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 Denmark Dec 20 2017 Not in use in DK.
 UK Jan 03 2018Frequent use in the UK in both Primary and Secondary care.  Used in monitoring conditions, mental health therapies etc.  Primary care stats attached and this content is also heavily used in subsets.  This hierarchy could usefully do with a tidy up as there are some instances that are not regime/therapies but procedures.  Nursing clinical reference group may be able to help with some of this as regime/therapy content is frequently used in Care Planning and would be a useful stakeholder for input I would think.
 AU Jan 10 2018 Unable to get specific usage statistics, but the codes are certainly in use, particularly for allied health. We've added about 150 in the past 4 months. The concepts are problematic, but necessary. From the requests we received (and looking at what's in SNOMED CT alread) it's often not possible to sufficiently define... A number probably linked to national health policy. Looking at the extension concepts being used by the UK, I'm considering pulling many of those (premptively) into the AU release too...
 NZ 22Jan18There was a  wide request for information regrading the question. The major response regarded an initiative to code indications for drug treatment. regime/therapy (and procedure) are commonly used for this project which is far from complete. Major regime/therapy concepts used include: 229554006 Combination therapy (regime/therapy); 110461004 Adjunctive care (regime/therapy); 103735009

Palliative care (regime/therapy); 713700008 Smoking cessation drug therapy (regime/therapy); 717778001 Mouth care (regime/therapy);

48556005 Oral nutritional support (regime/therapy). Agree with above that there could be a "tidy up".


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