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5 avril 2023 à Londres, de 13h30 à 16h30 heure d'été Iles Britanniques = 14h30 - 17h30 heure d'été Paris, Bruxelles, Luxembourg, Berne

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Microsoft Teams meeting:

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Meeting ID: 361 059 530 888
password : XqeDxn  



Agenda / Ordre du jour

  1. Evolution of the process of Common French translation (this part of the meeting in English, with termSpace representative and SNOMED International representative)
    1. Process allowing both collaborative mode and contributive mode
      1. Canada is shifting to contributive mode: CF will be decoupled from Canadian release
      2. termMed will make the collaborative environment available to all members of the group willing to create or revise translations directly in the tool.
      3. NRCs will export their translations in RF2 format into termSpace
    2. Characteristics of contributive mode (summary from previous calls):
      1. The CF is seen as a pool of French terms with Common French preferences.
      2. Each national extension is not dependant upon CF and can evolve at its own pace.
      3. NRCs translate locally, and contribute files of translated terms whenever they want.
      4. Only the terms of concepts not already present in CF are imported. The others are discarded. Description SCTIDs are not imported.
      5. Corollary 1: The contributive mode handles additions, not corrections.
      6. Corollary 2: The contributive mode is worthwhile until the CF translation gets close to completeness. After that, the main activity will be maintenance of CF terms and this activity is not compatible with the contributive mode: Corrections can only be applied in collaborative mode in termSpace or any other SONMED CT content management tool.
      7. The CF release is made avaialble to the NRCs as one CF language refset and one Descriptions RF2 file.
      8. Simultaneously, SI loads it into the community browser.
      9. Prerequisites to make the contributive mode work:
        1. termMed maintains the termSpace instance for CF.
        2. The CF editorial guidelines continue to live and evolve, and are duly respected by all national translation teams.
        3. All ongoing and planned translation projects display their scope of content under translation, and planned dates of delivery in a shared space.
        4. The CF group maintains the editorial guidelines, and provides the shared space where each NRC can display their translation projects.
        5. The CF group is also the place where to discuss and avoid potential overlaps across translations planned by NRCs
        6. Some individuals of the CF group dedicate some time to handle the import process of terms donated by NRCs (incuding pre-import check and pos-import QA), and to perform the QA tasks on new releases of CF.
    3. Position of termMed
      1. termMed agrees to keep graciously the current setting for CF operational , until next FallOCtober. However this situation can only be temporary. CF management, tooling and hosting needs to get funded.
      2. Contributive mode is working only until the translation is complete. Corrections and maintenance is necessarily collaborative.
    4. Position of SNOMED International
      1. OK for continuing to load new releases of CF into the community browser.
      2. The current organization is temporary. The CF still lacks an official organization that endorses it. Snomed International will not play this role.
      3. The process of CF production must be described in detail.
    5. Position of each NRCWe have to confirm a detailed process
      1. Contributive mode
      is working only until the translation is complete. Corrections and maintenance is necessarily collaborative.Contributive mode calls for
      1. requires frequent contributions, as soon as available, to avoid duplicate
      2. Luxembourg wants to use the French descriptions. Luxembourg does not plan to distribute a national extension.
      3. Canada wants to contribute. Need to describe the process for handling corrections and additions of synonyms. Canada will dedicate some time (in a lighter way) to maintaining the CF.
      4. Belgium will continue to translate for its national edition and contribute to CF
      5. Switzerland maintains its national extension and will also donate contributions to 
      6. France will distribute SNOMED international edition with common French once it becomes an official member. 
  2. Next release of CF 
    1. 20230331release, will be made available on April 21.
    2. Includes a big donation from Belgium + changes and additions by Canada, Switzerland, France
    3. 90% increase: from <80,000 to >138,000 concepts translated
  3. Prochaines donations
    1. 7000 concepts de la donation belge restent dans la file d'attente d'importation, qui requierent une revue avant import.
      1. Seront retournés vers le NRC belge. A voir avec Guillermo.
    2. Prochaines donations : 
    3. Chaque pays transmet aux cochairs du groupe
    4. check avant import
    5. import dans termSpace en coordination avec termMed
    6. QA post-import
    7. CF reste sur des versions semestrielles
  4. Translations Portal
    1. Translations Home (preparation in Confluence. The portal itslef is not published yet)
    2. CF as well as Common German translation will be referenced on this portal.
  5. Progression sur les directives éditoriales
    1. Voir pièce jointe Guide_editorial_traduction_Snomed_fr_v2.15.docx.
    2. Hiérarchie des maladies, validation de la règle pa2 (commentaire LPA)
    3. Hiérarchie des maladies, validation des règles pa3, pa4, pa6
    4. Hiérarchie des procédures : validation des règles pr11, pr12
    5. Hiérarchie des structures corporelles : validation de la règle bs7 ( commentaire LPA)
    6. Hiérarchie des situations : validation de la règle hs1
    7. Encodage UTF8 de l'apostrophe : règle se10
    8. nouvelles discussions :
      1. Divergence sur les règles me1 : "Product containing..." ; me2 : "Product containing only..." ; me3 : "Product containing precisely..." (LPA, JBO). Proposition de remplacer le mot "médicament" par le mot "produit". A confirmer pour la prochaine réunion.
      2. Retour sur la règle ec3 (échantillon par écouvillonnage) → obtenu par écouvillonnage (proposition LPA, JBO)
      3. Distinction entre "primary" et "primitive" dans la hiérarchie des maladies (proposition LPA, JBO)
      4. Traduction de "frostbite" et "chilblain" (proposition LPA, JBO)
  6. Traduction du cours "Foundation" par la Belgique
    1. Validation du "POC" par le groupe
    2. Relecteurs candidats : Christophe Riou, Alain Junger 
    3. Complément de traduction en cours par la Belgique
  7. Traduction en français du guide éditorial de SNOMED International par la France
    1. Première partie : Introduction
    2. Retours et commentaires en cours
    3. diff entre deux version mis à disposition par SI
  8. Recherche accord pour récupérer la traduction d'ICNP
    1. Recherche d'autres contacts

Prochaine réunion : 5 juin horaire habituel.

Suivi des actions



Fichiers de travail

patterns*.pdf, *.docx, *.pptx, *.xlsx

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