Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Description files

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2
Updated to August 2022 dates as expected, with NEW UUID'S (as planned??)
Readme filen/a
Updated to August 2022 dates as expected
Description (DE) files328

325 just updated with effectiveTime?????

+ 3 new records???

Description (EN) files12
12 just updated with effectiveTime?????
Language (DE) files326

323 just updated with effectiveTime?????

+ 3 new records???

Language (EN) files16

16 just updated with effectiveTime?????

Concept files4

4 records updated with effectiveTime ONLY:

< 10021000234102    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 10031000234104    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 11000234105    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
< 21000234103    20220430    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 10021000234102    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 10031000234104    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 11000234105    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008
> 21000234103    20220815    1    11000234105    900000000000074008


0 changes - as expected???????

Inferred Relationship files0

0 changes - as expected???????

Stated Relationship files22

All 22 records inactivated as expected, due to migration to OWL Axioms

OWL files5

5 OWLExpression records added - PROVEN TO BE VALID, as there were only 5 source concepts as the baseline for all 22 original stated relationship records, and so only 5 OWLExpression records are required to replace all 22 of them!

> 1e5a3610-afa0-4c75-8db0-bc4ad5448946 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 71000220102 EquivalentClasses(:71000220102 ObjectIntersectionOf(:116143008 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :113293009))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :181452004) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:424876005 :66739002))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :2033006)))))
> 4531d452-9742-4c70-9d0b-838c786e0a77 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 11000220105 SubClassOf(:11000220105 :900000000000443000)
> 57ebb9ff-5d0d-46c0-a764-5cf26e3e4648 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 31000220100 SubClassOf(:31000220100 :446609009)
> 9f79934c-fb1f-4ed5-b136-a71b2e6f15fe 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 61000220108 EquivalentClasses(:61000220108 ObjectIntersectionOf(:116140006 ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :113293009) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:425391005 :86174004))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :181452004) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:424876005 :66739002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:425391005 :86174004))) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:609096000 ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:260686004 :129304002) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:405813007 :2033006) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(:425391005 :86174004)))))
> e0d35841-5999-4284-afe8-9a56db00d7ce 20191021 1 11000220105 733073007 21000220103 SubClassOf(:21000220103 :900000000000507009)

AttributeValue files15

15 records added/updated

HOWEVER, were the only changes effectiveTime (because the previous package was not OFFICIALLY published??), and therefore not showing up in the Summary Component Stats report??
