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Cancer Synoptic Reporting Project Group


21 April at


16:00 - 18:30 UTC


Scott Campbell 


Discussion items

1Conflict of Interest
2Project updatesConcepts promoted to task and in queue for promotion
  1. Histologic type of neoplasm of X (64 new observable entities)
  2. Histologic grade of neoplasm of X (81 concepts)
  3. Anatomic locations invaded by neoplasm of X (90)
  4. Perineural and Lymphovascular invasion (63)
  5. Lymph node concepts (22
  6. Anatomic structures directly invaded by concepts invaded (balance of concepts for adult, solid tumors) modeled, reviewed and promoted to project.  Off to JCA for review. 
  7. Lymph node observable concepts modeled, reviewed and promoted to project.  Off to JCA for review.
  8. Histologic grade concepts (bulk of adult solid tumors) modeled, reviewed and promoted to project.  Off to JCA for review.
  9. Dimension and common observables (procedure used...) in review by SSA/EWO.  Included primitive models of distance between X and Y (tumor to margin)
  10. Surgical margins involved by neoplasm of organ X all modeled and in review by SSA/EWOX (50)
  11. Dimension concepts (50)

3Concepts in review for inclusion in taskScott Campbell
  1. Surgical margins (presence of involvement) moved to review (190+ concepts)
  1. How to reflect margins that reference anatomical location 
  2. JCA will allow editorial exception for anatomic structure in FSN of surgical margin when dictated by specific, limited cases defined by pathologists
43Lymph-vascular body structure

Review/discuss body structure concept for lymph vessel and/or small blood vessel body structure

4Method used to "grade" or "stage"Review/discuss general observable for "Method used to..."5Grade finding (finding)Scott Campbell

Discuss clinical finding concepts in existing SI content.  To inactivate or not Follow up with UK use case

  1. Finding concepts not used in primary care.  Question outstanding for non-primary care use.
  2. looks like we can deprecate the findings.  
5Next concepts
  1. Tumor buds and tumor deposits
  2. FIGO and other stage/grades?
  3. Tumor focality
  4. Treatment effect
  5. Depth of invasion
  6. Other areas
  1. ENETS
  2. FIGO
6Business meeting

I&E documents to do and review

Cancer Synoptic Reporting
7Histology discussionRemoval of 86049000 |Malignant neoplasm, primary (morphologic abnormality)| and similar high-level concepts.  Challenge for this group and disorders. 

Removal of concepts like: 2092003 |Malignant melanoma, no International Classification of Diseases for Oncology subtype (morphologic abnormality)|
  1. How to model primary, metastatic and unknown processes in Observable entity concepts and in disorders

  2. Impact on links to ICD-O-3 behavior codes

  3. Impact on ICD-O-3 histology codes

Note:  primary/secondary/metastatic/unknown/post-treatment tumors discussion needs to move back to editorial advisory group.  FSN implications and definitions....more discussion needed.  

How does this impact grouper concepts

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