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StatusReady for implementation


New version2.0


Termdescription typeLanguage/acceptabilityLanguage/acceptabilityCase significance

[Course] [Periods of life] [morphology] of [body structure] (disorder)


[Course] [Periods of life] [morphology] of [body structure]


Concept model:

Definition status:  

900000000000073002 |Defined|

Applies to:

<<  40733004 |Infectious disease|

Rules for description generation:

  1. Apply General rules for generating descriptions for templates;
  2. Replace [morphology] by the word 'infection' if associated morphology is absent; 
  3. Replace [morphology] by the word 'infection' if associated morphology is 409774005|Inflammatory morphology (morphologic abnormality)| or 23583003|Inflammation (morphologic abnormality)|. 
  4. If pathologic process has value of infectious process and associated morphology is not inflammatory morphology, the word 'infective' or 'infected' should be placed before the morphology, e.g. infected wound 

JIRA ticket:

QI-157 - Getting issue details... STATUS

INFRA-3100 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  1. 609342007 |Infected superficial injury, by site (disorder)| is an example of a concept that uses 442083009 |Anatomical or acquired body structure (body structure) as a finding site, so I think we need to change this template to use descendant OR SELF ( "<<" ) rather than just descendant (" < " )

    FYI Suzanne Santamaria Yongsheng Gao

  2. Suzanne Santamaria, as the concept 609342007 |Infected superficial injury, by site (disorder)|  is simply an organizational grouper with no clinical use, would recommend testing the impact of inactivating this, then can leave the template finding site as descendent.  I would warrant that 609342007 |Infected superficial injury, by site (disorder)|  is never the sole parent on a subtype. 

    1. Jim Case , 609342007 |Infected superficial injury, by site (disorder)| has already been inactivated. However there are still 12 infection disorder concepts that use 442083009 |Anatomical or acquired body structure (body structure) as a finding site (list below).  In addition, 118234003 |Finding by site (finding)| is an antecedent of the blood stream infection concepts below. Do we want to inactivate concepts like 312146001| Fungal infection by site (disorder)?

      Cytomegalovirus viremia (disorder)1085381000119108
      Post procedure puncture site infection (disorder)698820005
      Infected foreign body by site (disorder)609374000
      Infected insect bite by site (disorder)609337004
      Candidemia associated with intravascular line (disorder)432480003
      Candidemia (disorder)432261003
      Infection of bloodstream (disorder)431193003
      Fungal infection by site (disorder)312146001
      Viral infection by site (disorder)312130009
      Bacterial infection by site (disorder)301811001
      Infection by site (disorder)301810000
      Injection site infection (disorder)95381006
  3. Suzanne Santamaria I would support the inactivation of "X by site" concepts as they do not provide much benefit.

    1. Jim Case , I have edited or inactivated those 12 concepts plus a few more in QIJUL21-433. In addition, I inactivated some "X disorder by site" type concepts and "connective tissue by site" anatomy concepts in separate tasks. I've created an updated version of the template and submitted it via  TBBA-455 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

  4. Hi Suzanne Santamaria possible suggestion to change the name of this template as NOS has a specific meaning in classification terms (i.e. means just a plain, unspecified infection thus the causative agent included here would not be required if this NOS was interpreted in a classification context - ICD-10 - from where it originates (also speaking as someone working to remove all traces of NOS from SNOMED morphologies (smile))


    1. Nicola Ingram , I agree and have updated the name of the template moving forward (see "for review" version here: