
Hi CMAG members,

The current representation for limbs and girdles has been undertaken as part of the anatomy project. The proposed revision is intended to improve the quality of body structure hierarchy. Since these changes will have a wider impact on the model and classification of diseases and procedures, the Advisory Groups are being asked to review the proposal and provide feedback.

The comments can be added directly in the Google doc at the following link:

It will be much appreciated if feedback could be provided before 10th August.



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  1. Hi Cathy, I've asked my colleague Sander Mertens to review this on behalf of the Netherlands, as I'm not sufficiently familiar with the anatomical structures. But I'm glad this area is slated for improvement (smile)

  2. Hi Cathy Richardson,

    Is the access public? Can we provide the link to our stakeholders to access the google document?

    1. Hi Linda Parisien, Yes you can provide access to stakeholders via the link.  Regards, Cathy Yongsheng Gao- FYI.