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titleIn this page:

How to promote a complex task with SAC/AAG gateway controls to include its changes in the parent project for complex tasks. This is an extension of the simpler promotion process for non-complex tasks.

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The Complex  slider control in the upper-right of the Task View - Task Details panel defines whether or not a task is Complex.

Setting a task as Complex activates any task-level Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) which are common to all tasks within the parent project.

Until these are met, task promotion will be blocked and Promote This Task to the Project  in t


he Task View - Task Details


 panel actions button list will not be enabled.

titleInternational Authoring - Task SAC - Examples

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Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) and Authoring Acceptance Gateway (AAG) controls
Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) and Authoring Acceptance Gateway (AAG) controls

When all mandatory task-level SAC conditions are met for a Complex task then Promote This Task to the Project  in the Task View - Task Details will become enabled.

Once promotion is enabled,
press Promote This Task to the Project  to initiate promotion.
A "Preparing for task promotion" notification is presented in the page header.
the non-complex task promotion steps apply (included below):

Excerpt Include
Promote my (non-complex) task changes to their parent project (share with other authors)
Promote my (non-complex) task changes to their parent project (share with other authors)

Task promotion also has implicit warning checks for the following conditions (in addition to the task branch content pre-requisites and mandatory task-level SAC defined for the project):

  • Task changes have been classified.
  • Classification results are current (no content changes since last classified).
  • Classification results have been accepted.
  • Review has been completed.
If any of these are not yet satisfied, then attempting promotion will trigger a warning notification, with the option to Return to Task  without promoting, or to continue if task changes are considered sufficiently safe to go to the project level without satisfying these conditions. Press Promote Anyway  to continue promotion.