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StatusIn PROD



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance[
[Course] [Periods of life] [Process] [Obstruction morphology] of [Gastrointestinal lumen structure] caused by [agent] (disorder)FSNus:Pgb:Pci
[Course] [Periods of life] [Process] [Obstruction morphology] of [Gastrointestinal lumen structure] caused by [agent]SYNus:Pgb:Pci

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined|

Applies To:

<<   126765001 |Gastrointestinal obstruction (disorder)|

Where the obstruction is due to to a procedure or finding the complication template should be used : Clinical finding/Disease due to [Clinical finding/Disease]

Template language: 64572001 |Disease (disorder)|  : [[~0..1]] {[0..1]  263502005 |Clinical course (attribute)|  = [[ +id (<  288524001 |Courses (qualifier value)|  ) @course]]}, [[~0..1]] {[0..1]  42752001 |Due to (attribute)|  = [[ +id (<<  404684003 |Clinical finding (finding)|  OR <<  71388002 |Procedure (procedure)| ) @dueto]]} [[~1..1 @rolegroup]]{ [[~1..1]]  116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  26036001 |Obstruction (morphologic abnormality)|  ) @morphology ]], [[~1..1]]  363698007 |Finding site (attribute)|  = [[+id(<<  432899004 |Structure of lumen of gastrointestinal tract (body structure)|  )]], [[~0..1]]  246454002 |Occurrence (attribute)|  = [[ +id(<  282032007 |Periods of life (qualifier value)|  ) @occur]], [[~0..1]]  370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)|  = [[ +id ( <  308489006 |Pathological process (qualifier value)|  ) @proc]], [[~0..1]]  246075003 |Causative agent (attribute)|  = [[ +id (<  410607006 |Organism (organism)|  OR <  105590001 |Substance (substance)|  OR <  78621006 |Physical force (physical force)|  ) @causative]] }

Link to the misaligned concept report:

Rules for description generation: 

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language;

JIRA ticket:

INFRA-3842 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Yongsheng Gao - template for review. Misaligned report already run. Cheers, Cathy

  2. Cathy Richardson, should it be modelled as a complication if an obstruction is due to a procedure/finding? It might be suitable for a separate template or the complication template created by Bruce. Please add a link to the misaligned report on this page as well.

  3. Yongsheng Gao page updated as requested. Regards, Cathy

  4. Yongsheng Gao this is back to you for review. Cheers, Cathy

  5. Cheers Cathy Richardson, approved. It is ready for technical implementation if no further changes.

  6. Cathy Richardson , Yongsheng Gao . Regarding:

    "Where the obstruction is due to to a procedure or finding the complication template should be used : "

    Should we just add optional due to relationships to this template as we are no longer assigning complication parents?

  7. Bruce Goldberg , Yongsheng Gao - agree with this change. If Yong also in agreement I will update template next week. Cheers, Cathy

  8. Hi Bruce Goldberg, many thanks for the suggestion. I have updated the template. Please let me know if any further change is needed. 

    Cathy Richardson  you might need to run the alignment report again. If those concepts with complication parent were not reported, you might need to do an ECL query to find them.  

