Page tree


Name: This is the name of the task, clicking on the task name will launch the edit screen.

Project: This is the project the task belongs to.

Task Id: This is the id generated by JIRA for the task.

Last Modified: This is the date that the task was last modified.

Project Changes: This is a notification that the base for the project has changed, and the task needs to pull in changes form the project. For more information see: Rebase Task - Pull in Changes From Project


This is a notification of when classification has run and the status of the report. The possible icons and colors are:

Red - Report contains equivalency errors

Grey - Classification is currently running

Amber - Classification report contains redundant stated relationships

Green - Classification report is complete.

Validation : This is a notification of when classification has run and the status of the report. The possible icons and colors are:


Building - Validation report is currently building

Failed - The validation report has failed

Completed - The validation report has completed


This is a notification of feedback being received or read. The two possible icons are:

New Feedback - When new feedback is received on a review the notification changes to an "unread symbol"

Feedback is Read - This indicates that feedback that has been left has been read.


The task status indicates where the current task is currently in the workflow.

New - The task has been created but no edits have been made to it

In Progress - The task has been assigned, the task will remain in this state unless it is is going through the review process of it has been promoted

In Review - The task is currently In Review for feedback.

Review Completed - The review is complete but the originating author has not yet opened it, once the originating author opens the task it will move back to In progress.

- The task has been promoted to the project, no further changes can be made to this task.


- The task is submitted for review but not yet claimed by a reviewer.

- The task is submitted for review and has a reviewer assigned to it.

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