Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

December 2021 Production (


PUBLISHED) vs June 2022 PreProduction (Version 8 PLUS MSSP-1519) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files8
8 records had their UUID's replaced, as expected as firsttime release
ModuleDependency files5
5 records had their UUID's replaced, as expected as firsttime release


December 2021 Production (Version 4 - PUBLISHED FIRST) vs December 2021 Production (Version 8 - FIXES TO Common French metadata) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison


87376 swiss french language refset records added as expected, as these were imported into snowstorm invalidly with effectiveTime already set, which meant the SRS didn't pick them up as part of the "unpublished", first time CH release!


One new Relationship added from the Common French package at Rory's request, in order to support the CF Module concept (11000241103) that we added to the CH package to help end users to use the Swiss content without having to download the CF Package as well (at least not in all scenarios)

> 11000241126 20211207 1 11000241103 11000241103 900000000000443000 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002


One new Axoim added from the Common French package at Rory's request, in order to support the CF Module concept (11000241103) that we added to the CH package to help end users to use the Swiss content without having to download the CF Package as well (at least not in all scenarios)

> b7c3c7f7-1967-0917-6c22-db19ddd83319 20211207 1 11000241103 733073007 11000241103 SubClassOf(:11000241103 :900000000000443000)

December 2021 Production (Version 3) vs December 2021 Production (Version 4 - PUBLISHED FIRST) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison


December 2021 Production (Version 2) vs December 2021 Production (Version 3) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison




26 records removed:

< 63611000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 264372000 de 900000000000013009 farmacia 900000000000017005
< 63751000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 80522000 de 900000000000013009 istituto di riabilitazione stazionaria 900000000000017005
< 64181000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 46255001 de 900000000000013009 farmacista 900000000000017005
< 64721000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 159026005 de 900000000000013009 logopedista 900000000000017005
< 65441000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 309453006 de 900000000000013009 levatrice 900000000000017005
< 67321000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 36682004 de 900000000000013009 fisioterapista 900000000000017005
< 67441000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 106289002 de 900000000000013009 dentista 900000000000017005
< 67581000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 309343006 de 900000000000013009 medico 900000000000017005
< 68401000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 288565001 de 900000000000013009 centro di telemedicina 900000000000017005
< 68451000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 722171005 de 900000000000013009 istituto di diagnostica medica 900000000000017005
< 68501000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 394778007 de 900000000000013009 domicilio del paziente 900000000000017005
< 68701000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 80546007 de 900000000000013009 ergoterapista 900000000000017005
< 68831000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 722173008 de 900000000000013009 struttura sanitaria in uno stabilimento carcerario 900000000000017005
< 69671000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 106292003 de 900000000000013009 infermiere diplomato 900000000000017005
< 70381000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 66280005 de 900000000000013009 servizio di assistenza e cura a domicilio 900000000000017005
< 70391000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 35971002 de 900000000000013009 struttura ambulatoriale, incl. gli studi medici 900000000000017005
< 71301000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 225728007 de 900000000000013009 servizio di pronto soccorso e di salvataggio 900000000000017005
< 71521000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 394747008 de 900000000000013009 autorità sanitaria 900000000000017005
< 71781000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 42665001 de 900000000000013009 casa di cura 900000000000017005
< 71851000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 264358009 de 900000000000013009 studio medico 900000000000017005
< 73771000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 159033005 de 900000000000013009 dietista 900000000000017005
< 74541000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 722172003 de 900000000000013009 servizio di medicina militare 900000000000017005
< 75071000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 43741000 de 900000000000013009 altre organizzazioni sanitarie 900000000000017005
< 75191000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 59944000 de 900000000000013009 psicologo 900000000000017005
< 75281000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 3842006 de 900000000000013009 chiropratico 900000000000017005
< 75351000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 22232009 de 900000000000013009 ospedale 900000000000017005

Plus 26 new records added for replacement German terms, as requested by Pero in MSSP-1226 (and ratified by RDA in Managed Service slack channel at 13:45 on 8/12/2021 when he confirmed DescriptionID's should have been refreshed (instead of using original ID's as was done in Pero's original file in MSSP-1226) :

> 112201000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 46255001 de 900000000000013009 Apothekerin/Apotheker 900000000000017005
> 112211000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 66280005 de 900000000000013009 Organisation für Pflege zu Hause 900000000000017005
> 112221000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 35971002 de 900000000000013009 Ambulante Einrichtung/Ambulatorium 900000000000017005
> 112231000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 80546007 de 900000000000013009 Ergotherapeutin/Ergotherapeut 900000000000017005
> 112241000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 106292003 de 900000000000013009 Pflegefachfrau/Pflegefachmann 900000000000017005
> 112251000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 288565001 de 900000000000013009 Telemedizinische Einrichtung 900000000000017005
> 112261000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 43741000 de 900000000000013009 Andere Gesundheitsorganisation 900000000000017005
> 112271000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 3842006 de 900000000000013009 Chiropraktikerin/Chiropraktiker 900000000000017005
> 112281000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 264372000 de 900000000000013009 Apotheke 900000000000017005
> 112291000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 394747008 de 900000000000013009 Gesundheitsbehörde 900000000000017005
> 112301000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 36682004 de 900000000000013009 Physiotherapeutin/Physiotherapeut 900000000000017005
> 112311000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 309343006 de 900000000000013009 Ärztin/Arzt 900000000000017005
> 112321000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 722171005 de 900000000000013009 Institution für medizinische Diagnostik 900000000000017005
> 112331000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 722173008 de 900000000000013009 Gesundheitseinrichtung in der Haftanstalt 900000000000017005
> 112341000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 59944000 de 900000000000013009 Psychologin/Psychologe 900000000000017005
> 112351000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 22232009 de 900000000000013009 Stationäre Einrichtung/Spital 900000000000017005
> 112361000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 80522000 de 900000000000013009 Organisation für stationäre Rehabilitation 900000000000017005
> 112371000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 394778007 de 900000000000013009 Domizil des Patienten 900000000000017005
> 112381000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 159026005 de 900000000000013009 Sprachtherapeutin/Sprachtherapeut 900000000000017005
> 112391000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 106289002 de 900000000000013009 Zahnärztin/Zahnarzt 900000000000017005
> 112401000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 159033005 de 900000000000013009 Ernährungsberaterin/Ernährungsberater 900000000000017005
> 112411000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 42665001 de 900000000000013009 Pflegeheim 900000000000017005
> 112421000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 225728007 de 900000000000013009 Notfall-/Rettungsdienste 900000000000017005
> 112431000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 309453006 de 900000000000013009 Registrierte Hebamme 900000000000017005
> 112441000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 722172003 de 900000000000013009 Armeeärztliche Dienste 900000000000017005
> 112451000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 264358009 de 900000000000013009 Arztpraxis 900000000000017005


26 records removed, exactly matching DescriptionID's removed above:

< 0ba6a492-b61a-4bd4-b5bb-5202c733feeb 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 67581000195115 900000000000548007
< 1fd00400-98c2-4885-99d3-781906809cb5 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 68831000195116 900000000000548007
< 3f59ca88-848a-4680-a773-d5fb389fd6da 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 67321000195112 900000000000548007
< 4061fa38-009b-4996-a0e9-ce9b63bec5b1 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 71781000195112 900000000000548007
< 4094bfcf-199e-4744-ab59-6ac45f8d1694 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 75351000195116 900000000000548007
< 44600b36-5a82-41d1-b7ea-869251ad7859 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 64181000195116 900000000000548007
< 4aa19fc4-a53b-4371-a449-d55a1c5c3854 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 63611000195116 900000000000548007
< 54ae648a-1381-4703-bc03-c786c574b0d8 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 75191000195113 900000000000548007
< 631728e4-d6f5-494d-8c75-5ff3668e6bd4 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 64721000195118 900000000000548007
< 69546d86-dbd5-437e-a079-338f6626b52a 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 70381000195117 900000000000548007
< 6fc93ab9-ed01-480a-940b-d93dcd9a8e3d 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 67441000195111 900000000000548007
< 772ce5f8-187c-4e58-8c0a-7293ee4554d2 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 73771000195114 900000000000548007
< 7d4c1c5d-b278-45ff-8e7a-349000375abe 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 68451000195113 900000000000548007
< 7e4f7f9d-be1c-41ab-aa01-a58524bd0360 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 74541000195110 900000000000548007
< 8ce2d629-2379-4ad4-b3f2-595d1c22501c 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 75071000195110 900000000000548007
< 9797bcfb-00a6-49b8-b6b8-bd4c41fb6224 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 68701000195116 900000000000548007
< 9eb617a0-eb9f-4c3d-a5f0-7b201b6c1e68 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 69671000195111 900000000000548007
< a5f44f75-81ad-4cfb-a0ea-5818bf03aa7c 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 71851000195114 900000000000548007
< b337385b-1d19-4f18-a9dc-346d21597108 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 70391000195115 900000000000548007
< b64a149c-8fdc-441f-85f6-1712cf31e325 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 68501000195111 900000000000548007
< cb9248c2-d39c-43bc-bee9-487900e6ea8e 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 68401000195112 900000000000548007
< fbd2383e-bd03-4f85-8409-267529e9db8c 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 71301000195119 900000000000548007
< fa93ba02-a1ad-4ee2-bf76-399aa9c51c4d 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 75281000195118 900000000000548007
< d880c65d-4ab5-4669-9cfa-7e03d733104b 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 63751000195113 900000000000548007
< d1a5f9d7-2b31-48ce-ab8c-539dfac2c0e0 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 65441000195119 900000000000548007
< 9b60f64b-f2c3-49f3-9547-238effcaf166 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 71521000195119 900000000000548007

Plus 26 new records added (exactly matching DescriptionID's added above) for replacement German terms, as requested by Pero in MSSP-1226 (and ratified by RDA in Managed Service slack channel at 13:45 on 8/12/2021 when he confirmed DescriptionID's should have been refreshed (instead of using original ID's as was done in Pero's original file in MSSP-1226) ::

> 0d2e6a1a-8ef0-487f-8e33-57dae4e0a7f6 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112401000195116 900000000000548007
> ffd57fbb-7a32-4672-909b-fb1085589c8a 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112301000195113 900000000000548007
> 214a8340-6bfc-4f11-9be2-198dafbd40ef 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112361000195112 900000000000548007
> 3bf2bd17-baa8-4af0-97bf-0454a82a6ca3 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112331000195115 900000000000548007
> 46df4ed0-ad1c-4348-acee-a47873ca118b 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112411000195119 900000000000548007
> 4b13a6f0-8b3c-45a4-85d7-dcd8a1f13bdd 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112241000195117 900000000000548007
> 5450b03b-fd6e-46c0-99ed-e2c23fd99f6e 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112451000195115 900000000000548007
> 6af48496-242a-4eec-863e-156dde0b22b7 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112391000195119 900000000000548007
> 6e424926-af4c-4f66-b64e-8ffb3f55fca7 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112211000195118 900000000000548007
> 75c11e8b-37d3-4722-a007-c36ddfd369e9 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112311000195110 900000000000548007
> 78917203-8b6c-4182-942a-c0b3608711f8 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112441000195118 900000000000548007
> 78cc64ef-7347-47c2-aeea-4e393d278090 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112421000195112 900000000000548007
> 7e8677ce-291d-4a25-96fb-b1c1e77d7939 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112341000195111 900000000000548007
> 941b3c27-0143-4829-bbd8-6c19367aea04 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112231000195113 900000000000548007
> a26d70bd-3f56-452f-a418-572b66c95706 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112371000195118 900000000000548007
> a718c614-da75-44ab-ba0a-457ffa2a1f3e 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112351000195114 900000000000548007
> b224b421-9348-4980-ad80-234a84c1b558 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112381000195116 900000000000548007
> b4b021e0-ddd4-44eb-82c9-e078818a91b5 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112431000195114 900000000000548007
> c9d9e1a7-482e-40ce-a7fa-dce568a18ba3 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112281000195112 900000000000548007
> ca698ea4-fb93-4799-a885-681509d19bc1 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112221000195111 900000000000548007
> fba34250-642f-4282-bd72-9d61bba9fd54 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112261000195116 900000000000548007
> faf613fd-19ee-467b-8fc8-357c3bc7fd90 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112201000195115 900000000000548007
> df630192-88fe-4ac9-a41d-f604fc9fd64d 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112271000195110 900000000000548007
> f1e22a53-5cd1-41b2-b667-4b2f5b7988b0 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112291000195114 900000000000548007
> d1b0754a-86fd-4c5b-b255-682dd08b4d97 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112321000195117 900000000000548007
> 9b735452-0b57-4d87-8dc1-bfc2ad2f3fc1 20211207 1 2011000195101 2041000195100 112251000195119 900000000000548007




2 records had their moduleID's moved from INT to CH module, as expected due to fixes in ISRS-1173:

< 1317d29c-183e-4aa3-9318-ed5342d8632f 20211207 0 900000000000207008 900000000000523009 394812008 722163006
> 1317d29c-183e-4aa3-9318-ed5342d8632f 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000523009 394812008 722163006

< e6867f1e-2921-45e4-aa7b-faee01cdfb9f 20211207 0 900000000000207008 900000000000523009 394576009 773568002
> e6867f1e-2921-45e4-aa7b-faee01cdfb9f 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000523009 394576009 773568002


I'm also seeing multiple AttributeValue module movements in the same direction, so perhaps the assertion is just not specific enough about the root cause?!

  • < 1dcdfcd4-98f2-43b3-8e5b-16c0cf721a79 20211207 0 900000000000207008 900000000000489007 394576009 900000000000484002
  • > 1dcdfcd4-98f2-43b3-8e5b-16c0cf721a79 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 394576009 900000000000484002
  • < 721153bd-2a93-4e5e-a969-2a76ef948dd9 20211207 0 900000000000207008 900000000000489007 394812008 900000000000484002
  • > 721153bd-2a93-4e5e-a969-2a76ef948dd9 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 394812008 900000000000484002
  • < a6b579a4-2e69-4434-8605-1bb83292c917 20211207 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 1488518016 900000000000495008
  • > a6b579a4-2e69-4434-8605-1bb83292c917 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1488518016 900000000000495008
  • < aec2e103-b29c-408d-b57b-984bd5af389a 20211207 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 1468752011 900000000000495008
  • > aec2e103-b29c-408d-b57b-984bd5af389a 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1468752011 900000000000495008
  • < ea0eb14b-aaef-49fc-bc00-61f4f8808dc9 20211207 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 1468516014 900000000000495008
  • > ea0eb14b-aaef-49fc-bc00-61f4f8808dc9 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1468516014 900000000000495008
  • < fbbfa7fc-0a1e-4edf-bf0e-92ba5b1348e2 20211207 0 900000000000207008 900000000000490003 1488307015 900000000000495008
  • > fbbfa7fc-0a1e-4edf-bf0e-92ba5b1348e2 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1488307015 900000000000495008

Ah yes, my bad - just reviewed the assertion text again and in fact it does distinguish - all good!

All changes to modules above match original failures, and assertion now passing cleanly as of CH December 21 Prod version 3 Release, so these changes are signed off ready for Production release.

However, 3 records also removed completely:

  • < 56d99234-9c5d-4012-ab3e-43e1d5d02967 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000490003 60561000195112 900000000000495008
  • < 7d365f7a-a75e-450e-bf5b-1c87e55ee12e 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000490003 61731000195118 900000000000495008
  • < f3944a8f-f5fd-4d7c-8991-a502b9a99232 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000490003 71521000195119 900000000000495008

As expected due to fixes in ISRS-1173????

These are related to an Italian description:

  • 60561000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 394747008 it 900000000000013009 autorità sanitaria 900000000000448009

Plus a French description:

  • 61731000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 394747008 fr 900000000000013009 autorité sanitaire 900000000000448009

Plus a German description:

  • 71521000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 394747008 de 900000000000013009 autorità sanitaria 900000000000017005

All for the same term by the looks of it...

All related to the same concept (394747008) which is one of the 4 concepts re-activated in this cycle in the Swiss extension - so this makes sense as to why the Attribute Value records have been removed, as the concept is no longer inactive.  The descriptions are also not inactive (eg)

  • 60561000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 394747008 it 900000000000013009 autorità sanitaria 900000000000448009

And so this appears to be a valid change, as the original AttributeValue records were invalid.

December 2021 Production (Version 1) vs December 2021 Production (Version 2) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison


1 new record added in order to include the Common French module in the Swiss Extension Concept file, as per Rory's request:

> 11000241103 20211207 1 11000241103 900000000000074008

December 2021 PreProduction (Version 17) vs December 2021 Production (Version 1) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison



4 records re-activated, as planned due to Darryn's fixes in MSSP-1226:

> 224877003 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000074008
> 308912000 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000074008
> 394730007 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000074008
> 394747008 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000074008



4 new records inactivated, related to newly re-activated Concepts:

> 13637820-cfe8-43f9-bef8-1a6bca13dc36 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000524003 394730007 370137002
> 792f1f3b-b89b-41f2-8eb4-b0f4c64e7cff 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000524003 224877003 370137002
> 8dd3f8d7-fe04-482f-a46e-a789bb1387e7 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000524003 394747008 370137002
> a13027fc-d7f7-4cca-a9f9-fcb02229464a 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000524003 308912000 370137002


14 records inactivated, 4 related to newly re-activated Concepts:

> 80afc11e-b732-419b-a2cc-314184c7e99a 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 224877003 900000000000487009

> f3e74c2a-3007-47ff-ad65-865dea1f696e 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 394730007 900000000000487009

> 94626fc3-d375-40b5-bd18-5bb9179c940c 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 308912000 900000000000487009

> 06904453-a5cd-461d-b55c-bd53e477bef2 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 394747008 900000000000487009

The remaining 10 related to the Concept Non Current Indicators for the 4 re-activated concepts.  Descriptions stay active on inactive concepts, but they get a “concept non-current” inactivation indicator applied to them. Because the concept is no longer inactive in the Swiss Extension, it is appropriate to remove the CNC indicators. They relate to the state of the concept, not the descriptions. The descriptions themselves remain active and unchanged in the International Edition. We’re still using them, as we do all descriptions of inactive concepts. The international CNC indicators will remain active when viewed from the scope of the International Edition. It’s only if you were able to see that concept as being reactivated, that you’d also see the CNC indicators being inactivated.

> 10e4d7f7-9583-4fb9-baf4-bd202105f0ce 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 338003015 900000000000495008
> 12d826d8-de80-48f7-909e-1f1292935cce 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1468687019 900000000000495008
> 3b30de5d-670a-4958-90f7-7c21b8e7fa9d 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1476323017 900000000000495008
> 4d9b5ca6-600c-4440-822b-e54ed0a012b9 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 452300014 900000000000495008
> 7c364f2d-9b6e-4be3-88dc-439a8b04b53b 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1477284019 900000000000495008
> 7ebbb0bc-9604-4e0b-acb4-216ae9bc252c 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1488462011 900000000000495008
> ad296d00-9333-4b85-9b47-7a29069aaee3 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 612054011 900000000000495008
> c59c5cc9-d2a4-46f5-81ee-e6561797992d 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 705421019 900000000000495008
> e209062d-a2c2-48c7-b4f3-4350dbafffb9 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 2688826014 900000000000495008
> fdaf4d23-10d4-4ed2-9c73-30b3a4aa3a20 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 452301013 900000000000495008





2x records had their unnecessary whitespaces removed as part of fixes in ISRS-1169:

< 61401000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 721966001 fr 900000000000013009 mandat de rapport d’examen pathologique 900000000000448009
> 61401000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 721966001 fr 900000000000013009 mandat de rapport d’examen pathologique 900000000000448009

< 62021000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 440545006 fr 900000000000013009 prescription 900000000000448009
> 62021000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 440545006 fr 900000000000013009 prescription 900000000000448009

+ 34 records removed, as per fixes in ISRS-1170:

< 61311000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 46255001 fr 900000000000013009 pharmacien 900000000000448009
< 61321000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 394594003 fr 900000000000013009 ophtalmologie 900000000000448009
< 61331000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 394811001 fr 900000000000013009 gériatrie 900000000000448009
< 61341000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 394819004 fr 900000000000013009 médecine transfusionnelle 900000000000448009
< 61371000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 394580004 fr 900000000000013009 génétique médicale 900000000000448009
< 61381000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 394802001 fr 900000000000013009 médecine générale 900000000000448009
< 61391000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 394579002 fr 900000000000013009 cardiologie 900000000000448009
< 61411000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 36682004 fr 900000000000013009 physiothérapeute 900000000000448009
< 61461000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 394591006 fr 900000000000013009 neurologie 900000000000448009
< 61521000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 106289002 fr 900000000000013009 dentiste 900000000000448009
< 61561000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 394610002 fr 900000000000013009 neurochirurgie 900000000000448009
< 61581000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 408456005 fr 900000000000013009 chirurgie thoracique 900000000000448009
< 61711000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 394577000 fr 900000000000013009 anesthésiologie 900000000000448009
< 61721000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 264372000 fr 900000000000013009 pharmacie 900000000000448009
< 61761000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 419192003 fr 900000000000013009 médecine interne 900000000000448009
< 61831000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 394810000 fr 900000000000013009 rhumatologie 900000000000448009
< 61881000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 394807007 fr 900000000000013009 maladies infectieuses 900000000000448009
< 61891000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 418960008 fr 900000000000013009 oto-rhino-laryngologie 900000000000448009
< 61921000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 394612005 fr 900000000000013009 urologie 900000000000448009
< 62001000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 394649004 fr 900000000000013009 médecine nucléaire 900000000000448009
< 62061000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 80546007 fr 900000000000013009 ergothérapeute 900000000000448009
< 62121000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 394806003 fr 900000000000013009 médecine palliative 900000000000448009
< 62141000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 309343006 fr 900000000000013009 médecin 900000000000448009
< 62191000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 59944000 fr 900000000000013009 psychologue 900000000000448009
< 62201000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 394589003 fr 900000000000013009 néphrologie 900000000000448009
< 62281000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 159026005 fr 900000000000013009 orthophoniste 900000000000448009
< 62311000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 409968004 fr 900000000000013009 médecine préventive 900000000000448009
< 62351000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 418112009 fr 900000000000013009 pneumologie 900000000000448009
< 62391000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 3842006 fr 900000000000013009 chiropracteur 900000000000448009
< 62491000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 22232009 fr 900000000000013009 hôpital 900000000000448009
< 62561000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 394537008 fr 900000000000013009 pédiatrie 900000000000448009
< 62591000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 159033005 fr 900000000000013009 diététicien 900000000000448009
< 62671000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 394595002 fr 900000000000013009 pathologie 900000000000448009
< 62701000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 394803006 fr 900000000000013009 hématologie 900000000000448009


1x record had their unnecessary whitespaces removed as part of fixes in ISRS-1169:

< 50631000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 7348004 it 900000000000013009 fattore II di coagulazione umano (protrombina) 900000000000017005
> 50631000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 7348004 it 900000000000013009 fattore II di coagulazione umano (protrombina) 900000000000017005


34 records removed, as per fixes in ISRS-1170:

< 0f73cc98-9b7e-4215-98f3-a36506e6fc75 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61921000195117 900000000000548007
< 1de69d37-63cc-4578-9699-03f94f090df4 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61331000195119 900000000000548007
< 2e9339ff-925e-495a-986f-a5a08e078df4 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61411000195118 900000000000548007
< 3b778370-4f01-4d50-8560-85e6f89292f8 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61311000195114 900000000000548007
< 42fa2ca0-db3c-4ab9-b9e7-d6d81f12e76a 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61581000195113 900000000000548007
< 4aa2951a-0f13-4e96-9c50-37017086f889 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62191000195114 900000000000548007
< 4e23ede0-f140-4fc8-ba43-6bb98eff4981 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61831000195111 900000000000548007
< 595bd49d-86e6-48b2-902d-a634c70e9dd8 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62281000195119 900000000000548007
< 5cde340b-b5f2-4524-8b2c-0d5206a904f4 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61461000195116 900000000000548007
< 604d3f4c-0a00-4422-a5b3-8a539a9724bd 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61521000195112 900000000000548007
< 61493c52-2099-41cd-a5ce-eead702e23a5 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62561000195113 900000000000548007
< 6168e2aa-9292-4c12-b787-48cacf4d5f05 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62061000195117 900000000000548007
< 74ff48be-18c0-4c7e-bf2c-9ee410943aa8 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62701000195119 900000000000548007
< 75045e44-b674-4588-a254-af2a36b56d68 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61391000195118 900000000000548007
< 75f6d7a0-f013-4857-aa9e-7acfc552b0fa 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62671000195118 900000000000548007
< 78d1de51-969c-4774-aec3-5b3b7a1dfbcb 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61341000195110 900000000000548007
< 82c1208e-db5a-423f-af30-eeab7e42d6fb 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61321000195116 900000000000548007
< 83a14834-6ca3-4388-afc9-72fc7a4ef546 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61711000195113 900000000000548007
< 8dfc8062-1361-4ea4-b206-42d32cb9a211 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62491000195116 900000000000548007
< 93b293ca-6083-457b-96a9-3e6bc2220108 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61761000195110 900000000000548007
< 94edd9f3-a9aa-44e6-a743-00a69c4fe5c3 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61381000195115 900000000000548007
< 9b87d6fe-982d-498c-a52e-a49214cd1473 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61721000195115 900000000000548007
< a6e81fe8-47f2-487d-85be-cd47617cbc9c 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61891000195112 900000000000548007
< c0063858-8f9e-42e5-91c0-586fbedc35d2 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62201000195111 900000000000548007
< c3e69ae4-3f43-4066-8374-861aa818f20c 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61371000195117 900000000000548007
< c5543904-bd52-4f27-b421-2e3ee87d00dd 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62351000195117 900000000000548007
< d3a26bd7-17b5-4946-949d-733f594f6d6a 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62121000195111 900000000000548007
< d781a01d-a5fe-4d73-baf3-6b3b040fb890 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61881000195110 900000000000548007
< d8893b59-b56f-4571-a231-667dd1e22a04 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62391000195112 900000000000548007
< dbfb81a6-aad7-4490-91fc-6fc9834f649d 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62001000195116 900000000000548007
< ef98d416-a8dc-41de-9260-eca19d0da046 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62311000195116 900000000000548007
< f153a658-0f0b-4d1d-a36b-c2d972763b2f 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62591000195115 900000000000548007
< f6b57d08-752e-4eb5-ad5f-87ac5080739d 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61561000195117 900000000000548007
< f9d4bdd5-5e33-4ee4-8151-5ef63ca6c6e1 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62141000195117 900000000000548007


4 new records added, related to newly re-activated Concepts:

> 2026551023 20211207 1 2011000195101 394730007 224877003 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2026572021 20211207 1 2011000195101 394747008 394730007 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2683977029 20211207 1 2011000195101 308912000 362981000 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 33588028 20211207 1 2011000195101 224877003 308912000 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002


4 new records activated, related to newly re-activated Concepts:

> 171959b3-3eee-4c08-a90f-30350bc52be5 20211207 1 2011000195101 733073007 394747008 SubClassOf(:394747008 :394730007)
> 92c10d9b-86a6-4582-91bc-e600fe3734c8 20211207 1 2011000195101 733073007 224877003 SubClassOf(:224877003 :308912000)
> bee7afe6-1076-4492-91ce-c2e94b2751f3 20211207 1 2011000195101 733073007 308912000 SubClassOf(:308912000 :362981000)
> df330bc3-4d0f-4c15-97b0-e79edfac99f3 20211207 1 2011000195101 733073007 394730007 SubClassOf(:394730007 :224877003)


FirstTime release, so Delta + Full + Snapshot files are all identical, as expected!

December 2021 PreProduction (Version 8) vs December 2021 PreProduction (Version 10) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison


New manifest, as agreed with Terance and Rory (see Notes + Emails from last 2 weeks of November 2021 for decisions and rationale)


FirstTime release, so Delta + Full + Snapshot files are all identical, as expected!



0 changes in this cycle

As expected as matches number of planned changes this cycle, as confirmed by Irish NRC in Refsets tab in MSSP ticket: MSSP-1128



0 changes in this cycle

As expected as matches number of planned changes this cycle, as confirmed by Irish NRC in Refsets tab in MSSP ticket: MSSP-1128



0 changes in this cycle

As expected as matches number of planned changes this cycle, as confirmed by Irish NRC in Refsets tab in MSSP ticket: MSSP-1128



0 changes in this cycle

As expected as matches number of planned changes this cycle, as confirmed by Irish NRC in Refsets tab in MSSP ticket: MSSP-1128



0 changes in this cycle

As expected as matches number of planned changes this cycle, as confirmed by Irish NRC in Refsets tab in MSSP ticket: MSSP-1128


9 inactivations + 

85 new records

Not quite as expected - asking Theresa to confirm in MSSP ticket... Theresa confirmed this was just a typo on her part on 12/10/21 in MSSP-1128



0 changes in this cycle

As expected as matches number of planned changes this cycle, as confirmed by Irish NRC in Refsets tab in MSSP ticket: MSSP-1128


1 new record

As expected as matches number of planned changes this cycle, as confirmed by Irish NRC in Refsets tab in MSSP ticket: MSSP-1128



55 records inactivated, as expected as confirmed by Michael due to his fixes in ISRS-1134


14 records inactivated:

> 0020f66d-b907-4bbc-9f53-4951c96a8f68 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 308105005 370137002
> 3658d8eb-58bb-46ce-ac51-d2ad68c46f40 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000523009 571631000119106 1119367000
> 5c288cf8-499c-4257-947f-0d80774ab356 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 315281001 370137002
> 72416daa-00b4-4656-b67e-518b3c78c029 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 414904007 370137002
> 7af708d7-9765-4344-b3cf-1cecc4893c27 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 275954009 370137002
> 874d07e3-c643-4357-bca0-084c1cf3771d 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 414903001 370137002
> 8fe60d1b-13ef-40f6-953b-76434d0e6020 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 162986007 370137002
> 9445fc3c-4fb5-47d8-a865-36b41138214d 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 308106006 370137002
> 993925c7-144f-4f57-84bf-1558689c1bd1 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 414900003 370137002
> a087e6e0-1796-4fe8-ab31-16c78ff56af4 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 162999005 370137002
> a261e460-6a6e-4641-8e02-6fc558784a4f 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 414901004 370137002
> c6e3ade5-789f-49a1-be6b-dfbf5418d948 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 186019001 370137002
> d709959b-22aa-4996-9470-a1cae2e6f0ff 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 315279003 370137002
> f1b7647f-e2dd-4cc9-8374-d0b04739704b 20211021 0 900000000000207008 900000000000524003 162755006 370137002

As expected as match 14 Concept records re-activated in this cycle!


Updated to October 2021 dates as expected, PLUS

3 new files due to 3x files for each of the 1 new Concrete Values Relationship file added in this cycle:

> xsct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_Delta_IE1000220_20211021.txt
> xsct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_Full_IE1000220_20211021.txt
> xsct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_Snapshot_IE1000220_20211021.txt


2657 inactivations

16063 new records

As expected, as matches exactly with total added + changed + reactivated in Summary Component Stats report (Updated after initial Pre-Prod fixes) report in MSSP ticket:


15 records added:

> 1601000220105 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 162755006 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 162986007 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 162999005 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 186019001 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 275954009 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 308105005 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000073002
> 308106006 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000073002
> 315279003 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 315281001 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 414900003 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 414901004 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 414903001 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 414904007 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008
> 571631000119106 20211021 1 11000220105 900000000000074008

As expected, as matches exactly with total added + reactivated in Summary Component Stats report (Updated after initial Pre-Prod fixes) report in MSSP ticket:

Readme file

all x prefixes removed, plus Production naming convention applied, as expected.  JSON file added as well to define Language refsets.
Concept filesn/a


4 records re-activated, as planned due to Darryn's fixes in MSSP-1226:

> 224877003 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000074008
> 308912000 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000074008
> 394730007 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000074008
> 394747008 20211207 1 2011000195101 900000000000074008


Association files4

4 new records inactivated, related to newly re-activated Concepts:

> 13637820-cfe8-43f9-bef8-1a6bca13dc36 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000524003 394730007 370137002
> 792f1f3b-b89b-41f2-8eb4-b0f4c64e7cff 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000524003 224877003 370137002
> 8dd3f8d7-fe04-482f-a46e-a789bb1387e7 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000524003 394747008 370137002
> a13027fc-d7f7-4cca-a9f9-fcb02229464a 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000524003 308912000 370137002

AttributeValue files14

14 records inactivated, 4 related to newly re-activated Concepts:

> 80afc11e-b732-419b-a2cc-314184c7e99a 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 224877003 900000000000487009

> f3e74c2a-3007-47ff-ad65-865dea1f696e 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 394730007 900000000000487009

> 94626fc3-d375-40b5-bd18-5bb9179c940c 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 308912000 900000000000487009

> 06904453-a5cd-461d-b55c-bd53e477bef2 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000489007 394747008 900000000000487009

The remaining 10 related to the Concept Non Current Indicators for the 4 re-activated concepts.  Descriptions stay active on inactive concepts, but they get a “concept non-current” inactivation indicator applied to them. Because the concept is no longer inactive in the Swiss Extension, it is appropriate to remove the CNC indicators. They relate to the state of the concept, not the descriptions. The descriptions themselves remain active and unchanged in the International Edition. We’re still using them, as we do all descriptions of inactive concepts. The international CNC indicators will remain active when viewed from the scope of the International Edition. It’s only if you were able to see that concept as being reactivated, that you’d also see the CNC indicators being inactivated.

> 10e4d7f7-9583-4fb9-baf4-bd202105f0ce 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 338003015 900000000000495008
> 12d826d8-de80-48f7-909e-1f1292935cce 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1468687019 900000000000495008
> 3b30de5d-670a-4958-90f7-7c21b8e7fa9d 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1476323017 900000000000495008
> 4d9b5ca6-600c-4440-822b-e54ed0a012b9 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 452300014 900000000000495008
> 7c364f2d-9b6e-4be3-88dc-439a8b04b53b 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1477284019 900000000000495008
> 7ebbb0bc-9604-4e0b-acb4-216ae9bc252c 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 1488462011 900000000000495008
> ad296d00-9333-4b85-9b47-7a29069aaee3 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 612054011 900000000000495008
> c59c5cc9-d2a4-46f5-81ee-e6561797992d 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 705421019 900000000000495008
> e209062d-a2c2-48c7-b4f3-4350dbafffb9 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 2688826014 900000000000495008
> fdaf4d23-10d4-4ed2-9c73-30b3a4aa3a20 20211207 0 2011000195101 900000000000490003 452301013 900000000000495008

Description (fr) files36



2x records had their unnecessary whitespaces removed as part of fixes in ISRS-1169:

< 61401000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 721966001 fr 900000000000013009 mandat de rapport d’examen pathologique 900000000000448009
> 61401000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 721966001 fr 900000000000013009 mandat de rapport d’examen pathologique 900000000000448009

< 62021000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 440545006 fr 900000000000013009 prescription 900000000000448009
> 62021000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 440545006 fr 900000000000013009 prescription 900000000000448009

+ 34 records removed, as per fixes in ISRS-1170:

< 61311000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 46255001 fr 900000000000013009 pharmacien 900000000000448009
< 61321000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 394594003 fr 900000000000013009 ophtalmologie 900000000000448009
< 61331000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 394811001 fr 900000000000013009 gériatrie 900000000000448009
< 61341000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 394819004 fr 900000000000013009 médecine transfusionnelle 900000000000448009
< 61371000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 394580004 fr 900000000000013009 génétique médicale 900000000000448009
< 61381000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 394802001 fr 900000000000013009 médecine générale 900000000000448009
< 61391000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 394579002 fr 900000000000013009 cardiologie 900000000000448009
< 61411000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 36682004 fr 900000000000013009 physiothérapeute 900000000000448009
< 61461000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 394591006 fr 900000000000013009 neurologie 900000000000448009
< 61521000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 106289002 fr 900000000000013009 dentiste 900000000000448009
< 61561000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 394610002 fr 900000000000013009 neurochirurgie 900000000000448009
< 61581000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 408456005 fr 900000000000013009 chirurgie thoracique 900000000000448009
< 61711000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 394577000 fr 900000000000013009 anesthésiologie 900000000000448009
< 61721000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 264372000 fr 900000000000013009 pharmacie 900000000000448009
< 61761000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 419192003 fr 900000000000013009 médecine interne 900000000000448009
< 61831000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 394810000 fr 900000000000013009 rhumatologie 900000000000448009
< 61881000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 394807007 fr 900000000000013009 maladies infectieuses 900000000000448009
< 61891000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 418960008 fr 900000000000013009 oto-rhino-laryngologie 900000000000448009
< 61921000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 394612005 fr 900000000000013009 urologie 900000000000448009
< 62001000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 394649004 fr 900000000000013009 médecine nucléaire 900000000000448009
< 62061000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 80546007 fr 900000000000013009 ergothérapeute 900000000000448009
< 62121000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 394806003 fr 900000000000013009 médecine palliative 900000000000448009
< 62141000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 309343006 fr 900000000000013009 médecin 900000000000448009
< 62191000195114 20211207 1 2011000195101 59944000 fr 900000000000013009 psychologue 900000000000448009
< 62201000195111 20211207 1 2011000195101 394589003 fr 900000000000013009 néphrologie 900000000000448009
< 62281000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 159026005 fr 900000000000013009 orthophoniste 900000000000448009
< 62311000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 409968004 fr 900000000000013009 médecine préventive 900000000000448009
< 62351000195117 20211207 1 2011000195101 418112009 fr 900000000000013009 pneumologie 900000000000448009
< 62391000195112 20211207 1 2011000195101 3842006 fr 900000000000013009 chiropracteur 900000000000448009
< 62491000195116 20211207 1 2011000195101 22232009 fr 900000000000013009 hôpital 900000000000448009
< 62561000195113 20211207 1 2011000195101 394537008 fr 900000000000013009 pédiatrie 900000000000448009
< 62591000195115 20211207 1 2011000195101 159033005 fr 900000000000013009 diététicien 900000000000448009
< 62671000195118 20211207 1 2011000195101 394595002 fr 900000000000013009 pathologie 900000000000448009
< 62701000195119 20211207 1 2011000195101 394803006 fr 900000000000013009 hématologie 900000000000448009

Description (it-ch) files1ISRS-1169

1x record had their unnecessary whitespaces removed as part of fixes in ISRS-1169:

< 50631000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 7348004 it 900000000000013009 fattore II di coagulazione umano (protrombina) 900000000000017005
> 50631000195110 20211207 1 2011000195101 7348004 it 900000000000013009 fattore II di coagulazione umano (protrombina) 900000000000017005

Language Refset (fr-ch) files34ISRS-1170

34 records removed, as per fixes in ISRS-1170:

< 0f73cc98-9b7e-4215-98f3-a36506e6fc75 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61921000195117 900000000000548007
< 1de69d37-63cc-4578-9699-03f94f090df4 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61331000195119 900000000000548007
< 2e9339ff-925e-495a-986f-a5a08e078df4 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61411000195118 900000000000548007
< 3b778370-4f01-4d50-8560-85e6f89292f8 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61311000195114 900000000000548007
< 42fa2ca0-db3c-4ab9-b9e7-d6d81f12e76a 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61581000195113 900000000000548007
< 4aa2951a-0f13-4e96-9c50-37017086f889 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62191000195114 900000000000548007
< 4e23ede0-f140-4fc8-ba43-6bb98eff4981 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61831000195111 900000000000548007
< 595bd49d-86e6-48b2-902d-a634c70e9dd8 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62281000195119 900000000000548007
< 5cde340b-b5f2-4524-8b2c-0d5206a904f4 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61461000195116 900000000000548007
< 604d3f4c-0a00-4422-a5b3-8a539a9724bd 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61521000195112 900000000000548007
< 61493c52-2099-41cd-a5ce-eead702e23a5 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62561000195113 900000000000548007
< 6168e2aa-9292-4c12-b787-48cacf4d5f05 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62061000195117 900000000000548007
< 74ff48be-18c0-4c7e-bf2c-9ee410943aa8 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62701000195119 900000000000548007
< 75045e44-b674-4588-a254-af2a36b56d68 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61391000195118 900000000000548007
< 75f6d7a0-f013-4857-aa9e-7acfc552b0fa 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62671000195118 900000000000548007
< 78d1de51-969c-4774-aec3-5b3b7a1dfbcb 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61341000195110 900000000000548007
< 82c1208e-db5a-423f-af30-eeab7e42d6fb 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61321000195116 900000000000548007
< 83a14834-6ca3-4388-afc9-72fc7a4ef546 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61711000195113 900000000000548007
< 8dfc8062-1361-4ea4-b206-42d32cb9a211 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62491000195116 900000000000548007
< 93b293ca-6083-457b-96a9-3e6bc2220108 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61761000195110 900000000000548007
< 94edd9f3-a9aa-44e6-a743-00a69c4fe5c3 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61381000195115 900000000000548007
< 9b87d6fe-982d-498c-a52e-a49214cd1473 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61721000195115 900000000000548007
< a6e81fe8-47f2-487d-85be-cd47617cbc9c 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61891000195112 900000000000548007
< c0063858-8f9e-42e5-91c0-586fbedc35d2 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62201000195111 900000000000548007
< c3e69ae4-3f43-4066-8374-861aa818f20c 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61371000195117 900000000000548007
< c5543904-bd52-4f27-b421-2e3ee87d00dd 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62351000195117 900000000000548007
< d3a26bd7-17b5-4946-949d-733f594f6d6a 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62121000195111 900000000000548007
< d781a01d-a5fe-4d73-baf3-6b3b040fb890 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61881000195110 900000000000548007
< d8893b59-b56f-4571-a231-667dd1e22a04 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62391000195112 900000000000548007
< dbfb81a6-aad7-4490-91fc-6fc9834f649d 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62001000195116 900000000000548007
< ef98d416-a8dc-41de-9260-eca19d0da046 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62311000195116 900000000000548007
< f153a658-0f0b-4d1d-a36b-c2d972763b2f 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62591000195115 900000000000548007
< f6b57d08-752e-4eb5-ad5f-87ac5080739d 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 61561000195117 900000000000548007
< f9d4bdd5-5e33-4ee4-8151-5ef63ca6c6e1 20211207 1 2011000195101 2021000195106 62141000195117 900000000000548007

Relationship files4

4 new records added, related to newly re-activated Concepts:

> 2026551023 20211207 1 2011000195101 394730007 224877003 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2026572021 20211207 1 2011000195101 394747008 394730007 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 2683977029 20211207 1 2011000195101 308912000 362981000 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 33588028 20211207 1 2011000195101 224877003 308912000 0 116680003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

OWL Expression files4

4 new records activated, related to newly re-activated Concepts:

> 171959b3-3eee-4c08-a90f-30350bc52be5 20211207 1 2011000195101 733073007 394747008 SubClassOf(:394747008 :394730007)
> 92c10d9b-86a6-4582-91bc-e600fe3734c8 20211207 1 2011000195101 733073007 224877003 SubClassOf(:224877003 :308912000)
> bee7afe6-1076-4492-91ce-c2e94b2751f3 20211207 1 2011000195101 733073007 308912000 SubClassOf(:308912000 :362981000)
> df330bc3-4d0f-4c15-97b0-e79edfac99f3 20211207 1 2011000195101 733073007 394730007 SubClassOf(:394730007 :224877003



2 records added (makes sense as only 1 truly new Concept, other 14 were re-activated!)

> 25961000220110 20211021 1 11000220105 1601000220105 en 900000000000003001 Irish drugs module (core metadata concept) 900000000000448009
> 25971000220116 20211021 1 11000220105 1601000220105 en 900000000000013009 Irish drugs module 900000000000448009

plus 0 inactivated

As expected, as matches exactly with total added + reactivated in Summary Component Stats report (Updated after initial Pre-Prod fixes) report in MSSP ticket:


55 records added

As expected, as matches exactly with total added + reactivated in Summary Component Stats report (Updated after initial Pre-Prod fixes) report in MSSP ticket:


15 records added,

As expected, as matches exactly with total added + reactivated in Summary Component Stats report (Updated after initial Pre-Prod fixes) report in MSSP ticket:


0 new records, 

As expected, as matches exactly with total added + reactivated in Summary Component Stats report (Updated after initial Pre-Prod fixes) report in MSSP ticket:

NOTHING (No Previously Published Package as FirstTime Release!!) vs December 2021 PreProduction (Version 8) traceability


Differences found in package Comparison



ALL files0

FirstTime release, so Delta + Full + Snapshot files are all identical, as expected!