    2948 4381 new records,

    Plus 3 8 records inactivated

    As expected as matches exactly with the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    Association files420

    4 19 new records added:

    > 0c55db51-1795-4825-821a-d9f670dda111    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    651881000172119    266113007
    > 0e37c58d-eaa7-42eb-9ca9-7c406385ace0    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    3805351000172111    1237409004
    > 1a6a735d-90b0-4436-9e78-003bb34cd95a    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    3805341000172114    1237409004
    > 2ba019e8-26a8-4800-a5ea-0970ac7156bc    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    2238801000172118    195383008
    > 2de34e3f-4e0c-4151-aa26-73192c45b0a6    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    2139501000172113    164947007
    > 368bb5b3-f189-440c-9168-ebce522ca2e3  
     20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    300051000172113    166631000119101
    > 3b1df3df-546f-4833-8538-e3b00a16c032  
     20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    2174611000172113    447935001
    > 45192fba-b7c6-4cba-9221-be50cabedc9a    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    2246231000172110    271782001
    > 57963604-a1b2-4e2b-b28d-805abd6bff6a    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    5835541000172118    443524000
    > 6317a16b-86b2-448c-8862-0fbc617d664d    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    418191000172114    8943002
    > 6d91f961-bfe7-4e84-9d76-9401fc6eb179  
     20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    2174621000172115    447935001
    > 8f60c9c0-6999-445e-afef-c2aeb771f703    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    289311000172111    47850008
    > b33e99d7-e9a7-4a8b-83b0-e1ba06817ed2    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    3620101000172118    1157096002
    > bef08f11-20f5-4e26-a347-cda7f10ea7d0    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    2238821000172113    195383008
    > dcddfcc2-ee88-46a1-9e5b-2b8e62608c76    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    5753931000172115    16271000119108
    > ef1a1592-c405-412a-a4bb-62d0a7f0f3d5    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    5703951000172116    47563007
    > f48f79d1-b789-4b9f-9567-a3b6bbfdd67e  
     20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    208861000172110    425558002
    > fb2eb117-76b3-4ca8-bb4d-569957cee389    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    4704291000172111    373637000
    > ffffa965-1750-4a90-b355-276d33c3e892    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000531004    3805331000172119    1237409004

    Plus 1 inactive record added (BUT NOT REMOVED THE OLD ACTIVE RECORD FIRST):
    > 7698fc23-3bfc-4707-82a3-0cf8e55644b5    20221115    0    11000172109    900000000000527005    16386004    52475004

    As expected as matches exactly with the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    Language (EN) files8

    8 new records, as expected due to the new Descriptions added above, plus the reports:

    as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    Language (FR) files1883331980

    18788 31678 new/updated records +

    45 302 inactivated

    as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    Language (FR-BE-GP) context specific GP files5582765

    558 2742 new records added +

    23 inactivated

    as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    Language (NL) files151253159788

    151208 159717 new/updated records +

    45 71 inactivated +

    as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    Language (NL-BE-GP) context specific GP files5022750

    501 2736 new records added +

    1 14 inactivated 

    as expected, as matches the figures in the "Refsets" tab of the Summary Component Stats report counts (see above)

    ModuleDependency files2
    2 records updated to September November 2022 as expected
    RefsetDescriptor files410



    4 records added for new reference sets added in this cycle:

    > 1a4a91f8-5119-482b-8a47-fb3d69ad6ce4    20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    50831000172102    449608002    900000000000461009    0
    > 6e3895c4-5271-4e03-8386-c0e613e04095    20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    50851000172106    449608002    900000000000461009    0
    > 807804f2-a75e-4039-9ff2-d01d339f16e5    20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    50841000172109    449608002    900000000000461009    0
    > a7d7ae79-9b37-4079-bf54-32166e02e006    20220915  20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    50861000172108    449608002    900000000000461009    0

    Correct, as confirmed in MSSP-1643 where it confirms new refsets to be added this cycle:

    • 50831000172102 |Belgian subset for Vaccination (foundation metadata concept)|
    • 50841000172109 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, drug (foundation metadata concept)|
    • 50851000172106 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, causative agent, non-drug (foundation metadata concept)|
    • 50861000172108 |Belgian subset for AllergyIntolerance, manifestation (foundation metadata concept)|

    HOWEVER, ALSO UPDATED 6 OLD 2020 records - AS EXPECTED?????

    < 0647145b-be68-4d87-923d-5cb60dd86598    20200315    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    541000172109    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
    > 0647145b-be68-4d87-923d-5cb60dd86598    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    541000172109    449608002    900000000000461009    0

    < 1cc08eea-26cf-4ed5-a30b-ae92a3dabba8    20200315    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    561000172108    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
    > 1cc08eea-26cf-4ed5-a30b-ae92a3dabba8    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    561000172108    449608002    900000000000461009    0

    < 5fbbee67-4448-4a28-abc9-07bfd963cc94    20210315    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    751000172100    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
    > 5fbbee67-4448-4a28-abc9-07bfd963cc94    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    751000172100    449608002    900000000000461009    0

    < 76f7834c-372b-4a2a-bdd4-13a689ef2a53    20210315    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    721000172106    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
    > 76f7834c-372b-4a2a-bdd4-13a689ef2a53    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    721000172106    449608002    900000000000461009    0

    < 93f7b16b-ea79-46c0-b15c-60cf921754e8    20210315    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    731000172109    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
    > 93f7b16b-ea79-46c0-b15c-60cf921754e8    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    731000172109    449608002    900000000000461009    0

    < a2355dc4-1dc8-44af-b7a5-7247c517f8db    20210315    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    741000172102    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
    > a2355dc4-1dc8-44af-b7a5-7247c517f8db    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    741000172102    449608002    900000000000461009    0

    < dc3bfaea-8dbd-4d03-b4ae-12c3aea39854    20200315    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    551000172106    900000000000461009    900000000000461009    0
    > dc3bfaea-8dbd-4d03-b4ae-12c3aea39854    20221115    1    11000172109    900000000000456007    551000172106    449608002    900000000000461009    0

    These changes are from 900000000000461009|Concept Type to 449608002|Referenced Component - Darryn confirmed in the ticket on 26/10 that these were expected changes given his fixes in MSSP-1745

    Metadata .json file

    Contains all expected info