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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

March 2018 Production (Version1) vs March 2018 Production (Version2) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Package namen/aRemoved x prefix from Package Name itself

Readme filen/aFixed the Release Notes link as expected

ModuleDependency filesFixed the dependency release date as expected

RefsetDescriptor files4Changes to UUID only as first time release

December 2017 (BETA

March 2018 Production (Version2 - PUBLISHED) vs

March 2018

September 2018 Pre-Production (Version1) traceability

Changes to UUID only as first time release

BUT ALSO INVALID DATES ON MODULEDEPENDENCY RECORDS NOW - CALLING OUT DEPENDENCY ON JULY 2017 INSTEAD OF JAN 2018 - IS THIS IN EXTERNALLYMAINTAINEDREFSET FOLDER??28452 new records, as expected from BE editing - According to ticket MSSP-193 there were just over 27869 Dutch translations and 28473 French translations27872 new records, as expected from BE editing - According to ticket MSSP-193 there were just over 27869 Dutch translations and 28473 French translations27872 new records, as expected from BE editing - According to ticket MSSP-193 there were just over 27869 Dutch translations and 28473 French translations

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2

2 records updated with new release dates, as expected

AttributeValue files49
49 new records added as part of latest editing cycle........ verify with BE.........
Description files (FR)28452

28452 new records, as expected from BE editing - According to ticket MSSP-193 there were just over 27869 Dutch translations and 28473 French translations

Description files (NL)284529250

9247 added, plus 3 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........verify with BE.........

Description files (NL)10716

10670 added, plus 46 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........verify with BE.........

Language files (EN)1

1 new records added as part of latest editing cycle........verify with BE.........

> 20180915 1 11000172109 900000000000509007 593381000172111 900000000000549004

Language files (FR)278729253
9248 added, plus 5 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........verify with BE.........
Language files (NL)2787210722
10676 added, plus 46 inactivated as part of latest editing cycle........verify with BE.........
RefsetDescriptor files4Changes to UUID only as first time release9444
9444 added as part of latest editing cycle........verify with BE.........
Readme filen/a
updated with new release dates, as expectedReadme fileExpected changes to date and file naming convention