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Following up from the Editorial AG cal 22-Aug, additional examples from existing content have been identified. Note that examples from the Product hierarchy have been excluded as specific guidelines for this hierarchy will be developed and the hierarchy does not include ranges (with isolated exceptions).

Midwife attends 1-10 days post-discharge (finding)
Midwife attends 25-28 days post-discharge (finding)

On examination - height 10-20% over average (finding)
On examination - weight 10-20% below ideal (finding)

On examination - fundus 16-20 week size (finding)

On examination - fetal heart 120-160 (finding)
On examination - fetal heart > 200 (finding)

On examination - visual acuity right eye=6/18 (finding)

Walks 0-29 meters in 1 minute (finding)
Walks more than 120 meters in 1 minute (finding)

Blood glucose 0-1.4 mmol/L (finding)
Blood glucose 1.5-2.4 mmol/L (finding)
Semen volume good: 2-5 ml. (finding)

Sperm number/cc low: 10-30 million (finding)
Sperm motility 6-8 hours very low - less than 10% (finding)

N1bii: Metastasis in 4 or more lymph nodes, any > 0.2 cm and all < 2 cm in greatest dimension (finding)

Superficial X-ray therapy 10-60 kV (procedure)
Deep X-ray therapy 150-400 kV (procedure)

Antenatal ultrasound scan at 9-16 weeks (procedure)
Mobility allowance medical 1.5 - 2.5 hours ex-surgery (procedure)

Baby birth weight equal to 3% - 9% (2500-2849g) (finding)
Birth head circumference equal to 10th-24th centile (finding)

Birth length equal to 10th-24th centile (finding)

Child weight=25th-49th centile (finding)
Child head circumference equal to 25th-49th centile (finding)

Closed fracture of vault of skull with intracranial injury, with 1-24 hours loss of consciousness (disorder)

Burn involving 10-14 percent of body surface, with 10-14 percent of body surface with full thickness burn (disorder)

Contributors (1)

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    Number of comment 1

1 Comment

  1. Current editorial guidance does not support numeric ranges unless internationally agreed.