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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Production (


-) PUBLISHED to Production (July


2021) Version


3 traceability

Zero Updated with new filenames as expected due to updated release date 2018 records to updated release date. 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedRationale
SimpleMap files01946

1946 new records added (identical in Snapshot/Full/Delta as expected due to this being a first-time release)

changes as expected in this cycle

, due to this being a first-time release.


assertionUuid: "1a4e40a9-cf14-4703-b206-9f2fbeb56c7f",
assertionText: "All active Refset records are valid.",
failureCount: 1,
firstNInstances: [

conceptId: "426049007",
detail: "Reference component id:426049007 for refset id: 1157358007 in simple refset must be valid.",
componentId: "9ee1b899-8c4d-4056-a7a6-e74e55c05a0f",
fullComponent: "1,1157359004,1157358007,426049007"

Looking at the SimpleRefset file, this record is indeed present:

9ee1b899-8c4d-4056-a7a6-e74e55c05a0f 20210731 1 1157359004 1157358007 426049007

Checking this concept ID in the International Edition shows that this concept was indeed inactivated in the July 2021 release:

426049007 20210731 0 900000000000207008 900000000000074008

I've therefore reported the issue to Cathy for fixing on 29/9/21...

RefsetDescriptor files1Updated with 1 brand new July 2021 records as expected due to this being a first-time releaseReadme filen/a.
ModuleDependency files2Updated with 2 brand new July 2021 records as expected due to this being a first-time release.
Readme filen/aUpdated with new filenames as expected due to this being a first-time release.