Page tree

Versions Compared


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Summary Component Stats report:

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2
Updated to August 2022 dates as expected, with NEW UUID'S (as planned??)
Readme filen/a
Updated to August 2022 dates as expected
Description (DE) files328

325 just updated with effectiveTime?????

+ 3 new records???

Description (EN) files12
12 just updated with effectiveTime?????
Language (DE) files326

323 just updated with effectiveTime?????

+ 3 new records???

Language (EN) files16

16 just updated with effectiveTime?????

Concept files4

4 records updated with effectiveTime ONLY:

< 10021000234102    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 10031000234104    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 11000234105    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 21000234103    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 10021000234102    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 10031000234104    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 11000234105    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 21000234103    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008


0 changes - as expected???????

Inferred Relationship files
10 just updated with effectiveTime
0 changes - as expected??
Stated Relationship files22

All 22 records inactivated as expected, due to migration to OWL Axioms

OWL files5

5 OWLExpression records added - PROVEN TO BE VALID, as there were only 5 source concepts as the baseline for all 22 original stated relationship records, and so only 5 OWLExpression records are required to replace all 22 of them!

> 1e5a3610-afa0-4c75-8db0-bc4ad5448946 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 71000220102 EquivalentClasses(:71000220102 ObjectIntersectionOf(:116143008 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :113293009))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :181452004) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:424876005 :66739002))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :2033006)))))
> 4531d452-9742-4c70-9d0b-838c786e0a77 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 11000220105 SubClassOf(:11000220105 :900000000000443000)
> 57ebb9ff-5d0d-46c0-a764-5cf26e3e4648 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 31000220100 SubClassOf(:31000220100 :446609009)
> 9f79934c-fb1f-4ed5-b136-a71b2e6f15fe 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 61000220108 EquivalentClasses(:61000220108 ObjectIntersectionOf(:116140006 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :113293009) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:425391005 :86174004))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :181452004) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:424876005 :66739002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:425391005 :86174004))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :2033006) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:425391005 :86174004)))))
> e0d35841-5999-4284-afe8-9a56db00d7ce 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 21000220103 SubClassOf(:21000220103 :900000000000507009)

AttributeValue files15

15 records added/updated

HOWEVER, were the only changes effectiveTime (because the previous package was not OFFICIALLY published??), and therefore not showing up in the Summary Component Stats report??