Page tree

StatusReady for implementation



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance

[course] Rheumatoid arthritis with [body structure in -itis form] - itis (disorder)


[course] Rheumatoid [body structure in -itis form] - itis


Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to

< 52661003 |Extra-articular rheumatoid process (disorder)|

Template Language - In progress

Link to misalignment reports:

Rules for generating descriptions:

  1. Rules for description generation:

    1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates
    2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language
    3. Remove word 'chronic' from the descriptions of [morphology] to avoid double 'chronic', e.g. chronic chronic inflammation in descriptions. 
    4. When clinical course is chronic and morphology has value of Chronic inflammatory morphology, descriptions are commonly presented in form of -itis, e.g. Chronic rheumatic carditis, Chronic rheumatic valvulitis. The variable [morphology] should be kept in descriptions. Then, authors should modify descriptions manually.  New rules can be developed in future to generated descriptions based on finding site, e.g. liver structure - hepatitis, pancreatic structure - pancreatitis.  

JIRA ticket:

QI-764 - Getting issue details... STATUS

INFRA-7125 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Hello Bruce Goldberg

    Remodeled RA as discussed at ECE meeting Monday 22nd Feb, and separated the template into two templates (1) Rheumatoid arthritis and (2) Extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis.


  2. Hi Nicola Ingram,  I have updated the domain and PPP parent to 52661003 |Extra-articular rheumatoid process (disorder)|. The finding site is further restricted to exclude 'joint structure' in the second role group. This will exclude conditions such as bilateral rheumatoid arthritis. The cardinality of the second role group is mandated to ensure the co-occurrent association. The description 'rule d' will require significant work to figure out a way for automation. Please test the template language against the content to see if any further refinement is needed.



  3. HiYongsheng Gao. Shouldn't this template have Rheumatoid arthritis as a 2nd parent?

    My notes from Feb. 22 ECE call:

    • Manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis
      • Model with 2 parents, 69896004 |Rheumatoid arthritis (disorder)| and 52661003 |Extra-articular rheumatoid process (disorder)|
      • Retire 239795001 |Rheumatoid arthritis with multisystem involvement (disorder)| maybeA 2661003 |Extra-articular rheumatoid process (disorder)|
  4. Thanks for updating the template format Yongsheng Gao

    Bruce Goldberg Re. your 2 parents point they are not required as 52661003 |Extra-articular rheumatoid process (disorder)| is a subtype of 69896004 |Rheumatoid arthritis (disorder)|?

  5. Nicola Ingram,  Yongsheng Gao 

    This is still a little confusing. Currently, in the daily build brower, Rheumatoid arthritis is still modeled as a kind of arthritis so including Extra-articular rheumatoid process as a subtype does not make sense to me and which is why I originally advocated for moving the latter from under RA. On the other hand, If we mean Rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) to signify both joint disease and extra-articular manifestations then a simple soultion is to remove the finding site of joint structure from Rheumatoid arthritis (disorder) and just use joint structure for concepts specifying a joint such as RA of hand or for manifestations of RA which we had concluded mostly always include joint involvement. 


  6. Why is the occurrence relationship needed?

  7. Hi Bruce Goldberg, If RA is not defined by joint structure, we would not be able to infer joint involvement. We might need to discuss this further. 

  8. Hi Bruce Goldberg Yongsheng Gao

    See my comment on Rheumatoid arthritis of [joint structure] - v1.0 with a GCI solution explained and screenshot and task INTQA-5376 (placed in review for you both).

  9. Hi Nicki. If the first role group is to be modeled shouldn't this template have an additional optional parent of Rheumatoid arthritis?


  10. Bruce Goldbergsorry missed that and yes they are siblings now  e.g. 77522006 |Rheumatoid arthritis with episcleritis (disorder)|. 

    Added 69896004 |Rheumatoid arthritis (disorder)| an additional optional parent. 



  11. Yongsheng GaoTemplate is ready for review. Have not updated the Template Language with the new parent.



  12. Hi Yongsheng Gao,

    I'm not sure if we can implement points c and d in "Rules for generating descriptions". The description does not contain [morphology].

    And the [body structure in -itis form] in the description should have values of (<< 39352004 |Joint structure (body structure)|), is that right?

    1. Hi Quyen Ly, Please note, the role group for joint is optional.  For example, 398726004 |Rheumatoid lung disease (disorder)| though it does not have a structure in -itis form. The body structure in -itis form needs to be created when the finding site is not a joint, e.g. artery → arteritis. If the additional role group for joint exits, the 'arthritis' is also needed in the description.  Examples for concepts modelled by two role groups: 7607008 |Rheumatoid arthritis with pericarditis (disorder)|, 399923009 |Rheumatoid arthritis with arteritis (disorder)|.