Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

November 2019 Production (Version 1) to November 2019 Production (Version 2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files19

19 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

ModuleDependency files2

2 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

Readme filen/a

Zip file name fixed as expected

OwlExpression files1

1 new record had UUID replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

November 2019 Pre-Production (Version 2) to November 2019 Production (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files19

19 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

ModuleDependency files2

2 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

Readme filen/a

All x prefixes removed as expected

OwlExpression files1

1 new record had UUID replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

November 2019 Pre-Production (Version 1) to November 2019 Pre-Production (Version 2) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
RefsetDescriptor files19

19 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

ModuleDependency files2

2 records had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

Readme filen/a
3x TextDefinition (ET) files added, as expected
TextDefinition (ET) files 0
New files added (for completeness of package) but zero records for EE as expected
OWLExpression files1

1 new record had UUID's replaced as this is a firstTime release so will happen for every build until Published!

> 13d232df-7c96-4d76-b4cf-5967cb7ebebf 20191130 1 11000181102 762103008 734147008 Ontology(<>)
< d686dfad-63fe-4088-9688-3bd0536a68e8 20191130 1 11000181102 762103008 734147008 Ontology(<>)

May 2019 Alpha (Version 1) to November 2019 Pre-Production (Version 1) traceability

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
Concept files


21 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.


new records added,

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

Attribute Value files

43 new records


> 06e90683-b00f-4e82-b63a-d8d78693e641 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 285911000181117 900000000000495008
> 2f667c4c-c010-4d79-a2c9-794e8f702a36 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 220651000181114 900000000000495008
> 334d97c5-37ca-4586-8f2d-608164612fa8 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 181761000181117 900000000000495008
> 35efc5ce-9c13-47a8-af93-074062a420ad 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 222301000181115 900000000000495008
> 3c3c4599-12d9-408e-bb73-04b40ca0f3e5 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 288851000181119 900000000000495008
> 3fb2e55b-3577-442b-9554-5667435d9ab2 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 242501000181113 900000000000495008
> 61626f15-991a-4138-b0ba-783296d977aa 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 274261000181119 900000000000495008
> 64993b18-aef4-4c5e-9c49-2430a93084a6 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 267581000181111 900000000000495008
> c168c64b-6feb-4dde-8580-dff5de9e9d52 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 220981000181114 900000000000495008
> c2074f2f-a387-441d-9bc0-2667d983e4c7 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 187381000181119 900000000000495008
> d036f96d-b1d4-4e2b-8904-6478ae2c6bc9 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 220361000181115 900000000000495008
> ec82b6c8-674c-490d-988c-97068f4b67fb 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 240471000181119 900000000000495008
> fa5e471a-69f5-4bc4-b1b3-4351e58f5ddf 20191130 1 11000181102 900000000000490003 183201000181111 900000000000495008

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Description (EN) files

42 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.


510 new records added

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Description (ET) files

495 new records added, plus

18 records inactivated, plus

0 records updated


7929 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

287 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Refset Descriptor files4

4 new records added, for 4 new refsets (2571000181104, 2561000181109, 2361000181104, 2551000181106) as expected:

> 63caf8c1-6e8e-44fa-b6c0-e6f75378e68a 20200530 1 11000181102 900000000000456007 2571000181104 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0
> 6ec8834a-0d4b-4c50-83ea-40fa4f47634a 20200530 1 11000181102 900000000000456007 2361000181104 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0
> 7f0dae5d-2cb9-4911-917b-23de747e3a1c 20200530 1 11000181102 900000000000456007 2561000181109 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0
> dc3f8995-cff9-41f1-a6c6-f9b34073d366 20200530 1 11000181102 900000000000456007 2551000181106 900000000000461009 900000000000461009 0

OwlExpression files

255 new records added, plus

0 records inactivated, plus

1 records updated


2 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

37 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Relationship files

297 new records added, plus

1 records inactivated, plus

0 records updated


21 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

16 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Stated Relationship files
0 records changed
All 21 Active Stated relationship records removed
, as expected due to
move to OWL
files in July 2019

Language Refset (EN) files


42 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.


new records added

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


Language Refset (ET) files

495 new records added, plus

18 records inactivated, plus

10 records updated


7929 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

287 new records added expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


ModuleDependency files2
Both records have had their effectiveTimes
and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle

11 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

updated with May 2020, as expected.
eestiAntibiootikumtundlikkuseUuringuVastuseKlassifikaator RefsetALL
New refset added for this release!
eestiKvalitatiivseUuringuVastuseKlassifikaator RefsetALL
New refset added for this release!
eestiMeditsiinilaboriteProovimaterjaliTüübiKlassifikaator RefsetALL
New refset added for this release!
eestiHistoloogiliseDiferentseerumiseAstmeKlassifikaator RefsetALL
New refset added for this release!
eestiKehapiirkonnaKlassifikaator Refset

1 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

7 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.


> 481fc1e4-b3e8-44a3-968f-96e02d472b78 20200530 1 11000181102 361000181106 818983003

Plus 2 records updated:

< 25275416-fb60-421a-99e2-c48b41dfda83 20191130 1 11000181102 361000181106 113345001
> 25275416-fb60-421a-99e2-c48b41dfda83 20200530 0 11000181102 361000181106 113345001

< 802a2799-e531-43a8-8bfa-8bff24a8ffca 20191130 1 11000181102 361000181106 416949008
> 802a2799-e531-43a8-8bfa-8bff24a8ffca 20200530 0 11000181102 361000181106 416949008

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


eestiKäitumiseHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset

0 new


records added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiKahjustuseRaskusastmeKlassifikaator Refset4

4 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiAboVeregrupiKlassifikaator Refset5

5 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiAbivahenditeJaMeditsiiniseadmeteKlassifikaator Refset84

84 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiKukkumisePõhjuseKlassifikaator Refset7

7 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiKukkumiseRiskiHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset4

4 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiKukkumistTäpsustavateAndmeteKlassifikaator Refset16

16 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiMikrobioloogiliseUuringuVastuseKlassifikaator Refset4322


???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiKahjustuseRaskusastmeKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiAboVeregrupiKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiAbivahenditeJaMeditsiiniseadmeteKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiKukkumisePõhjuseKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiKukkumiseRiskiHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiKukkumistTäpsustavateAndmeteKlassifikaator Refset


0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiMikrobioloogiliseUuringuVastuseKlassifikaator Refset210

204 new record added, plus

6 records inactivated, plus

0 records updated


4157 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

165 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release. expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


eestiPatomorfoloogiliseLõppdiagnoosiKlassifikaator Refset


3035 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.


new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

, plus

45 records inactivated, plus

0 records updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


eestiPlaneeritavaOperatsiooniKlassifikaator Refset

2 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiProovimaterjaliUuringuPaikmeKlassifikaator Refset621

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiProovimaterjaliUuringuPaikmeKlassifikaator Refset12

9 new record added, plus

3 records inactivated, plus

0 records updated


619 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

2 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release. expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see


eestiRhdKuuluvuseKlassifikaator Refset

3 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiSuitsetamisharjumusteKlassifikaator Refset4

4 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiToitumiseHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset7

7 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.


2 new record added, plus

2 records inactivated, plus

0 records updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiSuitsetamisharjumusteKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiToitumiseHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiUneHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

eestiValuLiigiKlassifikaator Refset0

0 new records added/updated

???????????? expected as confirmed by Estonia NRC in their review of the comparison on 27/11/2019 - see

Readme filen/a

x prefixes added, as expected for Pre-Prod release.

Also 12 new records added as expected, in order to denote the 4 new refsets (x3 files each) introduced in this release

eestiUneHinnanguKlassifikaator Refset5

5 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

eestiValuLiigiKlassifikaator Refset3

3 records just had their effectiveTimes and UUID's refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle.

0 new record added

Full/Delta/Snapshot files all match, as expected as this is a FirstTime Production release.

Readme filen/aEffectiveTimes and fielnames refreshed, due to the move from Alpha to Production release in this cycle
