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[Course] [Period of life] [Process] [Morphology] of [Body structure] caused by [organism] (disorder)


[Course] [Period of life] [Process] [Morphology] of [Body structure] caused by [organism]


Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined|

Applies to

<<  17322007 |Disease caused by parasite (disorder)|

Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Replace [morphology] by the word 'infection' if associated morphology is absent; 
  3. Replace [morphology] by the word 'infection' if associated morphology is 409774005|Inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality)| or 23583003|Inflammation (morphologic abnormality)|. 

JIRA Tickets:

INFRA-3057 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Hi Penni Hernandez, if the morphology is a subconcept of inflammatory morphology, the specific morphology needs to be represented in the description template. I have completed an initial analysis of infection modelled within and without associated morphology. Let's have a discussion on this topic. Cheers, Yong

  2. Please see the discussion about associated morphology at Re: Infection caused by [bacteria] - In Progress

  3. Yongsheng Gao I did read the discussion but I am not clear on what should be done here to finish up this template.  Thx

  4. Hi Penni Hernandez,  there are 19 concepts that are subconcepts of 95896000 |Protozoan infection. However, their morphologies are not subconcepts of << 409774005 |Inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality)|. For example, 400086005 |Amebic ulcer of skin (disorder)| has Ulcer (morphologic abnormality).  The list of concepts can be found by the following ECL query. 

    << 95896000 |Protozoan infection (disorder)|:116676008|Associated morphology (attribute)| !=  << 409774005 |Inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality)|

    So, this one can be merged into the template for infection [morphology] caused by [parasitic organism] that is in progress. The variable of morphologically abnormal structure will also cover the above 19 concepts as well.

  5. Yongsheng Gao I don't see a template "infection [morphology] caused by [parasitic organism]", or is it "Disease caused by [parasitic organism], or am I to create a new template?

  6. Hi Penni Hernandez, it is the one that you are working on. The morphology needs to be included in the description pattern. Cheers, Yong

  7. Penni Hernandez, I have updated this template to be generic for covering all parasitic diseases which includes protozoa infection. The rest templates for infection caused by parasitic organism or protozoa can be removed if you are happy with the changes. Cheers, Yong

  8. Yongsheng Gao This looks great. I'll delete the one that is now marked as a duplicate.  Actually I did not delete the duplicate it says there is an incoming link and I didn't want to break it.  It is marked as a duplicate.  Can this template be marked now as Ready for Implmentation?

  9. Yongsheng Gao Peter G. Williams question on this template for "Period of life" in the terming of the FSN.  I don't actually see this used in this concept model and if it was it doesn't seem like it would term correctly just being driven by the period of life concepts.  E.g. "Adolescence" would read better as "Adolescent", "Adulthood" as "Adult" and "Any period of life commencing after birth, but before death" as "Acquired".  I don't see any general rules but could be missing them.

    1. Thanks Penni Hernandez, I just added some new general rules to cover your feedback at General rules for generating descriptions for templates Please feel free to update. 

  10. Peter G. Williams Yongsheng Gao I don't think we can require a "causative agent", there are concepts simply defined with the "pathologic process" and no specific organism.  e.g. 714084001 |Infection of respiratory tract caused by parasite (disorder)|

    1. Penni Hernandez, good point. updated the cardinality to 0..1 for causative agent and also [course] is placed at the beginning for the description pattern

  11. The term includes "of [Body structure]", but we don't seem to have a finding site - optional or otherwise.   I'll add that in now, but just wanted to flag that to Michael Chu in case he's already implemented it.

  12. Peter G. Williams It hasn't been done yet. Thanks for adding the missing attribute.

  13. Hi Yongsheng Gao

    I have a question for this template. The template slot "Process" now has only one value "442614005 |Parasitic process (qualifier value)|". So should we remove that slot out of template or change the description terms?