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Versions Compared


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2020 Production package vs July


2021 (Version 1)


PreProduction package

2020 a 2020 No changes required,

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedRationale
ModuleDependency files22 new July 2021 records added as expected
Readme filen/July 2021 dates all updated as expected
Simple Refset files3

1 record inactivated:

< 8fa8c505-cc9f-45f5-8b2f-42fe204f6fd8 20170131 1 718292005 721144007 109787002
> 8fa8c505-cc9f-45f5-8b2f-42fe204f6fd8 20210731 0

718292005 721144007 109787002

Plus 2 new records added in:

> b23bc318-3f25-4aeb-847b-623047cf22b2 20210731 1 718292005 721144007 1137562007
> 84b0ce2e-44c8-4266-bc6b-75ed38cb3839 20210731 1 718292005 721144007 1137560004

as confirmed by both Refset Tool migration diff report, plus a double check with authors (see email at 15:02 on 03/07/2020 from Nicki)