Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

October 2021 Production (Version 2) package vs October 2021 Production (Version 3) package

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedJIRA ticketRationale
ModuleDependency files2
Both records had UUID's + dates refreshed, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files2

Both records had UUID's + dates refreshed, as expected
Simple Map files5


5 records removed as expected, as per CathyMaria/Donna's fixes - see email trail at 09:16 on  < 0558d1b0-f074-579b-9d46-6894fc0c42ac 20210731 1 784009001 784008009 84918006 93321
< 607e53b5-ab7b-5e06-9be4-e537bf05a227 20210731 1 784009001 784008009 52022007 93320
< bb07d52c-ccf8-57c5-86f0-d572c8b2e7e2 20210731 1 784009001 784008009 234431006 169142
< c2996423-38c3-54f4-8c1c-e40f5a3f30e1 20210731 1 784009001 784008009 367356000 97332
< f9030a24-d269-5237-aaf0-28f148d6f383 20210731 1 784009001 784008009 79177001 93322in ISRS-1137...

Manual Orphanet validation confirmed......

April 2020 Alpha (Published) package vs October 2021 Production (Version 2) package

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedJIRA ticketRationale
ModuleDependency files2
Both records had UUID's + dates refreshed, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files2

Both records had UUID's + dates refreshed, as expected
Readme file

Dates updated, x prefixes removed, and new (empty) files added as expected:

  • > sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_OrphanetDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_OrphanetFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_OrphanetSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_ssccRefset_OrphanetMRCMAttributeRangeDelta_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_ssccRefset_OrphanetMRCMAttributeRangeFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_ssccRefset_OrphanetMRCMAttributeRangeSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_sssssssRefset_OrphanetMRCMDomainDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_sssssssRefset_OrphanetMRCMDomainFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_sssssssRefset_OrphanetMRCMDomainSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_cRefset_OrphanetMRCMModuleScopeDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_cRefset_OrphanetMRCMModuleScopeFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_cRefset_OrphanetMRCMModuleScopeSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
  • > der2_cissccRefset_OrphanetMRCMAttributeDomainDelta_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_cissccRefset_OrphanetMRCMAttributeDomainFull_INT_20210731.txt
    > der2_cissccRefset_OrphanetMRCMAttributeDomainSnapshot_INT_20210731.txt
Simple Map files5657

5691 records removed as expected, as matches exactly the number of active records included in April 2020 Alpha release.

5657 new records added as expected, as matches exactly the number of active records specified in the WCI OrphanetStats file.