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Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLangauge/acceptabilityCase significance
LOINC FSN + (Observable entity)FSNUS:PTGB:PTCS

Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined (core metadata concept)|     

Rules for description generation:



  1. Yongsheng Gao The template service we have in place can only take batch files containing values which relate to relationship slots within a template. Looking at the descriptions on this template they seem to be custom values from the batch file?
    CC: Steve Marchant

  2. Kai Kewley all values specified in the table for concept model are constraints. They should already be covered by the MRCM rules for LOINC.

    The descriptions covers the information that are needed for exporting expression refset as I mentioned in the requirements. Should we integrate Peter's script as part of template based import? So, we can have a single consistent batch import function. 

  3. Yongsheng Gao I'm just chatting with Peter. Do we expect the LOINC content to adhere to the SCA MRCM? Although we are able to disable MRCM for an SCA project this means the project can not be promoted which will affect the release process.

  4. Kai Kewley  Yes, the LOINC templates should be conformed to the MRCM. The other templates specified more restricted constraints but they are still conformed to the MRCM.

    1. Good news, thank you.

  5. Yongsheng Gao Could I propose a batch import format which includes template slots and extra columns for the additional descriptions.

    So for this LOINC template the batch import file would have columns like:

    ComponentProperty typeTime aspectDirect siteInheres inScale typeLOINC FSNLOINC unique IDPublished UUIDCorrelation ID
  6. Kai Kewley Most LOINC templates are fully defined, but some will be primitive. I think the definition status is needed.

    Should it also include LOINC FSN as PT for import? It would be fine if you will create FSN and PT based on the values in this single column LOINC FSN. You will have to check the data type of "synonyms" during the export by this approach because there are two types of data.

    There is an alternative approach which is not ideal. You can make UUID or LOINC as PT, therefore, it will be easy to export based on the each description type. However, The downside is a lot warnings for the difference between FSN and PT. 

    I know you have skipped IS-A because they are always be the same. I am hoping the batch import based on template can be generalised for all different use cases. At this iteration, we will not have the option for author to select components for import.  However, a standard generalized import file format (with option to omit or add) would be much appreciated, such as

    FSN, PT, SYN,  IS-A, Attribute(s) and role group, Definition status



  7. Yongsheng Gao Yes, I've skipped the IS-A because it's not a template slot.

    I have added a feature to the template service to allow "additional slots". These are slots where values are provided by a batch file and used in descriptions but are not part of the logical template and not used in relationships. This seems to be working to generate LOINC concepts for this template. I have not included the UUID in my implementation because I am uncomfortable storing that in the concept, I'm not sure how we would populate that value for new concepts and we already have a unique LOINC identifier on the concept. I am thinking the LOINC export functionality should take the previously published LOINC file as input so it can reconcile published UUIDs against the LOINC unique ID before exporting and generating new UUIDs where needed.

    I am using all synonyms and prefixing the unique ID synonym term with "LOINC Unique ID:" and the correlation ID term with "Correlation ID:".

    One or two rows of sample LOINC import data would be very helpful for testing if you can it.

  8. Thanks Kai Kewley, it sounds good to me. 

    Farzaneh Ashrafi Suzanne Santamaria could you provide simple for this template? So Kai can test his solution.

  9. Yongsheng Gao and Kai Kewley

    Hi Both,

    I will submit a sample shortly, but would like to confirm the following as required field in the sample file. Do you need any additional information?

    ComponentProperty typeTime aspectDirect siteInheres inScale typeLOINC FSNLOINC unique IDPublished UUIDCorrelation ID



    cc: Suzanne Santamaria

    1. Hi Farzaneh Ashrafi, those are the required fields. We will generate the concepts using the template (smile)

  10. Kai Kewley Yongsheng Gao Suzanne Santamaria


    Please see the attached excel file which contains 2 LOINC terms with the specified template (99-1).



    1. Perfect thanks Farzaneh Ashrafi. It looks like this will work.