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Date of Initial Handover meeting:  07 2020 


  • Andrew Atkinson (AAT)
  • Maria Braithwaite (MBR)
  • Donna Morgan (DMO)
  • Kai Kewley (KKE)
  • Peter Williams (PWI)
  • Rory Davidson (RDA)
  • Monica Harry (MHA)
  • Yongsheng Gao (YGA)
  • Terance Shird (TSH)

Date of Final Handover meeting: 18 2020 


  • Andrew Atkinson (AAT)
  • Maria Braithwaite (MBR)
  • Donna Morgan (DMO)
  • Kai Kewley (KKE)
  • Peter Williams (PWI)
  • Rory Davidson (RDA)
  • Monica Harry (MHA)
  • Yongsheng Gao (YGA)
  • Terance Shird (TSH)


Page properties

Handover Status

FINAL Final Handover - PASSEDplanned



Items to be discussed



Prerelease Content Management Activities:

  1. Verify that all namespace concepts (in the namespace registry) have been added
  2. Inactivate the root concept synonym referencing previous release, and add synonym to reference current release.
  3. Update copyright date on synonym (January releases only; N/A to July 2014)
  4. Send updated laterality indicator spreadsheet to technical team to support qualifier generation.
  5. Content Team to deliver SE and SP refset files to Release Manager

  6. Content Team to deliver 4x MRCM refset files to Release Manager (just needs to confirm they're completed, downloaded + tested, AAT will then pull them out of the termServer during release builds via the termServer Export)


  1. MBR - confirmed done verified with Yohani by email on 5 10 May 20202021.
  2. MBR - done please see see 
    serverIHTSDO JIRA
  3. MBR - update root concept and synonym - July release not needed.NOT NECESSARY FOR JULY RELEASE!
  4. ACTION: Yongsheng Gao to deliver lateralizable refset, as this now comes from the Refset tool ... AAT to receive from Yong on 14th May 2020 - ****** NOT YET RECEIVED - HAD TO MOVE IT ALL TO WIP PROJECT IN ORDER TO GIVE YONG VISIBILITY OF THE NEW JULY 2020 CONTENT TO MIGRATE TO - YONG TO COMPLETE AND HAND OVER.....24th May 2021 (Yong to download from Daily Build to provide provisional files) - AAT  + Yong to work on it after this meeting

  5. ACTION: Yongsheng Gao to deliver SE and SP files, AAT to receive from Yong on 14th May 2020 - RECEIVED ON 14/05/202024th May 2021 (Yong to download from Daily Build to provide provisional files). Received  as planned

  6. ACTION:Yongsheng Gao ALREADY DONE!! Yong has confirmed MRCM files are Yong to confirm MRCM complete and can be used in latest Alpha release builds ****** STILL REPAIRING AND RE-TESTING - LOOKS GOOD, SO AS LONG AS REGRESSION ALL GOOD WILL SEND BACK TO ED FOR RE-TEST....
    ACTION: Linda Bird to deliver final MRCM spreadsheet for cross checking (July 2020 ONLY), AAT to receive from Linda on 7th May current state?

    AAT to then send the confirmed MRCM refsets to Ed Cheetham for external confirmation.... (STILL NEEDED???) - Yes, Rory confirmed this is still a useful step.


Discussion of existing Known Issues from the previous Release


  1. ISRS-366 - Long term case significance fixes work has commenced for this, it will be ongoing over subsequent releases. STILL THE CASE?? MBR -Yes nothing new to report for July 2020
  2. ISRS-409- Specific case significance issue - I have asked JCA for an update, no immediate action, requires wider consultation.  LOOKS LIKE IT's RESOLVED NOW - MBR - yes this is resolved 07/05/2020.
  3. ISRS-575 - no action, being resolved over time with template based editing as part of QI project. STILL THE CASE?? Close this ticket as QI now a permanent feature? MBR - yes please close the ticket, it is a legacy issue that will be resolved over time with the QI project.
  4. ISRS-582 - checked no author changes required. RESOLVED - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved..
  5. ISRS-562 - Finding with explicit context| concepts using |Associated Procedure| attribute - editing issue resolved. STILL THE CASE?? MBR yes this can be closed the changes went out in the Jan 2020 release.
  6. ISRS-563 - 8 concepts using |Surgical approach| that are not subtypes of |surgical procedure| - editing issue resolved. STILL THE CASE?? - MBR yes changes went out in the Jan 2020 release.
  7. ISRS-672 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  8. ISRS-673 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  9. ISRS-668 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  10. ISRS-739 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  11. ISRS-741 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  12. ISRS-720 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  13. ISRS-739 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  14. ISRS-700 - Yong and Linda confirmed that they were happy with the testing so far, and would complete testing by end of play today.
  15. 926 - we confirmed that this is a false positive and this concept was therefore whitelisted for this particular assertion, for the Jan 2021 Release cycle.  Is it now resolved? MBR- can be permanently whitelisted.  AAT assigned as Known Issue for July 2021 onwards...
  16. ISRS-928 - permanently whitelisted, no action required  AAT assigned as Known Issue for July 2021 onwards...

  17. ISRS-930 - we confirmed that these are false positives, due to the records having been created and then versioned in November 2020, in preparation for the Jan 2021 release.  However, they were then subsequently inactivated within the same release cycle, in order to fix errors in the new content - changes were therefore made to concepts that are brand new to this release and hadn't been Published yet.  These 4 records were therefore temporarily whitelisted for this assertion, as they should not re-occur in the next cycle.  AAT + MBR to verify no re-occurrence during this July 2021 release cycle...  confirmed no recurrences in version 7 of the BETA release
  18. ISRS-931 - we confirmed that these are false positives, due to the records having been created and then versioned in November 2020, in preparation for the Jan 2021 release.  However, they were then subsequently inactivated within the same release cycle, in order to fix errors in the new content - changes were therefore made to concepts that are brand new to this release and hadn't been Published yet.  These 2 records were therefore temporarily whitelisted for this assertion, as they should not re-occur in the next cycle.  AAT + MBR to verify no re-occurrence during this July 2021 release cycle... confirmed no recurrences in version 7 of the BETA release
  19. ISRS-933 - These were temporarily whitelisted in Jan 2021, pending further investigation into the classification of these and other concepts, with the aim to resolve any issues for the July 2021 International Edition.  Resolved now? 
    1. No - agreed to carry over as a Known Issue again for July 2021 in ISRS-1023
    2. ACTION: AAT to warn Australia that we're carrying it over again for this cycle, and will be available in a "future" release once work for the Authoring Platform is prioritised... confirmed to ADHA via email on 7/6/21 - also asked for new NRC contact details
  20. ISRS-935 - we confirmed that the use of occurrence = 282032007 |Periods of life (qualifier value)| is allowable and not constrained by the MRCM because it might be used as a grouper.  The template has more refined constraints so the inclusion of 282032007 |Periods of life (qualifier value)| as a value for occurrence could be avoided in future through use of the proposed template.  The MRCM will be reviewed to see if it could be refined however this would require thorough analysis as there may be some use cases where this value is acceptable (such as for grouper concepts). The concept 231956007 |Traumatic aniridia (disorder)| will be remodelled for the July 2021 release.  This issue was therefore temporarily whitelisted pending resolution in the July 2021 cycle - resolved? MBR- yes resolved.  AAT therefore closed ticket as resolved
  21. ISRS-936 - we confirmed that these are valid issues, but were not critical enough to require action in time for the January 2021 release. A number of the attributes require further discussion regarding changes to the MRCM rules in consultation with the Device project group.  The issue with modelling is of no obvious clinical risk, and therefore all issues were temporarily whitelisted pending resolution in the July 2021 International release with further enhancements to the validation rules requested.  Resolved? MBR- yes resolved, MRCM runs against stated and inferred and no errors for either.  AAT therefore closed ticket as resolved
    1. ACTION: AAT to chase up the development of the work to ensure we run MRCM against STATED + INFERRED... Progressing, in the meantime AAT ran BETA release against both Stated (BETA version 8) + Inferred  (BETA version 7) to be safe

    We will then export the MRCM refsets tomorrow and re-build the early alpha release to confirm all working as expected.

    AAT to then send final MRCM refset to Linda + Yong for final confirmation...

    AAT to then send the confirmed MRCM refsets to Ed Cheetham for external confirmation....


Content Validation Activities in the Current Release cycle:

  1. Concepts that have changed its high level hierarchy ancestor since last release
  2. Concepts with FSNs with changed semantic tags
  3. Active concepts with changed FSNs (check for shifts in meaning)
  4. Concepts *in*-activated since the last release
  5. Concepts *re*-activated since the last release
  6. Concepts that changed from fully defined to primitive
  7. Concepts that changed from primitive to fully defined
  8. New FSNs: Check for adherence to naming conventions, no acronyms, etc.
  9. Spell checking for new descriptions and/or manual inspection
  10. Review all new and changed text definitions
  11. Additions/removals of members of VMP refset (Inactive concepts still in the VMP refsets are removed during release extraction)
  12. Additions/removals of members of VTM refset (Inactive concepts still in the VTM refsets are removed during release extraction)
  13. Verify that there have been no changes to the Non-human refset in the Workbench.
  14. Additions/removals of members of ICD-O simple map refset (Inactive concept still in the ICDO map are removed during release extraction)
  15. Active concepts having active historical associations and reasons for inactivation

MBR has been analysing the Daily Build RVF results for the past few weeks, and working with Peter to clear down the failures.

Early Alpha run by AAT 30th April 2020:

  1. ISRS-770 - False positives - whitelisted
  2. ISRS-771 - False positives - whitelisted
  3. ISRS-772 - False positives - whitelisted
  4. ISRS-773 - Whitelisted after investigation
  5. ISRS-774 - False positives - whitelisted
  6. ISRS-775 - MRCM Refsets need to be delivered for July 2020 and included in package before re-running validation. DONE - latest build is clean of this issues, so AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  7. ISRS-776 - Requires a backend fix and a ticket is logged 
    serverIHTSDO JIRA
    - STATUS FROM DEV? MBR- this is resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  8. ISRS-777 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  9. ISRS-778 - Requires back end fix and ticket is already logged for this 
    serverIHTSDO JIRA
    - Latest pre-Alpha build shows still 9 outstanding failures, a ticket is logged for these and Peter G. Williams has the ticket in progress. MBR - this is resolved 07/05/2020. AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  10. ISRS-779 - Requires back end fix and ticket is already logged for this 
    serverIHTSDO JIRA
    - Latest pre-Alpha build shows still 2 outstanding failures, a ticket is logged for these and Peter G. Williams has the ticket in progress. MBR - this is resolved 07/05/2020. AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  11. ISRS-780 - Whitelisted after investigation
  12. ISRS-781 - requires back end fix, ticket already logged for this 
    serverIHTSDO JIRA
    -  resolved but not yet promoted to MAIN so still appearing in RVF at this point....RESOLVED - can close ISRS-781? 5/5/2020 - Maria promoted new task to fix everything related to this concept, she will confirm once re-tested... MBR - this is resolved 07/05/2020. AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...
  13. ISRS-782 - Resolved - AAT + Maria to regression test in Alpha/Beta/Production to confirm still resolved...

12th May 2021 was mostly clean - we've since resolved all issues found:

MBR will share content report with team when it is ready.  

AAT to re-run the Content Report AFTER the MRCM changes are complete and stable so she can share with team! - COMPLETED on 03/06/21 and Maria & Team signed off on 04/06/21MBR will share content report with team when it is ready. 


Content Team Support availability - Confirm which members of the content team will remain on stand-by until clean database milestone is achieved after release build file QA and post-release assertions are validated.

Maria + Yong + Donna will all be around to support wherever needed



Early visibility of Release Notes 

Andrew Atkinson has created the template to update on Confluence: SNOMED CT July 2021 International Edition - SNOMED International Release notes - content team to update with relevant figures data for July 2020 2021 content.....

ACTION: Maria Braithwaite and Donna Morgan will kindly aim to get them to Andrew Atkinson by 15th May 2020Maria and Monica updated - Is Donna also happy?24th May 2021  - done  

ACTION: Monica Harry and Paul Amos to review and approve once complete - done  


6Brief run through of the known issues already identified by the content team during the QA batch process, to ensure that technical team are aware of them, and can either resolve them in time for the release, or confirm as known issues.


  • None identified so far - pre-Alpha is now clean

Mapping (Donna): DonnaCouple of outstanding tickets for mapping - Donna will let us know as soon as complete - might be done early so WCI can get a head start, she will confirm early next week...

  • Already locked down last weekend, so ahead of the timelines so far...
  • Maria confirmed she had to re-activate a couple of concepts yesterday which might impact the maps
    • ACTION: She will send them to Donna to discuss with Rick and see if this needs changes to the maps..MBR: sent to Donna and two concepts have been mapped.
      • Two concepts have now been mapped and pushed back through the process
    • Rick to deliver Mapping files later today....
      • Rick delivered and new Maps include the two new concepts as planned.

Content (Maria): 

  • INFRA-6858
    • Maria only found this issue an hour ago!
    • All agreed that this needs fixing before we version - Peter kindly agreed to jump on this today as he already knows what needs fixing, and so he will resolve by close of play today. 
    • ACTION: Versioning will not be green-lit until this ticket is complete.- ticket is resolved and versioning complete 21/05/2021.

Concrete Domains:

  • INFRA-6780
    • Resolved with no known issues
    • ACTION: MCH to add confirmation to ticket of planned number of changes coming through in new Concrete Relationship file for this cycle...
      • MCH provided stats - there were slight differences to those seen in the final BETA release files, but MCH confirmed (on 28/5/21 via slack) that this was simply because his stats were taken a few days before the content cut off, and therefore Toni had added new CDI content in just before the cut off.  
7Versioning and Change Freeze

This process is being fully documented for the first time in this cycle, and we will test and refine the process as we go forward:

Plan is to follow the new process as defined last cycle: Technical Team Release tasks - July 2021

  • Terance confirmed ready to go, no identified issues so far...
  • DevOps Issue experienced during Versioning (with max size of Release files), but we now have a safe workaround in place for future releases (using localhost instead of NGINX).
8Stats Report

MBR has been using the Daily Build QA report for stats and has the information needed for release notes.

  1. Kai - Any SnowStorm risks for this release? Anything to consider from the new Technical Team Release tasks?
    1. YES - Kai and Michael still need to refine the process for Branching in the new SnowStorm world, so they will work on that on Monday 11th May Went well, new process confirmed...
    1. This is being mitigated by publishing the formal July 2020 International Edition as if the March 2020 Interim release is an official release, with a Delta relative to March 2020, containing all of the new Corona content with an effectiveTime of 20200309. 
    2. In addition, we will publish a new Rollup Delta package alongside the July 2020 Release:
      1. This July 2020 Rollup Delta package will be a separate resource with clear documentation.  It will include all changes since January 2020, with the actual, official effectiveTime. Therefore all of the new Corona content would have an effectiveTime of 20200309. The rest of the content will have an effectiveTime 20200731.

      2. This rollup package should include instructions on how to cope with multiple effectiveTimes.

    3. We will also use this Rollup package as an opportunity to trial our new proposal for a .json config file in the Release Package, detailing metadata such as DeltaFrom and DeltaTo Dates, which will help avoid confusion in this situation.
  3. FINALLY the COVID-19 work needs to be properly documented in the Release Notes, in order to ensure that anyone who has been using the interim Web Page (with pre-emptive ID's etc) knows exactly how that all relates to the July 2020 Release content (whether ID's are all propagated or changed, etc), and that everyone understands what has/hasn't been included in the July 2020 release.
    1. Maria Braithwaite will test the July 2020 Release package to ensure that all COVID-19 content from the interim page is in fact included as expected in the July release content, and that all ID's are unchanged. Maria will then include detailed documentation in the Release Notes to ensure that all users understand what's been done and why.

Release Reports run via the reporting platform:

Spell checks:

Concepts changed :

Concepts inactivated  :

New components :

Release stats :

Summary component stats:

HOWEVER, should we focus on the Summary Component stats report now, as with MS products, in order o ascertain Intention of the authoring cycle vs real data actually contained in the Release files?

  • yes, Peter confirmed that the Summary Component stats report is now the best source of truth for INT as well as MS
  • Concrete Domains?
  • VACCINE WORK COMING IN LATE AGAIN - MBR: yes very likely, given provisional deadline for content addition of 16 June 2021 to align with beta release feedback deadline.
    • Monica confirmed that the likely scope of changes is only 1-2 concepts
    • ACTION:  Maria to discuss with Toni and re-confirm over the next week - TMO Best guess is that it will be less than 25 concepts.
    • ACTION:  AAT to then include a note in the BETA Release Notes to confirm to users that we are planning x number of vaccine-related component changes after the BETA release, but BEFORE the Member release.  So anyone interested should ensure to re-validate the Member release even if they've already checked the BETA release.
10Re-open Authoring

Are we all ready to re-open authoring? (or any outstanding risks)?

  • Yes - everyone happy to re-open later today, on