Page tree

StatusIn review



Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance

[Course] [Periods of life] [Neoplasm morphology] of [body structure] (disorder)


[Course] [Periods of life] [Neoplasm morphology] of [body structure]


Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|

Applies to

<<  363346000 |Malignant neoplastic disease (disorder)|  MINUS <<  269475001 |Malignant tumor of lymphoid, hemopoietic AND/OR related tissue (disorder)|

Template Language

Link to the misaligned concept report:

Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates
  2. Apply Enhancements for the Template Language;

Jira ticket:

QI-384 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. Yongsheng GaoPrimary malignancy in morphologies and disorders and secondary/metastatic is work-in-progress - can this Template and its 3 sub-templates be moved back to under review?

    cc Paul Amos

    1. Hi Nicola Ingram, this template has not been implemented yet. Yes, we can move it back to in progress until all templates are ready.

  2. Yongsheng Gao can you review I have updated this Template (misaligned report using template language would not run). Also will update primary and metastatic templates.



    1. Hi Nicola Ingram  could you please make the changes to address those identified issues first? Then, we can run the alignment report again to ensure this template can achieve the goal.

  3. Yongsheng Gao updated Template ready for review and implementation in Prod.

  4. Yongsheng Gao can you review this template and move to implementation in AP Prod thanks.

    1. Hi Nicola Ingram , Please provide a link to the misaligned concept report. 

  5. Yongsheng Gao had to add the line [[~0..1]] 370135005 |Pathological process (attribute)|   =  1234914003 |Malignant proliferation of primary neoplasm (qualifier value)| , and now the misaligned report is as expected - added. Can this move to implementation?

    1. Hi Nicola Ingram  there are about 60 misaligned concepts. Could you please address them first?



  6. Yongsheng Gao They are expected  - the subhierarchy = 5710 concepts.

    If I check them as correctly misaligned will that be OK (can mark on sheet)?

    1. Hi Nicola Ingram  Yes, please add reasons for why these misaligned are acceptable. For example, 1172793008 |Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of gingival mucosa (disorder)|. should be marked as primtive because a new anatomy concept is needed to fully define it. It is incorrect to have two finding sites in two role groups for this concept. 

  7. Yongsheng Gao   - looks like a primitive parent of 'Non-plaque induced gingival disease (disorder)' was assigned sometime - I think that is why it has failed but I take the point anatomically speaking. Will look at the others.