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Focus Area (hierarchy/topic)

Trackers: 236 (excluded Content Issues for Authoring)

Scope of Content

Member Priority Summary

Member Comments

Priority- Daniel


Priority- Linda



Group member comments

Final rating

Concept Modeling, Attributes and Values

Trackers: 45

Modeling Review



This area focuses on the review (or addition) of attributes and the values that can be applied to them. While not a clinical area per se, work in this area supports the defining and quality of content which in turn supports implementations and secondary use. 

2 countries- high, 1 country- medium.       

Clinical Finding: Neoplasm

Trackers: 21

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review


Naming conventions reviews and improvement of modeling of malignant disorders. 2 countries- highUK: As well as a general clean-up, we could suggest the creation of precoordinated cancer >disorders< which are currently expressible only as morphology concepts. (we could provide input in making suggestions on identifying these).      

Clinical Finding: Obstetrics

Trackers: 7

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Revision work on abortion concepts and the modeling of antenatal and postnatal content.  

2 countries- highUK:

Disambiguation of therapeutic/iatrogenic abortion versus spontaneous abortion ('miscarriage') would be especially welcome albeit no small task.
Many classifications type concepts that would not sensibly be applied within a real time individual patient could be deprecated.
Also issues with “subjects of record” e.g.
- Foo disorder complicating pregnancy, childbirth AND/OR puerperium
- Foo disorder in pregnancy - [not yet] delivered
- Foo disorder >in mother< etc.
- Foo disorder >affecting management of mother<


Procedures/Qualifier Value: Pathology

Trackers: 27

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Issues include cancer synoptic reporting, hierarchy reviews, specific issues e.g. measurement activity vs. quantity, units of measure, specimens2 countries- high       

Qualifier Value

Trackers: 18

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Remodeling related to new attributes and new content. Clarification of meaning of existing content.1 country high, 2 countries- mediumSingapore: Better clarification of qualifier values would be beneficial as we use this hierarchy in our drug product concepts rather extensively.
Comments: It would be good for us to be updated of the changes made as it might have impact to our Singapore Drug Dictionary. 

Observable Entity

Trackers: 20

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Large review of observables and investigation procedures - including modeling but also specific areas such as functioning observation results1 country high, 1 country-medium       

Procedure: Diagnostic Imaging

Trackers: 8

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Remodeling and naming pattern review of imaging procedures and sub hierarchies such as gastrointestinal imaging, angiographies, Ultrasound scan - obstetric, Radiography vs. X-ray and others1 country - high, 1 country - medium       

Qualifier value: Units of Measure

Trackers: 4

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Reviewing of possible duplicated content and remodeling to align to agreed patterns. 1 country- high, 1- country mediumSingapore:

The usage of Qualifier Value: Units of measure is heavily used in our drug product concepts. Better refined UOM would be of good assistance.
Comments: It would be good to share the remodelling agreement/document for Singapore Drug Dictionary to allows us to assess the impact to our use in the definition of strengths for our drug product concepts.
Question: Any plans to map UOM to UCUM?



Trackers: 23

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Reviewing patterns and concept modeling for content such as: No known allergies and other Non-x concepts, Resolved concepts, Seen in clinic, and others. Relocation of concepts from Findings and Procedures that have context.  1 country- high, 1 country- mediumUK: Reviewing patterns and concept modeling for content such as: ... Seen in clinic, and others. Relocation of concepts from Findings and Procedures that have context.      

Clinical finding: Diabetes Mellitus

Trackers: 3

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Improvement in Diabetes Mellitus content.1 country-high     CRI comment: These trackers have all had some work done on them. 

Clinical Finding/Event: Mental Health

Trackers: 12

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Overall review/update of psychiatry and mental health terminology.  Also specific areas of concern such as substance abuse/misuse, neurosis descriptions and modeling, 1 country highUK: Any improvement of subsumption, naming and rationalisation of content would be welcome.      

Procedure: Interventions, Plans and Goals

Trackers: 14

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Remodeling of sub hierarchies as such as: Care plan, Types of encounter, Screening intent vs. Screening type, Prevention vs. Preventive regime, and others. Better define the meaning of Treatment vs. Therapy, Plans and Regimes and others,  and adjust accordingly2 countries- mediumSingapore: As part of our Care Plan documentation, it is definitely beneficial if the contents are classified into sub hierachies such as interventions / plans, etc.       

Procedure: Surgical Procedure

Trackers: 19

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Remodeling of Intraoperative concepts, Surgical procedures not subsumed by Surgical procedure concept, Aspiration procedures, Needle biopsies & Fine needle aspiration biopsy procedures, Implantation (procedure) hierarchy . New patterns for Anastomosis from X to Y, Reamputation of <site> and others2 countries- mediumSingapore: We are planning to syncronise TOSP (Table of Surgical Procedures) codes with SNOMED. The remodeling of Surgical Procedures may help in our future exercise.       

Clinical Finding/Observables: Presence and Absence

Trackers: 8

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Issues relating to the presence or absence of a disorder.  Links to observables redesign work also.1 country- mediumSingapore: We noted the lack of clarity over certain diagnosis  (i.e.) ConceptID: 106074003 | Electrocardiogram finding in hypertrophy, infarction AND/OR ischemia (finding) - so is that "And" or "Or"? It would be better if concepts like these are better defined.       


Trackers: 2

Hierarchy Cleaning


Review of entire hierarchy - content examples include inpatient, outpatient settings.1 country -medium       

Clinical Finding: Congenital, Hereditary, Genetic and Familial

Trackers: 5

Pattern Review

Hierarchy Cleaning

Modeling Review

Remodeling, hierarchy and naming pattern review - mainly congenital disorder modeling and definition and clarification of descriptions relating to familial, genetic and inherited.1 country- medium       

Content Issues for Authoring

Trackers: 82


Content includes: issues identified as small or simple enough to be managed in the authoring tool and issues that have progressed through the content development process and are ready for the construction phase. Some may be in construction review.Not on listing for members