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Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
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September 2019

March 2020 PreProduction (


version1) vs

September 2019

March 2020 Production (version1

) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)RationaleNONENo changes as expected, as this was just a build against the final versioned content, which matched exactly the signed off PreProd version5 packageSeptember 2019 PreProduction (version1) vs September 2019 PreProduction (version3

) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2

Stated Relationship files

OWLExpression files11


Relationship files84

September 2019 Production (PUBLISHED) vs March 2020 PreProduction (version1) traceability 

Differences found in package Comparison

Number of RF2 records impactedRelated JIRA ticket(s)Rationale
ModuleDependency files2

2 records updated for March 2020 release dates as expected

AttributeValue files


29149 new records!! As expected??!!

AssociationReference files0

Language (DA) files416

227 new records +

187 inactivations +

2 updated records

Language (EN) files0

Concept files0

Description (DA) files414

227 new records +

187 inactivations +

Description (EN) files0

OWLExpression files0

Relationship files2

2 new records:

> 1193931000005125 20200331 1 554471000005108 16011591000119100 19130008 4 116676008 900000000000011006 900000000000451002
> 1193941000005122 20200331 1 554471000005108 555231000005107 788628004 0 726542003 900000000000011006 900000000000451002

Stated Relationship files0

Readme filen/a
Dates changed for March 2020 as expected