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Versions Compared


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April 2020 Alpha (Version 2) package vs April 2020 Alpha (Version 3) package

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impacted

JIRA ticket


ModuleDependency files2
Both records had UUID's refreshed, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files2

Both records had UUID's refreshed, as expected
SimpleMap files2

2 new records added, as agreed after INSERM feedback on pre-Alpha release package (see email from Maria on 21/04/2020 at 07:50):

> 5caea278-f045-5ba4-ad02-bb5bae04b900 20200131 1 784009001 784008009 397430003 1679
> d138fd10-4fe3-530f-98e1-4d0c8807a7a9 20200131 1 784009001 784008009 445308004 1671

I also expected the removal of the two previous mappings to 1671 and 1679 (49351009 and  397428000 respectively) - however it looks as though these were inactivated in SNOMED a long time ago though, so never would have existed in the maps because they were inactive source concepts. So no need for these removals.

April 2020 Alpha (Version 1) package vs April 2020 Alpha (Version 2) package

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of records impactedJIRA ticketRationale
ModuleDependency files2
Both records had UUID's refreshed, as expected
RefsetDescriptor files2

Both records had UUID's refreshed, as expected
Simple Map files2

See email trail "Orphanet validation results April 2020" ending at 15:56 on 9/04/2020

See my test results here: Orphanet Validation results - 20200430.xlsx

2 records had their map targets amended, due to the Release testing finding 2x duplicate Orphanet codes having been used for these records:

< 7fe7439a-8a3b-5a15-9baa-a70bac53bfd2 20200131 1 784009001 784008009 297257004 408
> ad5263bf-c0ab-5916-8908-5591d1857f45 20200131 1 784009001 784008009 297257004 261476

< ad4158c6-a365-5864-b900-4449a2ae5557 20200131 1 784009001 784008009 70410008 170
> c7b25d3c-c696-5254-a169-d98b0c8ccd37 20200131 1 784009001 784008009 70410008 710

Other than that, simpleMap files contain 5689 active map records, as expected for this first Alpha release, confirmed by mapping team (Donna) via email at 12:43 on 07/04/2020