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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


November 2023


Production (





Differences found in package Comparison


Number of RF2 records impacted


Related JIRA ticket(s)




ALL 3 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected.


ALL 5 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


ALL 76 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


ALL 133 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


ALL 279 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


ALL 4938 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

NRC confirmed as expected in MSSP ticket for EE for this cycle (see link above)


ALL FILES had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  

Plus Production naming conventions added, as expected


ALL 678 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


0 new records added/updated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


ALL 142 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

NRC confirmed as expected in MSSP ticket for EE for this cycle (see link above)


0 records added/updated AS EXPECTED, due to the deprecation of the Stated Relationship records in the previous release


ALL 279 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


ALL 6309 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


0 records added/inactivated, expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


ALL 540 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


eesti Personaalmeditsiini Teenuste Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files (78051000181107)


ALL 3 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)


eesti Laboratoorse Uuringu Staatuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files (78061000181105)


ALL 3 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)


eesti Laboratoorse Leiu Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files (86791000181105)


ALL 2 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)


eesti Abivahendite Ja Meditsiiniseadmete Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


ALL 2 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


eesti Farmakogeneetilise Uuringu Geeniprodukti Funktsioon Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


ALL 1 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


eesti Farmakogeneetilise Uuringu MetaboolneAktiivsus Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


ALL 1 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


eesti Meditsiinilaborite Proovimaterjali Tüübi Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


ALL 1 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


eesti Mikrobioloogilise Uuringu Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


ALL 267 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


ALL 49 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


ALL 2 records had their effectiveTimes updated to 20230530 (instead of the INVALID 20230531 that PreProd was run against!)  No content changes however, as expected. expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


PUBLISHED) vs May 2024 Pre-Production (Version 2)






Differences found in package Comparison


Number of RF2 records impacted


Related JIRA ticket(s)




November 2022 Production (PUBLISHED) vs May 2023 Pre-Production (Version 2) traceability




Differences found in package Comparison


Number of RF2 records impacted


Related JIRA ticket(s)




3 records added, as expected due to the 3 new refset added for the May 2023 EE Release (see Refset rows):

  • > 79372485-e8bc-42e8-badf-aab214d8e189    20230531    1    11000181102    900000000000456007    78061000181105    449608002    900000000000461009    0
  • > 99a02356-57a5-43ac-b6e2-bba1f43add3c    20230531    1    11000181102    900000000000456007    78051000181107    449608002    900000000000461009    0
  • > e0c0f895-be06-436b-aeca-21bd73b6ab67    20230531    1    11000181102    900000000000456007    86791000181105    449608002    900000000000461009    0


CONCLUSION:  Changes as expected -

  • New files
    • 2x Annotations files added

      • der2_scsRefset_ComponentAnnotationStringValueFull_BE1000172.txt

    • All new DE (German) files added:

      • der2_cRefset_LanguageFull-de_BE1000172.txt

  • Language Refset totals
    • Looks like these don't match on initial inspection, but this is simply because you have to MANUALLY add the "NEW" DE file totals to the pre-existing file totals in order to match the Grand totals from the SCS report:

    • So you need to add the 55255 totals from the new BE Lang refset files to the 61488 totals (of pre-existing refsets) to get the 116742 grand totals!

      Total Language Refsets:61488429163310000063551
      -- Summary Component Stats --1167424291633100000118805

  • Description files
    • Same as above for the Language refset files!

  • TextDefinition files
    • Same as above for the Language refset files!

  • Externally Maintained Refset files
    • All Updated files match list in Refsets tab in MSSP-2779

    • All Static files match list in Refsets tab in MSSP-2779
  • RefsetDescriptor files
    • New records added for German Language refset files!


5 new records added/updated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


76 new records added/updated

plus 0 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


131 new records added/updated

plus 2 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


262 new records added/updated

plus 17 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


4923 new records added/updated

plus 15 inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

NRC confirmed as expected in MSSP ticket for EE for this cycle (see link above)


May 2022 date changes as expected


  • > ./der2_Refset_eestiLaboratoorseLeiuVastuseKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetFull_EE1000181_20230531.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_eestiPersonaalmeditsiiniTeenusteKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetSnapshot_EE1000181_20230531.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_eestiLaboratoorseUuringuStaatuseKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetFull_EE1000181_20230531.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_eestiLaboratoorseUuringuStaatuseKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetSnapshot_EE1000181_20230531.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_eestiPersonaalmeditsiiniTeenusteKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetFull_EE1000181_20230531.txt

  • > ./der2_Refset_eestiLaboratoorseLeiuVastuseKlassifikaatorSimpleRefsetSnapshot_EE1000181_20230531.txt


147 new records added, plus

531 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


0 new records added/updated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


140 new records added/updated, plus

2 records inactivated, plus expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)

NRC confirmed as expected in MSSP ticket for EE for this cycle (see link above)


0 records added/updated AS EXPECTED, due to the deprecation of the Stated Relationship records in the previous release


262 new records added/updated, plus

17 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


6294 new records added/updated (including thousands from batch updates), plus

15 records inactivated expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


0 records added/inactivated, expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


540 new records added/updated: expected as matches the Summary Component Stats report for EE for this cycle (see link above)


eesti Personaalmeditsiini Teenuste Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files (78051000181107)


3 new records added for this BRAND NEW REFSET expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)


eesti Laboratoorse Uuringu Staatuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files (78061000181105)


3 new records added for this BRAND NEW REFSET expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)


eesti Laboratoorse Leiu Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files (86791000181105)


2 new records added for this BRAND NEW REFSET expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)


eesti Abivahendite Ja Meditsiiniseadmete Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


1 record inactivated

Plus 1 record added in expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


eesti Farmakogeneetilise Uuringu Geeniprodukti Funktsioon Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


1 record inactivated

Plus 0 record added in expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


eesti Farmakogeneetilise Uuringu MetaboolneAktiivsus Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


1 record inactivated

Plus 0 record added in expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


eesti Meditsiinilaborite Proovimaterjali Tüübi Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


1 record inactivated

Plus 4 record added in expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


eesti Mikrobioloogilise Uuringu Vastuse Klassifikaator SimpleRefset files


2 record inactivated,

Plus 265 records added in expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


24 records inactivated,

Plus 25 records added in expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)

- NRC to verify exact changes are as expected...


1 record inactivated

Plus 1 record added in expected due to refset tracker in MSSP Ticket (see above)
